Seattle bicycle riders have no desire for more streetcar tracks in the curb lanes where they ride.
The newly laid tracks of a streetcar line along Westlake Avenue linking Westlake Center to the Hutch Cancer Center have caused numerous accidents already when bike tires get stuck in the groove, causing the rider to loose balance and fall.
Seattle Likes Bikes has scheduled a bicycling protest starting at 5 p.m. Wednesday at Denny Park to call attention to the problem and get the city to install warning signs and to paint sharrows in lanes where bicyclists must ride now that they can't use the curb lanes…
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Former Madison Mayor Paul Soglin touts his record of pedaling his bicycle and advocating for bicyclists' rights against aggressive drivers, dogs, curbside litter and other nuisances.
But really, it sounds like he's all about the car. When it's snowing, you'll find him driving around the “gold level” bicycle friendly city complaining about people who choose to ride their bikes. At his blog, he writes that those who rode their bicycles in this week's second snowstorm should be executed.
“The bicyclists who braved the week's second storm should be taken out and shot. Spare them and the poor driver, when they skid on treacherous streets and slide under the wheels of a truck delivering fresh vegetables. …
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Photo by Bruce Friedland
The Race Across America is going to be a little shorter this year after organizers decided to move the bicycle race finish line to Annapolis, Maryland, from its traditional finish in Atlantic City.
The change won't make that much difference to the sleep-deprived and strength-depleted endurance bicyclists as they cross the finish line, however. The 2008 route is 3,008 miles, only 34 miles shorter than last year's race.
In its 26th year, the world's most famous endurance cycling race is scheduled to start at the Oceanside pier on June 8 for solo competitors and June 11 for teams. Last year's solo winner, Jure Robic, wrapped up his ride in 8 days, 19 hours, and 33 minutes …
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Back in 1991, Bicycling magazine named Pittsburgh, PA, one of the nation's worst cities for bicyclists. The city is working hard to shrug that label off its steely shoulders.
Just last week, the city reopened the Hot Metal Bridge for biking and hiking after the completion of a $11.6 million project that was begun in 2003. The 1,052-foot long steel bridge spans the Monongahela River.
The project is a critical link as the city races to complete its end of the 150-mile Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) bike trail in time for the celebration of its 250th anniversary in 2008. The bridge connects the Three Rivers Heritage Trail with the Eliza Furnace Trail.
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(See the Update below) The Seattle papers are full of controversy about plans to convert the 42-mile BNSF railroad tracks between Renton and Snohomish into a bicycle trail. Is anyone surprised?
The county executive for King County said he wouldn't fund construction of a trail on the right-of-way if the tracks aren't torn up.
Some, like the Cascadia Center at Discovery Institute, say the tracks should be left in place to upgrade the north-south corridor for passenger rail service. The freight line tracks, still in occasional use, run right along highly congested I-405 ….
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A while back I remember pummeling myself for not hitting my monthly goal of 333 miles to reach this year's target of 4,000 miles. But when my doctor recommended surgery for prostate cancer, I thought my riding days were over for a long time.
Would I have to buy a recumbent? Would I be able to ride at all in 1 month, 2 months, 3 months?
It wasn't as long as I thought it would be; about five weeks. Some guys at the prostate support group were surprised I was back at it that soon. Well, I took it real easy…
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A professor of Chicano studies is taking a bicycle tour around the United States to study the nation's “Latino-ization.”
Louis Mendoza, chairman of the Department of Chicano Studies at the University of Minnesota, left Santa Cruz on his touring bike in July headed to New York and is returning via the Sun Belt. He recently left El Paso.
At his very insightful A Journey Across Our America blog, Mendoza writes about the increasing presence of Hispanics in large and small cities all across the country. He told an El Paso newspaper that he chose to travel by bicycle because “I'd be more likely to have unpredictable experiences along the road.” …
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Pity poor George Hincapie. His teams can't seem to keep their sponsors.
First, the Discovery Channel announced that it would not renew its sponsorship for the Tailwind Sports team of which he had been a member since the late '90s. Then Tailwind finally gave up looking for a sponsor and disbanded.
Hincapie jumped over to the team that Deutsche Telekom and affiliate T-Mobile had sponsored since 1991. T-Mobile announced today that it was pulling the plug …..
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I stopped attaching foreign objects in the vicinity of my bicycle wheels ever since I ruined a perfectly good Roy Campanella basball card a long time ago.
But let me pass along a couple of websites for wheel decorations suggested by a reader. Each sells circuit boards with LED lights attached that mount on the spokes of a bike wheel and display text or images as the wheel spins.
I've seen these before, but never really looked into it. If you have some time over the holidays …
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She started Trips for Kids bicycling group
Marilyn Price was riding her mountain bicycle through redwood forests north San Francisco one day when she wondered how she could share the experience with disadvantaged kids from the city.
Scoring 10 donated bikes, she started Trips for Kids. Nineteen years later, that dream has turned into an organization with 57 chapters across the US that seek to steer kids away from trouble by getting them outside and away from bad influences …
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