More bicycle racing on 2008 US pro tour calendar

There's no evidence of widespread disenchantment with professional bicycling if you check out the 2008 USA Cycling Professional Tour calendar.

We'll witness 44 days of pro cycling in the US in 2008, up from 32 days in 2007. Sixteen races in 2008, up from 13 in 2007.

Most of the increase is due to the addition of multi-day tours in Pennsylvania and Colorado;  it's good to see the Tour of California, Tour de Georgia and Tour of Missouri are making return engagements as well. The calendar also features 10 one-day bicycle races. …

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Georgia police arrest bicycling bank-bandit suspect

A man suspected of robbing 11 mostly Atlanta area banks and making his getaways by bicycle has been arrested by police in Roswell, Georgia.

Police wouldn't say what led them to Carlos H. Arango-Mejia, 47, of Doraville. He was arrested at his home Wednesday night and immediately booked on two area bank robberies from last spring. …

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3 who probably won't compete in 2008; 1 who will

Several big names in recent cycling lore probably won't be competing in 2008 because of continued appeals of doping allegations or retirement after facing suspensions. There is, however, a surprise return engagement. Let me wrap up some highlights:

Floyd Landis, who was banned from pro cycling until January 2009, is appealing that decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The Switzerland-based panel is the last stop for the American bicycle racer, whose troubles started in August 2006, soon after the conclusion of the Tour de France.

A hearing lasting up to five days with CAS is tentatively scheduled for March 19 in New York City. Unlike his USADA appeal, it will not be open to the public

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Camp helps special needs children learn to ride bicycles

Balance can be a huge challenge for children with special needs. The equilibrium it takes to ride a two-wheeled bicycle can seem beyond many of these kids' abilities, creating another barrier between themselves and their peers.

That's why I was glad to see the Easter Seals of  Northern California was sponsoring an “immersion” camp this year to teach bicycling to children with special needs.

The camp and systematic approach to teach two-wheeled cycling was created by a retired mechanical engineer from St. Louis, Richard Klein, who holds similar camps around the country. His program is called “Lose the Training Wheels.” …

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Going for 4,000 bicycling miles in 2008

I've seen lots of ways to measure annual bicycling goals. There are total miles, total bicycle rides, total centuries, total weight loss, riding at least one major bicycle tour.

One bicyclist at the Cycling Challenge blog in Switzerland sets vertical goals. I suppose it helps if you live in the Alps, but he'll try to cycle 525,000 feet of vertical ascent, or about one foot for every minute of every day of 2008.

I'm going to renew my attempt at 4,000 miles in 2008. Last year's attempt fizzled out at the end of the summer with interruptions for testing and surgery for prostate cancer. The mileage goal didn't seem that important during that period …

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Oregon's Share the Road license plates available in 2008

Oregon will begin issuing “Share the Road” license plates beginning Jan. 2 for your other set of wheels. They're another reminder for other motorists that bicycles have a right to the road.

Proceeds from the sale of the special plates will be distributed to to cycling-related causes by the Bicycle Transportation Alliance and the Cycle Oregon Fund. They cost an additional $10 at time of issuance and can be ordered through the DMV.

In other Oregon bicycling news, the Wall Street Journal wrote about US Rep. Earl Blumenauer in Saturday's edition. Here in the Northwest, we all know about Blumenauer and his many good efforts on behalf of bicyclists. It's good to see him get wider recognition in a national publication …

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Top 10 bicycling websites

On Sunday I published the “Ultimate top 10 list of Top 10 bicycling lists.” Later I realized that I really didn't care for “No. 9, Top 10 Bicycle Websites.”

That list of bicycle websites was assembled by It might work for some people, but in retrospect I don't think these are the best websites for bicyclists who regularly read this blog. It had only one or two websites that I check regularly for information.

So here's the BikingBis list of Top 10 Bicycling websites. These are the websites that I visit most frequently and find the most useful. There are lots of good websites that aren't on this list, but these keep more to the theme of this blog.  As always, the decision of the judges is final …

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The ultimate top 10 list of “Top 10” bicycling lists

Everybody likes Top 10 lists. It gets us thinking about a topic and wondering why some items were picked over others.

For instance, Seattle often lands on “best cities to bicycle” lists, but has yet to show up on the League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly Communities list.

Anyway, here is my Top 10 collection of “Top 10” bicycling lists over a range of topics — best bicycling cities, best bicycle rides in cities, best bike stores, best ways to avoid being hit by a car, etc., etc. It's all very unscientific, but the decision of the judges is final….

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Text-messaging leads to another bicyclist's death; new laws in 2008

The man accused this week of killing a 13-year-old bicyclist in a hit-and-run collision in Massachusetts was typing a text message on his cellphone when he lost control of his SUV.

Prosecutors say the 31-year-old man thought he had struck a mailbox in the 12:30 a.m. collision. The boy, Earman Machado, was riding at the edge of the road while his friend walked on the soft shoulder.

The frequency of such accidents have prompted legislatures in New Jersey and Washington to prohibit text-messaginig while driving as of next year. It's amazing that people need laws to prohibit them from doing something so obviously distracting as text-messaging while behind the wheel. …

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New Ireland will pay half the cost of your new bicycle

The government of New Ireland should be nominated for becoming the most “bicycle friendly community” on Earth.

The province on an island northeast of Papua New Guinea has set aside the equivalent of $67,800 to pay half the cost of bicycles purchased from local stores.

Finally, some elected officials have finally heard the twofold message that bicycle advocates have been preaching for years: Bicycling makes people healthier, and bike use reduces the costs of maintaining roads …

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