Columbus cyclists mourn loss of friend in bike fatality

Cyclists in Columbus, Georgia, are mourning the death of Matthew Scott Matty, a 47-year amateur bicycle racer who was killed on a training ride on Sunday.

Matty and a companion, Jeffrey Davis, 39, had broken off from the main group of cyclists from Columbus Bicycle Racing club so they could get home to spend time with their families when they were struck from behind by a Ford Explorer.

Other club members of the ride learned about the collision by cell phone calls they received after they stopped for lunch…

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Bike touring in the Andes

Two bicycle safety instructors from Portland are touring the Andes by bicycle after deciding it was pointless to put off the trip any longer.

Andy McKerrow and Elicia Cardenas had individually wondered for years when they would be ready to bike tour in South America until they recognized they each had the same idea and there was nothing stopping them doing it.

They set off a few weeks ago, and now they're sharing their adventures on a blog at Wend Magazine entitled “Elicia and Andy's Ride through the Andes.”

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No one's immune to squirrel vs. bike collisions

When I rode my bicycle out in the Central Valley of California, I always had to keep my eyes open for ground squirrels.

Those big, fat suckers would hang out in the shade of a haystack at a roadside dairyfarm, then kick up a small cloud of dust as they scampered across the road. It was always the squirrel's agility, not my bike handling skills, that averted disaster.

A 61-year-old wasn't so lucky. In spite of four transAmerica bike trips, Anthony Ricupero lost his first squirrel vs. bike tangle last weekend on a club ride near Greenwich, Conn…

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Sheldon Brown

(The blog feeds for Sheldon Brown tributes has been moved to the upper sidebar of the Biking Bis “Feed Zone” page.)

The foremost Internet authority on bicycles and bicycle maintenance died last night of a massive heart attack.

Sheldon Brown's websites were the first place many of us bike geeks landed when we needed authoritative …

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Maker of Schwinn buys Cannondale Bicycle company

Ownership of the Cannondale Bicycle Corp. is headed north of the border with its purchase by Montreal-based Dorel Industries.

A huge consumer products company, Dorel markets Schwinn, Mongoose, GT, Roadmaster, Murray, InSTEP and Playsafe through its Pacific Cycle division.

In announcing the $200 million purchase, company officials said Cannondale would operate as a separate group aimed at independent bicycle dealers, while the other bike brands will continue to target the mass merchandisers …

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Underground railroad bike route draws praise

An outdoor trade organization named the Adventure Cycling Association among its finalists for the 2008 Outdoor Industry Ambassador Award.

Although the award ultimately went to Mountain Gear for training more than 1,000 climbers a year, the bicycle touring group said it was proud to included among the finalists and honored to be the only cycling group cited.

Adventure Cycling was chosen for its Underground Railroad Bicycle Route, which has drawn new audiences, including African-Americans, to recreational bicycle touring…

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January tale of the tape

Bicycling is almost always fun for me, but I get tired of rolling over the same old routes. It's fun to visit someplace new where every bike ride is a new adventure.

I spent much of the past week in Sacramento for some high school functions with my son, and I made the best of my free time with some decent bike rides.

I googled “bike rental Sacramento” before I left, so I already had a map of area bike rental shops when I got there. Although the weather was supposed to be “Seattle-like,” my days for rides were sunny. Lucky me …

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Chico bike ride to support injured cyclists

The Chico Velo bicycle club is launching a very worthwhile fund-raiser bike ride later this month to support local bicyclists who have suffered injuries while bicycling.

The first beneficiary is Ed McLaughlin, a longtime bicycle advocate and cycling coordinator for the Northern California club. He did a header over his handlebars when he hit a bike-path pole on a group ride in December and damaged his spinal cord. He's only regained the use of an arm.

The bike ride features two options of six and 20 miles, either through Bidwell Park or among the blossoming almond orchards on rural roads …

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American River bike ride is a roll on the wild side

When I rented a bike in Sacramento for a ride along the American River up to Folsom Lake, I took my camera to shoot signs of bicycling.

I got that, but I also got pictures of wildlife out in the brush or perched in the bare trees. Other animals crossed the bike trail just ahead of me and disappeared into the brush before I could point and click.

The Jedediah Smith Memorial Trail passes through a rich wildlife corridor for some 32 miles between Sacramento and Lake Folsom along the American River Parkway…

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LiveStrong to partner health and fitness website

The Lance Armstrong Foundation is lending its LiveStrong brand to a new, for-profit social-networking website that will launch later this year.

The Internet venture is being put together by former chairman Richard Rosenblatt and his company Demand Media.

The Austin American-Statesman says both will benefit from the deal. Demand Media will get all the advertising revenue from the website ….

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