The West's Top 10 City Bike Rides

A few days ago I mentioned that the Seattle Burke-Gilman Trail had been named among the West's Top 10 City Bike Rides by Sunset Magazine. What are the other 9, you ask?

Leading the list is the Paseo Del Bosque Trail, left, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The 16-mile bike path, which runs along the Rio Grande, has no street crossings along its entire length. It also has no water or restrooms. The flat trail passes beneath the busy highways and is a good place to see coyote, road runners and migrating waterfowl. …

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Photos from Interbike 2006

Pretty bicycles. Fast bicycles. Utilitarian bicycles. Comfort bicycles. Bicycle professionals visiting the Interbike International Bicycle Expo in Las Vegas this week shot lots of pictures of lots of bicycles.

I've saved a few off of and posted them here with descriptions. There are hundreds more at under the tag “Interbike 2006.” …

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Bicycle quote: Bike-vehicle collisions involving left turns

“I've investigated 50 bike accidents during the last 18 months and more than half of them were left-turn situations.”

— Seattle attorney John Duggan, who represents bicyclists in traffic cases.

He's quoted in a story about Susanne Scaringi, a West Seattle cyclist who was killed when she collided with a van that had made a left turn in front of her. Duggan said vehicles making left turns seem to be a common reason for collisions involving bicyclists. Critical Mass cyclists are expected to visit the intersection Friday night….

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Blogs check in from Interbike

The Interbike International Bicycle Expo begins its final day Friday, and bloggers are filing fast and furious. Here are some of the highlights I've seen in the blogosphere.

Bike shop owners should print out and post in their shops the blog entry from Alan Snel — Bike Stories on “Treat Your Customers Right.” Alan attended a seminar on bicycle retail trends and the speaker offered some tips …

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Cervelo Cycles announces bicycle recall

Cervelo Cycles has announced the recall of about 650 R2.5 model carbon fiber bicycles and bicycle frames because the frames can loosen or separate.

Distributed by Cervelo Cycles of Toronto, Canada, the frames were made in Taiwan and include only frames made in 2005 and carrying serial numbers higher than R251700. …

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Threats to one of the West's best urban bike trails

A recent issue of Sunset Magazine lists the Burke-Gilman Trail that runs through the Seattle area as one of the Top 10 City Bike Rides in the western United States.

Kudos to the 30-year-old urban bicycle trail. And shame on the City of Lake Forest Park for suggesting an ordinance that, in effect, would make it impractical to improve the narrow section of trail that runs through that city …

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Why did I wait to replace my bike components?

No, this isn't a photo of the latest drivetrain system on display at the Interbike International Bike Show. It's simply a picture of some badly needed new components for my worn out LeMond Tourmalet.

A slipping chain and a near-ballbusting experience — in addition to a tell-tale grinding from the bottom bracket — convinced me it was time to make the replacements after my bike tour of the Olympic Peninsula last month. …

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Business blogging from Interbike bike expo

Tim Jackson's excellent blog at Masiguy received a well-deserved mention in a New York Times article on Wednesday about bloggers who write — sometimes critically — about their business.

Jackson is brand manager for Masi Bicycles. He not only writes about his company's products, but other issues in cycling, such as doping.

It made me wonder, what are Jackson and his brethren blogging about from the Interbike International Bike Expo in Las Vegas this week?

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Pterosail — the sailing trike

I think we were on a bicycle tour to Montreal when my friend Bruce had the idea of attaching sails to our bikes to make them go faster. Always the practical one, I chalked it up as another of his hare-brained schemes, like his vacuum-cleaner shoes.

All I can say now is Bruce was ahead of his time.

A retired attorney has developed a sail system that attaches to a trike and propels it along the highway. The rig is called the Pterosail …

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Ultralight bicycle touring

One thing I discovered when I set off on my bicycle tour of the Olympic Peninsula was that I needed to learn more about lightweight bicycle touring.

On that bike tour last month I carried a couple of books, food in cans, a two-person tent (on a solo ride?), extra fuel bottles, yada yada. There were clothes I did not even wear. Just look at that mess of stuff spread out across the picnic table on the first night. I had added 55 pounds to my bicycle touring experience before throwing in a couple of last-minute odds and ends.

The Adventure Cycling Association has come to the rescue of bike touring hogs like me. …

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