Tag: safety
Amber Travsky is the ride director for Tour de Wyoming, an annual week-long mass bicycle tour that for 18 years has ushered cyclists around the Cowboy State.
During this year’s tour of the Wind River Mountains, Travsky heard the words that no ride director wants to hear:
“Amber, someone’s been hit.”
She writes about the collision …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2014/08/05/the-words-no-mass-bike-ride-director-wants-to-hear/
“Seattle has banned drivers from turning right at one of the city’s busiest intersections, to protect the thousands of bicyclists passing through.” — Seattle Times
That temporary right-turn ban during road construction at the busy Mercer Street-Dexter Avenue intersection warranted front page play above the fold in this morning’s Seattle Times.
Making a road safer for …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2014/08/04/making-streets-safer-for-bicyclists-is-headline-news-in-seattle/
A flashing “Watch for Bikes” sign on State Route 150 on Lake Chelan’s north shore uses radar to detect when bicyclists are using the winding, shoulderless road.
The sign has amber beacons that begin blinking when a bicyclist passes by, warning motorists driving along Rocky Point that a bicyclist is ahead in the road.
In …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2014/06/17/warning-signs-use-radar-to-detect-bicyclists/
There’s a surprising statistic in the bicyclists traffic death data collected over the past couple of years by the League of American Bicyclists.
In a report issued on Wednesday to coincide with the annual Ride of Silence, the League reports that rear-end collisions are responsible for 40% of bicyclist deaths — the highest category by far.
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2014/05/22/bicyclist-league-report-shines-light-on-traffic-deaths/
Police in India say they’ve arrested six men who confessed to raping a Swiss woman who was touring the country by bicycle with her husband.
The horrific news of the rape surfaced over the weekend from a country where sexual attacks against women have been described as a “national problem” by the UN’s chief of …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/03/18/arrests-in-rape-of-swiss-bicycle-tourist-in-india-traveler-warnings-for-women/
Two brothers are developing a horn that enables cyclists to be heard, if not seen, on their bicycles.
Called Loud Bicycle, the small horn is activated by a button on the handlebars and blares with the same loudness and pitch of a car horn.
Says Loud Bicycle developer Jonathan Landsey:
“Drivers react to car horns …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/01/07/bicycle-horn-gets-motorists-attention-in-a-hurry/
Three bicyclists are filming interviews and collision scenes as they head down the California coast this week to begin a cross-country bicycle tour.
They hope to learn how Americans share the road and why that leads to so many deaths and injuries to people on two wheels. They plan to release a documentary film on the subject in 2014 entitled “Spoke.”
There’s a lot of interest in their work. The three — Em Baker, Nick Navarro and Lauren Gardner — recently raised more than $11,000 for the project from 125 donors at Kickstarter.com. …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/10/04/unsafe-roads-filmmakers-search-for-answers-on-cross-country-bicycle-tour/
Three years after the state completed renovation of the Hood Canal Bridge linking the Kitsap and Olympic peninsulas, the Department of Transportation is returning to improve bridge deck safety for bicyclists.

The Bicycle Alliance of Washington announced that the WSDOT has agreed to get started soon on the project that should reduce the number of bike crashes on the grated bridge deck.
The current problems include uneven surfaces between bridge sections, slick metal plates, raised rivets and gaps that trap bicycle tires and cause falls.
Using a $1.3 million federal grant, the state will widen …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/08/07/improvements-for-bicyclists-due-on-hood-canal-bridge/
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