Armstrong rides with Edwards at RAGBRAI, speaks at benefit concert

Maybe RAGBRAI XXXV is in danger of becoming LAGBRAI II at times, but that's OK if the issue is the fight against cancer.

Presidential candidate John Edwards rode with Lance Armstrong on Wednesday, following a convertible packed with media and surrounded by a pack of riders about 50 deep.

Edwards, who said he's only ridden a bicycle one or two times in 20 years, is the only presidential candidate to accept Armstrong's invitation to ride with him for a spell in RAGBRAI …

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Big Brother is watching you motor in the bike lane

Just as the Tour de France wheels out of town, the London city government is considering the installation of cameras to catch motorists driving in bike lanes.

Somewhat similar to cameras in the US that catch motorists driving through red lights, London officials are hoping their use will make people feel safer using bicycles, instead of cars, to commute to work. …

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Doctor’s orders: No bicycling for at least five days

As you can imagine, I was a bit surprised when my doctor told me to stay off the bicycle for five days.

Bicycling keeps my resting heart rate below 60, it has beat my family's history of high blood pressure, and it makes me happy and sane.

The problem was that my prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests have been running a little “hot” lately. They've been creeping up, and my general practitioner recommended I see a urologist to follow up. When that specialist learned that I ride 75 to 100 miles a week, he ordered me off the bike for at least 5 days until I get another blood test for PSA…..

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Edwards to ride RAGBRAI, Armstrong speaks, blogs report

Democractic hopeful John Edwards became the first candidate in the 2008 presidential race to declare his intention to ride a bicycle with Lance Armstrong at RAGBRAI.

The US senator from North Carolina, and 2006 VP candidate, said he'll join Armstrong in Hampton on Wednesday on the ride to Cedar Falls, the location of an evening fund-raiser concert for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Sure, Edwards is probably looking for some support in the Iowa caucuses coming up early in 2008. But his wife, Elizabeth, suffers from breast cancer and the couple say they admire Armstrong for surviving cancer and his efforts to call attention to the disease …

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First week report card on Paris bike rental service

It looks like a pretty good first week for the Paris bicycle rental program, although there have been a couple of bumps along the way.

Parisians are renting an average 45,000 bicycles a day in the city's plan to reduce automobile use and clean up the air. The so-called Vélib' program (named for a combination of velo and liberte) has 10,000 bicycles placed around the city in 750 self-service stations.

A major problem? All the bikes end up at the bottom of the hills because no one wants to ride up. ….

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Who's riding with Lance Armstrong at RAGBRAI

Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong will have quite a large contingent for his bike ride across Iowa this week, but Matthew McConaughey will not be in the group.

The Texas-born actor is in the pack with Armstrong when it comes to goofing off and doing some light bicycling, but he won't be found on the 477-mile RAGBRAI that starts Sunday.

Armstrong told the Des Moines Register, “He would never ride in a group of people like that. He'd be scared to death. For all you ladies, I hate to break it to you…

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Bicyclists to get 3-foot margin in Maine

Maine is the latest state to require that motorists give bicyclists 3 feet of clearance when passing.

The provision is included in the comprehensive bicycle safety bill passed by the Maine legislature. As many as 10 other states have similar laws on the books.

The bill also clarified when cyclists don't have to ride to the right, reduced liabilities that prevented cyclists from using drive-through windows, and increased fines for youths not wearing helmets. ….

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Amputation hazard prompts recall for Thule hitch bike racks

Bicycle rack maker Thule has issued a recall notice for three styles of hitch-mounted bike racks that can cause finger cuts or amputations if operated improperly.

The three are: Hitching Post Pro (934, 934xt, 935, 935xt, 936, 936xt, 937, 937xt, 951, 951xt), Expressway (995, 995xt, 996, 996xt), and Trailblazer (998, 998xt) (click the image for a picture of all three). The racks were sold from 2003 through 2007.

In a press release, Thule said it's recalling the racks because a pinch point exists between the bike arm bracket and the upright assembly ….

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Explosions prompt tire inflator/hand pump recall

Innovations in Cycling is recalling about 55,000 combination tire inflator-hand pumps because they can explode under pressure.

The devices, sold under the names Genuine Innovations Second Wind MTB and Wrench Force Two Shot, can shatter under pressure when inflating tires if the tire valve is blocked.

The company and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission report 12 incidents of exploding …

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Three naked cyclists arrested in Seattle protest ride

The long arm of the law fingered three cyclists for indecent exposure during Seattle's Saturday edition of the World Naked Bike Ride.

Seattle police arrested the three as 57 ride participants pedaled into Seward Park, according to the P-I. They were released from police custody after being charged with indecent exposure, a misdemeanor.

Ride organizer Daniel Johnson said this is the first time since the ride began in 2003 that there have been arrests. …

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