2007 Giro d'Italia bike race route announced

Think pink this May when the 2007 Giro d'Italia bicycle race begins its three-week contest for the winner's pink jersey.

Ivan Basso, now a cyclist on the Discovery Channel pro cycling team, is looking to repeat his championship from last year when he was a member of Team CSC. Once again, the bike race is touted as one that favors the climbing specialists.

As last year's Giro d'Italia started in Belgium to commemorate Italians killed in a mine disaster in that country, the first three days of the 2007 Giro will be raced on the island of Sardenia …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/12/04/2007-giro-ditalia-bike-race-route-announced/

Playing on the cell phone; another light sentence in bicycling death

This case sends shivers up my spine.

Roger Kramer's Favorite Cycling Tours passes along the news article about a 19-year-old Illinois woman who pleaded guilty last week to the “petty offense” of hitting a bicyclist with her car while she was distracted by downloading ringtones to her cell phone.

The driver had veered so far off the road that she struck 25-year-old Matthew Wilhelm from behind the driver's side of the car, reported the Champaign (Illinois) News-Gazette. Wilhelm died a few days later. The charge against the driver, Jennifer Stark: improper lane usage. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/12/03/playing-on-the-cell-phone-another-light-sentence-in-bicycling-death/

The stuff we collect on a bicycle tour

The story I wrote for Saturday about the new Bicycling in Virginia map sent me searching through my box of old biking info in search of an old Bikecentennial map.

It had been awhile since I'd scrambled through this stuff, and I was shocked and awed by the sheer amount of stuff that I'd picked up during a cross-country bicycle tour in 1984. I gathered up the armload of maps, brochures and books I collected on the trip, put it on the bathroom scale, and discovered it weighed in at 8 pounds!

Not something to be proud of, especially in these days of striving for ultralight cycling.

What was in there? The heaviest item was my journal (shown at top with the Olympics Summer Games sticker). And of course I had a set of maps and guidebooks …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/12/03/the-stuff-we-collect-on-a-bicycle-tour/

Bicycling in Virginia map

Virginia has printed up a bicycle touring map for the state that includes major cross-state bike routes totalling some 800 miles, as well as a half dozen or more rail-to-trail bike paths and off-road mountain biking areas.

Bicycling in Virginia is also available online in two .pdf downloads at “full map” and the reverse “trail side.”

One of the main features of the map are the two US bicycle routes that criss-cross the state. Route 1 runs north-south about from the DC suburbs, through Richmond and into southern Virginia. The east-west Route 76 essentially follows the old Bikecentennial (Trans-America) trail …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/12/02/bicycling-in-virginia-map/

Across-state bicycle tours setting dates for 2007

BRAG. GOBA. RABGRAI. TRIRI. RAW. What the heck is this, alphabet soup? No, it's a very short list of some of the across-state bicycle tours that already have ride dates scheduled for 2007.

I spent some time vicariously bicycling across several states last night as I updated some of my listings at Across State Bicycle Tours. I read about bike tours that skirted mighty rivers, summited mountain passes and crossed deserts. Quite a few already have dates set and some are already taking registrations.

For instance, I learned that the Great Ohio Bicycle Adventure (GOBA) is called “Bike Me to the Moon” this year, and that Oklahoma Freewheel …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/30/across-state-bicycle-tours-setting-dates-for-2007/

Quote: Successful Lance Armstrong fails at retirement

(Update: Armstrong to ride Leadville 100 bike race next year; see inside)
“Yeah, I'm pretty much flunking at retirement. I didn't know how much I would miss my sport and all that it provided, both good and bad. From a physical standpoint, I miss the hard training. But I don't miss the racing.”

— Lance Armstrong responding to a question regarding his life after retiring from professional cycling. The 7-time Tour de France bicycle race champion …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/29/quote-successful-lance-armstrong-fails-at-retirement/

No “North American Eurobike” in Portland next year

As bicycle trade shows go, this has to be the shortest run in history.

Messe Friedrichshafen, the Germany-based owners of the Eurobike trade show, announced at the end of October that they would launch a show in Portland in September 2007. Here it is one month later, and they've already called off those plans.

Instead, the Eurobike folks are promoting a spring show to be held in tandem with the 2007 Sea Otter Classic …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/28/no-north-american-eurobike-in-portland-next-year/

How a rail line might become a major bike trail in Washington state

Can you imagine riding your bicycle in the future along this corridor where these railroad tracks run today? I can.

This is a very short stretch of a 47-mile railroad right-of-way that runs north-south about two miles from my home in the growing communities just east of Seattle.

The current owner, the BNSF Railway, wants to sell the 100-foot right-of-way. A deal currently in the works calls for the Port of Seattle to buy it for $100 million to $180 million and turn it over to King County along with the funds to build a bike and hike trail on it. In return, the Port gets the King County-owned 625-acre airfield just south of Seattle.

If the land swap deal happens — we'll probably know next year — the old rail line could become the backbone for a network of existing bike trails. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/28/how-a-rail-line-might-become-a-major-bike-trail-in-washington-state/

Bicycling the world's most dangerous road

Where would you go to bike the world's most dangerous road?

You might have your own local candidates for the distinction, but on a global basis it's the Unduavi-Yolosa Highway in the mountains near La Paz, Bolivia.

That's not me saying so. The Inter-American Development Bank judged this the World's Most Dangerous Road in 1995 based on the number of deaths per mile.

And the designation doesn't mean bicyclists avoid it. In fact, at least two La Paz-based bike touring companies …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/27/bicycling-the-worlds-most-dangerous-road/

Tyler Hamilton's curious statement clarified

American cyclist Tyler Hamilton has clarified a statement attributed to him last week when he signed up for a one-year contract with the Tinkoff Credit Systems pro cycling team. He writes on his website:

“I would like to clarify up-front, that an unauthorized translation of the Tinkoff team's initial press release issued in Italian on Friday, the 24th, has misinterpreted a quote from me. Although we notified the responsible parties of their error, and it was initially corrected, the quote has since been republished incorrectly. Given this confusion, the Tinkoff team has released a statement in response to the miscommunication.” …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/11/27/tyler-hamiltons-curious-statement-clarified/