Giving used bikes at Christmas

(UPDATED)What better gift for a boy or girl than a bicycle parked under a Christmas tree.

Here are a couple of stories of people in Chattanooga and rural North Carolina who collect and repair bikes for others this holiday season.

Parker Smith, a co-host on 96.5 FM (The Mountain) in Chattanooga, recently put out the word over his morning show that his friend, Carliss Dempsey, was seeking used bicycles …

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Cyclist hooks up with partners on cross-country bicycle tour

Floridian Jim Musante had planned to take a solo cross-country tour on his bicycle back in September.

Just a couple of days after leaving San Diego, however, he hooked with two University of Washington students — Matt Kopicky and Seth Berling — and they decided to make the trip together.

Wise choice.

They were following the same bike route across …

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Nogin Sox bike helmet covers

Can't get your kid to wear a bicycle helmet? Want to stand out in the crowd of 8,000 cyclists at next year's RAGBRAI?

Nogin Sox might solve your problem.  The Temecula, CA, outfit makes soft-foam helmet covers in several styles — screamin' frog (right), T-Rex, ladybug, spiked mohawk, exposed brain, or nail head.

It's said that desperation is the mother …

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Adventure Cycling Association awards trail angels, others

Whether they admit it or not, cyclists have a lot in common with Blanche DuBois, the Southern belle in the play, “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

That's because cyclists — especially those hanging it all out on long bicycle tours — have always “depended on the kindness of strangers.”

Several years ago, the Adventure Cycling Association began recognizing these “strangers” so …

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Cycling gets more clout in DC

How would you spend $25 million for bicycle and pedestrian facilities in your town? That's a question that reps (like Columbia Mayor Darwin Hindman, right) from four municipal governments get to consider when they meet in Washington DC this month.

The four — Columbia, MO, Sheboygan County, WI, Marin County, CA, and Minneapolis, MN — were named as pilot projects …

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Bicycle helmets to be required in Washington town

Port Townsend (WA) passed a mandatory bicycle helmet law Monday night, although it won't go into effect until 2007.
The City Council, on a split vote, approved the law, which would affect not just cyclists, but skateboarders and equestrians as well, according to the Peninsula Daily News.

At a public hearing before the vote, several speakers said they approved …

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Outrage over cyclist's death in South Carolina

A tempest is brewing on Hilton Head Island, SC, over the death of a 64-year-old cyclist and the light punishment that's being considered for the motorist who struck her.
As the Georgia-based My Big Fat Geek Cycling Blog asks: “What's wrong with this picture?”
The 26-year-old driver of the SUV apparently struck Nhiem Kim, 64, from behind as the bicyclist was …

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“LA Confidential” authors paid Armstrong accuser for interview

The authors of the speculative book “L.A. Confidential” paid Lance Armstrong's chief accuser for her interview, reports Outside magazine in an article posted on its website.

Reporter Joe Lindsey's long, detailed article published in the December issue looks at the various controversies surrounding Armstrong and doping allegations, specifically the charges in “L.A. Confidential.”

That book, and excerpts from it printed …

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10 ideas for putting the “bike” back in Christmas

The website recently listed its top 10 gift ideas for Christmas. I can't say that I agree with most of them, so I'll offer some better suggestions.

1. “Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance”
I'd say a better choice is “Anybody's Bike Book” by the late Tom Cuthbertson; anyone who suggests going for a beer during a particularly hairy bike fix speaks to me…

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Colorado patrol back pedals on bicycle-event limits

The chief of the State Patrol in Colorado is postponing for 12 months a ruling that would have limited bicycle events in the state to 2,500 riders.

After the Bicycle Colorado advocacy group released details of the ruling earlier this week, Chief Mark Trostel came under pressure from cyclists, organizers of bicycle tours and politicians to review his ruling.

At least …

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