The motorist who slammed into a bicyclist on a Utah highway last year was found guilty of negligent homicide on Thursday.
The jury's verdict means a judge could sentence 67-year-old Elizabeth Deseelhorst up to one year in jail for the death of Josie Johnson, 25, left. The Salt Lake Tribune reports the jury took 5 hours to reach a verdict. …
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When Jun Nakagawa pedaled his bicycle into Lake Isabella region on California, he had no idea someone was watching him.
Darrell Humphrey says he saw the 28-year-old Japanese bicycle tourist pedaling up a canyon road, and when he and his wife spotted him at a campground they asked if he'd like to get out of the weather for a couple …
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“It's rather sad that is takes a strike of a large labor union to turn this city into a venerable paradise for bike riding.”
BikeBlog, Dec. 21, 2005
The blogger at BikeBlog tells about joining a commute bike-pool with about seven people for Tuesday night's commute on first day of the strike. He says more bike pools are planned …
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Can you imagine Saddam Hussein tooling around Iraq on a bicycle?
According to one of his attorneys, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, that's one way the former dictator got around Iraq after the US invasion.
“I think he moved in different ways. I think he moved on bicycle, moved in groups, in a wagon … “
Clark told CNN's …
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The first thing I hear on the radio this morning is that thousands more people are riding their bikes or walking in New York City this morning.
Here are some online resources for bus or subway commuters who have suddenly taken up bicycle commuting. …
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“Usually after a few days of cycling in a state, we'd get an overall sense of the place. But in Missouri we said, 'Huh?' right up to the border.” …
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I've become a little jaded by the constant reports of hit-and-run accidents against bicyclists in my news searches; but it's startling to read one from my end of town.
Cyclist Ed Schmidt was riding his bicycle up the steep climb on the Forest Drive bike lane in Bellevue at 5:12 Tuesday evening when he was struck from behind by a …
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Washington State Sen. Jim Honeyford has prefiled a bill that restricts the use of bicycle baby carriers on roads in the state.
Labeled SB 6142, the bill states:
A person shall not operate a bicycle attached to an occupied baby carrier on a street or other public roadway, unless the bicycle is operated within a city or town that …
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The organizers of Spain's three-week-long bicycle classic are borrowing from races in France and Italy this year — lots of mountains. calls the 2006 Vuelta a Espana “One for the Climbers.”
The 1,900-mile bicycle race begins August 26 in the city of Malago on the Costa del Sol, ending September 17 in Madrid. More information in available at VeloNews…
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This reminds me of a dream I once had before a century ride. You know, like one of those anxiety dreams about showing up to school in your underwear.
Oh. You've never had one of those either? Just me?
From the Channel 4 website in Jacksonville:
“Orange Park man seen riding bicycle with no pants”
(Actually, it's the man without the pants, not …
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