Tag: bike camping
One of the common worries of bicycle travel involves pulling into a state campground late in the day and finding out that all the campsites are taken.
The prospect of heading out on a dark road or stealth camping in the woods looms ahead.
A policy update by the Washington State Parks assures this won’t …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2017/06/13/how-bicycle-travelers-can-pitch-their-tents-at-full-wa-state-park-campgrounds/
Interactive map of bicycle-friendly camping in western Washington
Adventure Cycling Association is celebrating the 40th anniversary of Bikecentennial 76 this summer by sponsoring National Bike Travel Weekend on June 3-5.
This is supposed to be fun, so there aren’t any hard and fast rules — except you need to ride a bicycle.
The Adventure Cycling staff just wants people to get in the bike-traveling mood this summer. Camp, stay at an inn, or plop down on a couch you found …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2016/05/23/where-you-might-camp-for-bike-travel-weekend-june-3-5/
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