So many naked bike rides — a scheduling headache in Seattle

jennhx at

It's sometimes a challenge to schedule bicycling tours that don't conflict with other recreational events.

But I was surprised to discover the niche of naked bicycling was so crowded on the Seattle calendar that the organizers of the World Naked Bike Ride here are struggling to find an open date.

I was reading over at the Gadling bicycle touring blog that World Naked Bike Rides — protesting oil dependency and the car culture — were held in Australia and South America on March 10, and that similar rides are scheduled in the northern half of the planet on June 9 and 30. I thought it would be cool to post the local date on the my bicycling calendar. …

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Burning more calories on your bike

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The growing obesity rate of Americans is one of the items that struck me in Trek Bicycle boss John Burke's slideshow to other bicycle makers the other day.

Burke showed a series of slides, represented at right, showing the increase and geographical range of obesity rates among adults Americans in the past 15 years.  

If you're in the obesity range — 30 pounds overweight for a 5-foot-4 adult — or you want to hold your weight steady, you might be interested to check out a calorie calculator that estimates how many calories are burned by different activities.

For instance, I discovered that one hour of cycling at 12-14 mph burns 594 calories, while one hour of blogging (writing) burns 72 calories. …

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Bellevue (Washington) bicycling survey; fill it out

Bellevue commuter

If you bicycle or walk around Bellevue, you only have about two weeks to have your voice heard in the Walk & Roll 2007 Pedestrian-Bike Plan.

An online survey is available at the city of Bellevue website through April 10. I filled it out recently and it only takes a few minutes.

It's basically a multiple choice survey — “always,” “sometimes,” “never” — to determine what bicycle facilities you use or would use if available. It also has space for respondents to fill in their major concerns or specific needs for bicycing in the city; this can be more time-consuming but it's necessary to put the officials on notice. …

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No jail time for legally blind motorist in bicyclist's death

Family members of a bicyclist who was struck and killed by a legally blind motorist in central Pennsylvania are livid that prosecutors are only seeking home confinement for the driver.

The CentreDaily reports that the Boalsburg man had filed medical disability forms beginning in the mid 1980s stating he was legally blind. He pleaded guilty this week to homicide by vehicle.

The victim's daughter says she thinks the prosecutor is taking the easy way out….

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Trek president says industry should take greater role in bicycle advocacy

“In my view, the industry's greatest opportunity is to create a bicycle friendly world.”

That was Trek president John Burke's message to industry leaders at the bicycle trade show in Taiwan last weekend.

Burke says that people are beginning to figure out that the bicycle is the simple solution to many of the world's greatest problems — air pollution, obesity, urbanization and traffic congestion.

Bike Biz editor Carlton Reid shot a video of Burke's talk before the bike industry's so-called A-team meeting in Taipei last weekend. It's 23 minutes on YouTube worth watching to boost your bike advocacy juices. …

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Dynacraft recalls 32,000 bikes sold at Target

Dynacraft BSC is recalling 32,000 bicycles sold at Target from September 2004 to February 2007 because the frames might crack.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission reports the recalled bikes are the Triax PK7 (model 8509-24) (at left) and Vertical PK7 (model 8596-71T) 20-inch aluminum cushion framed bicycles.

The model numbers and dates are attached right above the bottom bracket. …

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Rolling out the new Coasting bicycles

Trek Lime

Proper bicycling technique is all about spinning. There's also a lot of spin in the roll out of bicycles that use Shimano's Coasting concept.

Trek, Raleigh and Giant all have bicycle models based on the new Coasting prototype, a design to make bicycling more friendly for the 161 million Americans out there who don't already ride a bike.

US-based Trek is leading the charge with its new Lime bike. A couple of weeks ago it gave away Lime bikes to the entire Friday audience of the Ellen Degeneres show and launched a Lime blog, where it announces, among other things, celebrities who ride a Lime (Tom Hanks) …

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Slam-dunk investment for LeBron James in Cannondale Bicycle

LeBron James, the king of the basketball court in Cleveland, has acquired an undisclosed share of privately held Cannondale Bicycle.

James uses Cannondale bicycles for his annual charity bike ride for kids and single moms in Akron. In addition, he cross-trains on a custom-made Cannondale Caffeine 29er frame bike.

The 22-year-old All-Star for the Cleveland Cavaliers explained: “Biking is an extremely important part of my training routine, and I like to invest in what I know.” …

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Quote: Carlin on Armstrong

“(Expletive) Lance Armstrong. I'm just tired of being told who to admire in this country. . . . I'll pick my own heroes, thanks.”

Comedian George Carlin during a routine at the local Civic Center; “Carlin's still vulgar, but endearingly so,” Peoria Journal Star, March 26, 2007.

He's probably making a point about the …

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Airlines gouging bicyclists flying abroad

Travellers preparing for bicycle tours of Europe are discovering that the airlines are jacking up the prices to carry bikes.

The International Bicycle Fund reports that, beginning in 2007, most airlines began charging for bicycles carried on trans-Atlantic flights to the tune of $80 to $160 each way. Before this year, ibike reported that airlines generally allowed bicycles to fly free, in lieu of a piece of baggage.

Why is this happening? Ibike suggests collusion among the airlines to pump up earnings. …

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