Panel approves trail and rail report for Eastside Rail Corridor

If you’re wondering about the status of that abandoned railroad line stretching between Renton and Snohomish County, it’s as clear as the yellow signs that have been posted alongside the tracks in parts of King County:

“This portion of the Eastside Rail Corridor (ERC) is now under the ownership of King County. The ERC is …

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Corny logo for 2014 RAGBRAI bike tour unveiled

The organizers of RAGBRAI (Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa) revealed the official logo of the 2014 across-state bike ride last week.

It serves to remind us that it’s already time to start making sure that next year’s vacation schedules match up with our favorite big rides.

The nation’s oldest annual across-state bike tour …

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Noted producer-director’s first film — “Boy and Bicycle”

While actors and actresses are the ones with box office appeal, producer-director Ridley Scott regularly draws fans to the movieplexes to see his films.

But before there was The  Duellists, Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator and many others, there was Boy and Bicycle.

The black and white film was the first for Scott, who was born …

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Escaping the Seattle fog: Blue skies at the Hyak trailhead

If you’re like me, then this foggy weather is probably getting you down. I improved my outlook last weekend by taking a relatively short drive to Snoqualmie Pass where I pedaled on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail between Hyak and Easton in the glorious sunshine.

With more fog forecast for this coming weekend, it might …

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10 longest rail-trails for bicycling — John Wayne Pioneer Trail in Washington leads the list

The John Wayne Pioneer Trail — stretching for 253 miles across two-thirds of Washington state — now leads the list of longest rail-trail conversions in the U.S. [This story is from 2013; the trail is now (2021) named the Palouse to Cascades State Park Trail. It was surpassed in length by the addition to a …

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Dates for 2014 Cascade Bicycle Club rides and events

Do you try to participate in all the Cascade Bicycle Club rides and events in western Washington every year? If so, you’ll want to check out the Cascade 2014 event calendar.

(Member “Buy it Now” for RSVP I and II opens at 10 a.m. Jan. 7; member registration for Chilly Hilly, Flying Wheels, STP and …

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Bike friendly Davis, CA, lowers fines against bicyclists

Bicyclists who run stop signs in Davis — the first platinum level Bicycle Friendly Community — can expect police to issue more tickets soon.

The increased enforcement comes after the Davis City Council reduced fines for stop-sign violations from $202 to $50 for bicyclists.

Apparently police in the college town in California were “hesitant to issue citations for bicycle violations, fearing a significant level of animosity …

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New Bicycle Friendly Communities named; Anacortes, WA, is among them

Add 32 new cities to the League of American Bicyclists’ list of Bicycle Friendly Communities.

The advocacy group announced the new communities Tuesday morning, noting that suburban centers are gaining traction among the 291 Bicycle Friendly Communities in 48 states.


In Washington state, Anacortes made the list as a bronze-level bike friendly community. The …

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Thousands of welded bicycles create unique sculpture in Toronto

The simple, yet efficient, design of the common bicycle is repeated again and again — 3,144 times — in the sculpture Forever Bicycles on display in Toronto for the next couple of weeks.

The sculpture is the work of Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei, an internationally renown artist who is not allowed to leave his home …

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Adventure Cycling Association lists bicycle tours for next year

It’s not even Columbus Day, but you might want to start checking around for a guided bicycle tour to take next year.

The non-profit Adventure Cycling Association on Wednesday issued its list of more than 80 guided bicycle tours in the U.S. and warned that some of its most popular trips are already booked.

The …

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