Problems with bicycle; woman steals car

There's a story from Palm Beach about a woman who was having problems with her bicycle and traded it for a car the owner had left parked in front of a sandwich store with the engine running.

You know, I always worry about getting bike-jacked whenever I pass someone looking under the hood of their broken down car at the side of the road. When they watch me pedal by, I imagine they're thinking about how simple it would be to ride a bicycle and avoid all the mechanical problems of the internal combustion engine. …

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Tour de Kentucky bike tour raises money for MS

Twenty-three cyclists are hopping on their bicycles next month with the goal of cycling into eight states in eight days, just by pedaling the circumference of Kentucky.

The first-ever Tour de Kentucky is the idea of Bill Turner to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. He and his 22 teammates hope to raise $111,500 through the adventure.

Turner put together the unique tour route last fall, when he drove his van 3,200 miles around the perimeter of the state looking for good roads and border crossings. The actual route of the bike tour is 716 miles. …

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Bicycle Film Festival cities announced

The Bicycle Film Festival is expanding to 16 cities in 2007, starting with showing in New York City from May 16-20.

The festival celebrates all kinds of bikes through film, art and music. Films are usually presented by independent producers. Last year's films included “B.I.K.E.,” a film about New York's Black Label Bicycle Club, and “Something to Aim At,” the tragic story of bicycle racer Tom Simpson written and narrated by Phil Liggett.

In addition to New York, the Bike Film Festival is scheduled to visit Los Angeles, London, Paris, Chicago, Minneapolis, Toronto, Portland, San Francisco, Vienna, London, Milan, Rome, Barcelona, Tokyo, and Sydney. …

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Terminal cancer patient's cross-country bike tour documentary online

An hour-long documentary of Jane Tomlinson's cross-country bicycle tour last year is available for viewing online at the website of documentary filmmaker Martyn Hollingworth.

Tomlinson, a terminal cancer patient since 2000, undertook the 4,000-mile journey from San Francisco to New York last year to raise money for cancer research and support groups in her native UK. She also sought to prove that people with terminal cancer can go on living.

Accompanied by a small entourage that included her husband, friends, supporters and the filmmaker who variously rode with her or in a support van, Tomlinson suffered from the heat, the climb over the Rocky Mountains, the headwinds in Kansas and the barking hounds in Kentucky. …

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World's only bicycle lift is in Norway

Need a lift? An actual bicycle lift in the city of Trondheim, Norway, has provided cyclists with a little boost to the top of a steep hill in the historical part of town since the mid-1990s.

The owner of the bicycle lift, Design Management AS, says it's the only one in the world. Nearly a quarter-million people have used the lift since testing began in 1993, and the rate has increased to 20,000 to 30,000 a year.

About half of the passengers are college students who attend University of Trondheim at the top of the 425-foot-long hill, and 41% of the users say they ride a bicycle more often because of the lift. — Video and

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Stuart O'Grady wins Paris-Roubaix bike race

Australian Stuart O'Grady became the first Australian to win the trecherous Paris-Roubaix bicycle race on Sunday, finishing nearly a full minute ahead of his nearest challenger.

Called the Hell of the North because of 30-some miles of cobblestones, many crashes and frequently inclement weather, this year's 161-mile race appeared to be sunny and warm, but still bumpy. …

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Touring bicyclist lied to hide his identity as sex offender

If you find that strangers are a little less willing to offer a helping hand on your bicycle tour this summer, you can probably thank David Earl McCarthy.

McCarthy is a 53-year-old registered sex offender from Oregon whose bicycle touring trail has ended in Kentucky, where he was staying with a family on their farm.

The Kentucky family contacted police when they discovered he was cruising Internet pornography sites on their home computer. Authorities checked out his story and discovered he wasn't a retired Coast Guard officer and US Marshal from Alaska, but a sex offender with four convictions, 2 in Oregon and 1 each in North Carolina and Louisiana. …

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Iron Horse Bicycle Classic to cap riders at 2,500; Triple Bypass signups closed

If you want to ride in Colorado's Iron Horse Bicycle Classic bike race or bike tour this year, then you better sign up soon.

The popular bike race and bike tour through the San Juan Mountains between Durango and Silverton is being limited to 2,500 riders for the May 26-27 event. Organizers say 1,000 have already signed up at a rate 40% ahead of last year.

The decision to limit ridership is based on the safety of riders, the impacts on communities that host the ride, and law enforcement concerns. …

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2007 Face of America bicycle ride

If you are looking for a cycling event that will lift your spirits as well as your heart rate, check out the “2007 Face of America” ride April 28-29 that honors U.S soldiers severely wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The two-day, 110-mile ride from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, is being sponsored by World T.E.A.M. Sports — T.E.A.M. stands for The Exceptional Athlete Matters — whose mission is to use “the powerful platform of sports to bring together the disabled and able-bodied communities.”

As an able-bodied rider, you will be cycling through the rolling Pennsylvania countryside with disabled athletes, many of whom are soldiers who lost limbs in Iraq or Afghanistan and who will be riding hand-crank bikes and two-wheeled bikes with the aid of prostheses. …

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Landis' “clean” samples to get another look

Cyclist Floyd Landis' attorneys are objecting to a ruling that allows retesting of his Tour de France urine samples that had previously been found to be negative.

To add insult to injury, the samples will be retested at the same French laboratory where Landis alleges mistakes were made that resulted in positive results on “A” and “B” urine samples and led to charges of blood-doping against the 2006 Tour de France winner.

Landis has been battling the doping charges since shortly after the conclusion of the Tour de France. If he loses his upcoming case (scheduled to begin May 14 in Malibu) and any subsequent appeals, he would be stripped of his Tour de France championship and be banned from professional cycling for two years. …

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