Hiroshima bicycle

Today is the 62nd anniversary of the day that the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

On a visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum several years ago, Russ Couprie took a picture of this twisted bicycle and posted it on his website. The bicycle was found 2 kilometers from the ground zero.

At this year's commemoration, thousands of elderly survivors, children and dignitaries laid wreaths and flowers at Peace Memorial Park. They bowed in a moment of silence at 8:15 a.m., the time that the Enola Gay B29 bomber dropped the bomb….

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/06/hiroshima-bicycle/

Landis meets and greets at Copper Triangle ride in Colorado

You never know who you're going to meet on a bicycle at a 10,000-foot mountain pass in Colorado.

Howard at the Why Howard Laughed blog, for instance, stumbled across Floyd Landis at the Tennessee Pass rest stop on the Colorado Cyclist Copper Triangle bike ride on Saturday.

That's why you should always carry a camera. Howard did, and now he has a picture on his blog of Landis posing….

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/06/landis-meets-and-greets-at-copper-triangle-ride-in-colorado/

Raleigh America recalls 1,200 bicycles

Raleigh America is recalling about 1,200 Cadent style bicycles with carbon fiber forks after receiving reports that the forks broke under normal use.

The recall, in cooperation with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, involves the 2007 Raleigh Cadent 1.0, Cadent 2.0 and Cadent Carbon (pictured) bicycle models with carbon forks.

Raleigh received three reports of forks breaking resulting in riders suffering a dislocated shoulder, a concussion and a broken jaw…

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/04/raleigh-america-recalls-1200-bicycles/

La Route Verte bike path network opens in Quebec

The province of Quebec is opening the longest network of bicycle paths in North America with the ribbon-cutting of La Route Verte this month.

Under development since 1995, the Green Route stretches from one end of the French-speaking province to the other. It encompasses 2,695 miles of bike lanes, trails, and abandoned railway right-of-ways that touch 320 towns and cities.

Bicycle tourists can take short tours from base cities, or do the entire route from the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region in the west to the spectacular Gaspe Peninsula in the east. The route brushes the US for access from New York, Vermont and Maine….

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/03/la-route-verte-bike-path-network-opens-in-quebec/

How to build a tall bike without welding

I always marvel at the cyclists on tall bikes. How do they build them? How do they ride them? How do they stop and dismount?

Tim Anderson, a regular contributor at Instructables website, answers the first question with his recent contribution “Build Your Own Tall Bike Without Welding.”

The welding aspect of making a tall bike is certainly a drawback to most garage bike mechanics. No welding? This is interesting ….

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/03/how-to-build-a-tall-bike-without-welding/

Bicyclists offer assistance in Minneapolis bridge collapse

Photo by Nanobiker

Deep in the news stories about the I-35W bridge tragedy in Minneapolis on Wednesday afternoon are reports about the roles played by several people on bicycles.

For instance, one family felt their car drop several times as the bridge collapsed. It came to rest rear-end down on top of another car. The Star-Tribune reported:

“Someone yelled that we should get out,” said granddaughter Logan Winegar, 18,  A passerby on a bicycle helped them climb out. ..

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/02/bicyclists-offer-assistance-in-minneapolis-bridge-collapse/

Bicycle commuting resources in Minneapolis-St. Paul

I'm sure bicycles will come into play in coming days as workers in Minneapolis consider bicycling to solve a congested commute situation caused by the loss of  the I-35W bridge over the Mississippi.

According to the city's website, Minneapolis already has the second high rate of bicycle commuters — 2.4% — behind Portland's 3.5%.

If you're thinking of bike commuting, I've put together some links that might be helpful. There are links for bike maps of the Twin Cities, some “bikeable” bridges and buses and trains that carry bike racks…

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/08/02/bicycle-commuting-resources-in-minneapolis-st-paul/

Replacing bike lanes with sharrows sparks protest in Seattle

Installing sharrows to alert motorists that bicyclists will be using the traffic lanes can be a popular improvement.

But that's not the case on a Seattle street where bikes lanes were promised until local merchants stepped in to block them.

The Seattle Likes Bikes advocacy group is organizing a bike ride along Stone Way on Wednesday to enable cyclists to demonstrate their opposition to the use of sharrows instead of bike lanes on a 6-block stretch between the Burke Gilman Trail and neighborhoods to the north.

I rode down to the Fremont neighborhood Tuesday morning to check out the situation and was surprised to see that contractors hired by the city were installing sharrows on the pavement at that moment, one-day before the protest ride …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/07/31/replacing-bike-lanes-with-sharrows-sparks-protest-in-seattle/

Woman killed by black bear while mountain biking in BC

An autopsy has confirmed that a 31-year-old Calgary woman was killed by a black bear while on a mountain biking trip at the Panorama Mountain Resort in eastern British Columbia.

The body of Robin Kochorek was found about a half kilometer off one of the resort's marked trails last Sunday. A small brown-nosed black bear was guarding the woman's body.

It's easy for forget how powerful, dangerous, and unpredictable these bears can be…

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/07/27/woman-killed-by-black-bear-while-mountain-biking-in-bc/

Cyclists win round in Lake Forest Park bike trail controversy

Lake Forest Park, a town just north of Seattle, has been informed that it can't block needed improvements to the popular Burke-Gilman bike trail.

The Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board, siding with the Cascade Bicycle Club, ruled this week that the bike trail is “an essential regional public facility” and Lake Forest Park can't pass a law that would block improvements on it.

This is great news for the more than 1,000 cyclists who use the trail that runs from the Ballard Locks on Puget Sound to the Sammamish Trail in Redmond, some 27 miles away. The county plans to widen the trail to 18 feet, from its present 10 feet, to make it safer for cyclists and pedestrians …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/07/26/cyclists-win-round-in-lake-forest-park-bike-trail-controversy/