AIDS/Lifecycle bike tour underway in California

A record 2,300 bicyclists are riding in this year's AIDS/Lifecycle, which began its 7-day tour down the California coast on Sunday.

Starting in San Francisco, the rolling fund-raiser made its first stop in Santa Cruz, left, on Sunday night at Harvey West Park.

The “inside” story of the event, which raised $11 million for AIDS research this year, is provided online at Experience AIDS/Lifecycle 6. The website offers bike tour images, four blogs, and a podcast all updated daily. …

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Mercer Island: Blow those stop signs and get a ticket

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Mercer Island is warning that police officers will issue tickets to bicyclists who don't stop at stop signs on the island.

It's part of a crackdown that is also to involve ticketing motorists who unsafely pass cyclists, particularly on the twisting Mercer Way loop around the island.

The island has been the stage for conflicts between bicyclists and motorists for years. Situated in Lake Washington between Bellevue and Seattle, the island is a thoroughfare for bike commuters passing through on the I-90 bike lanes. A narrow road that encircles the island is a popular loop for cyclists out for a spin. …

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Bicycling the Stanley Stammpede charity ride

This weekend, my son and I are riding our bicycles in the Stanley Stammpede, a charity bike ride to benefit the Stanley Stamm Children's Hospital Summer Camp.

The outdoor camp enables children, such as my developmentally delayed daughter, the opportunity to experience a typical week-long summer camp.

In spite of their disabilities, children like my daughter still like to be active and do things that other kids do. At left she's enjoys riding a trike at a recent family camp. …

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Pro cycling: “Keep 1996 Tour de France title, send back jersey”

Even though Bjarne Riis admitted that he used performance-enhancing drugs to win the 1996 Tour de France, he won't lose the title because of the pro cycling's 8-year statute of limitations.

At least the Union Cycliste Internationale should adopt using an “*” after his name and other cheaters as in:

“* — Admitted to using performance-enhancing drugs after the statute of limitations had expired, therefore the title remains on the books but means nothing.”

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Who gets 1996 Tour de France title?

Former Danish cyclist Bjarne Riis said he's willing to give up his 1996 Tour de France title after admitting on Friday to taking a medicine chest full of performance-enhancing drugs.

So who would be worthy to receive it? We might have to go pretty far down the list of finishers to find someone.

No. 2 that year was Jan Ullrich. No way. With 7 Telekom teammates already admitting to taking banned performance boosters, and doctors saying they readily dispensed them, is anyone serious about giving Ullrich the title? …

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Riis and Zabel admit to doping in 1996 Tour de France

Racing for Germany's Team Telekom in the mid-1990s must have been something like: “Fill up your water bottle, take your EPO injection, and get back on the bike.”

Bjarne Riis, winner of the 1996 Tour de France, is the latest former Telekom team member to admit to doping; he confessed publically Friday to taking EPO, human growth hormone and steriods from 1993 to 1998.

Erik Zabel and Rolf Aldag, two long-time T-Mobile (Telekom) cycling roommates, are disclosing that they doped with the banned blood-boosting agent EPO in the mid 1990s. They're among 7 Telekom cyclists who admitted to doping this week. …

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More companies that really promote bicycle commuting

If you enjoyed commuting to work by bicycle last week, you might to interested to know that there are some companies that support their bike commuters monetarily year-round.

Some bicycle-friendly firms pay a stipend, others reduce health-care charges, while others help pay for, or even give away, a commuting bike.

Here's a list of six companies recently listed in Business Week (“Who's Pushing Pedal-Pushing) and some I've written about in the past. ….

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Free bicycle DIY maintenance guide available online

There's a free, 11-page bike maintenance and tune up guide available online if you're looking for some basic do-it-yourself information.

The Gear Up! 2007 Bicycling Guide is produced by sports equipment retailer Sun & Ski and offers suggestions on when, where and how to lube your bike. It can be downloaded as a .pdf document.

A one-page chart near the front also suggests bike checks and services that should be performed …

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Seattle area bike commuters hit the road for Bike to Work Day

Sunny skies, crisp temperatures. What's not to like about a bicycle ride on a day like Friday in the Puget Sound, even if you are commuting to work?

Thousands of cyclists took to the streets in the Puget Sound this morning to participate in the 2007 Bike to Work Day.

The Cascade Bicycle Club was looking for 10,000 people to ride to work. Cities across the nation were looking at similar numbers on a day when gasoline prices set a record for the fourth straight day. …

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Seattle Bike to Work Day forecast: wear layers

It looks like Friday's Bike to Work Day weather forecast in the Puget Sound calls for sunny skies with a 100% chance of spinning bike tires.

You can check for weather updates here (and this being Seattle, I encourage it), but there's no rain forecast until early Saturday. Temperatures range from a low of around 45 Friday morning to highs in the 60s during the day with increasing clouds.

If you plan to join the projected 10,000 people who will bike to work on Friday in the Puget Sound area, here are some things to check…..

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