Tag: erectile dysfunction
There’s no argument that bicycling is good exercise for men. It reduces the risk of Type II diabetes, coronary disease and stroke. It reduces stress and releases endorphins that create an overall feeling of well-being.
Now, a UK survey of 5,000 male cyclists reports an increase in the rate of prostate cancer for those who …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2014/07/22/a-new-study-confuses-the-record-on-prostate-cancer-and-bicycling/
Cyclists shouldn't be suffering a lot of fear and loathing over the possibilities of male impotence caused by bike saddles. Anyway, isn't anxiety a major cause of erectile dysfunction?
The New York Times interviewed several specialists in a story this week (“Serious Riders, Your Bicycle Seat May Affect Your Love Life”) that concludes that most bike saddles do little to protect the sex organs …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/10/11/dont-fret-over-bike-saddle-it-might-only-make-things-worse/
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