Next major bike rental program? Beijing

Looking for a way to cut air pollution in its capital city before it hosts the 2008 Summer Olympics, Chinese officials have hit upon a bike rental scheme that will involve 50,000 bikes.

The government recently imposed a “car reduction test” that improved the area's air quality during the Good Luck Beijing games, a preview of next year's Olympics. The IOC has said that endurance sports, like cycling, could be postponed on days with high pollution levels during the Summer Games.

The city has been running a test bike rental program at 31 locations. …

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Bones of tourist found near his bicycle in Australia

Australian authorities have apparently solved the mystery of a missing European tourist when his skeletal remains were found next to his bicycle in a remote part of Queensland.

The remains of the 47-year-old Slovenian were discovered by a helicopter pilot who first saw the bicycle, then spotted the body. Police found the skeleton, clad in a tracksuit …

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Bicycle Film Festival coming to a city near you

The 2007 Bicycle Film Festival is currently making its way on its worldwide tour. The next stop is Toronto, running Wednesday through Sunday.

This is the seventh annual tour for the film festival, which features independent films glorifying the world of bicycling. Other North American stop are Portland, Minneapolis and San Francisco before it heads overseas.

One film should be of interest to Toronto residents: Monkey Warfare, a film about two ex-activists in Toronto whose lifestyle involves selling junk online and riding their bikes….

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Bad tan contest for bicyclists

Don't have speed or agility on a bicycle? Then here's a contest for you.

The Veloist is sponsoring the Bad Tan Contest. The only requirement is that you have a biker's tan.

The winner gets a $100 gift certificate from Performance Bikes….

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Bicyclists get 3 feet of passing clearance in Illinois

Illinois is the latest state to join those that require passing motorists give a three-foot margin to bicyclists.

Three-foot laws are on the books in nearly a dozen states, while a few others are pursuing it.

The measure, signed into law Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, was included in Senate Bill 80. The bill also allows cyclists to signal a right turn using the right hand, instead of using their left to signal left, right and stop….

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Bicycling Big Savage Tunnel on the Great Allegheny Passage

Bruce Friedland at bpfphotography

Here's an inside view of the Big Savage Tunnel on the Great Allegheny Passage trail that runs for 150 miles from Cumberland, Maryland, to Pittsburgh.

My cross-country cycling companion took the picture while riding through it on a visit to his hometown in Western Maryland recently.

The completion of the rail-to-trail bike path through this old railroad tunnel was one of the last obstacles before the GAP opened last year. …

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Bicycling down the road with prostate cancer

Regular readers of this blog will remember that I recently had been off my bicycle for a few weeks for blood tests and biopsies related to my prostate.

Since then I've received quite a few supportive messages, which I certainly appreciate, and I have returned to regularly riding my bike.

Unfortunately, I also received news from my urologist earlier this week that my prostate biopsy was positive. There's a tumor on the right side and my urologist is recommending complete removal of the prostate….

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Bike paths are just pork? US transportation secretary thinks so

With the nation's cities choked by more and more cars, it's interesting to hear from US Transportation Secretary Mary Peters that she considers bike paths just so much pork barrel.

Peters says that earmarked funds going to pay for — among other things — bike paths and trails should go instead to support the infrastructure.

What Peters must not realize is that more commuters are turning to bicycles all the time to beat traffic, reduce pollution and make themselves more fit (just check out this crowded bike parking lot in Seattle). They use bike paths. Doesn't that make paths and trails for bicycles and pedestrians part of the infrastructure? …

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55th cross-country bicycle tour raises funds for MS

When I first wrote about Thomas Beasley in 2005, the cyclist was in the midst of his 53rd cross-country bicycle tour and said it might be his last.

Two years later and Beasley is still bicycling. And he's still saying it's his last tour. We'll see.

The 39-year-old is riding to raise money for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. So far he has raised $108,715 and logged more than 197,000 miles……

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The Spindle: Is it art or a bicycle protest?

What do you really think about the automobile?

That's no mystery for the 2,000 bicycle riders who took to the streets in suburban Chicago last month in support of The Spindle.

Eight cars spiked on a 50-foot metal pole is a piece of art located in the parking lot of the Cermak Plaza shopping center in the Chicago suburb of Berwyn. A landmark featured in the movie Wayne's World, the thing is scheduled to come down soon to make way for a Walgreens.

Earlier this week, National Public Radio interviewed the artist, Dustin Shuler. He said, “I'm not a gearhead. Cars are something that you notice everyday… and they're probably the hazardous thing you deal with in your life everyday. …

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