One of the Republican candidates for governor is expressing fear and loathing that pro-bicycling policies of his possible challenger in the fall elections is turning Denver into a stooge for the United Nations.
Dan Maes is quoted at length in the Denver Post saying essentially that Mayor John Hickenlooper's support of bicycle commuting — as seen in the Denver B-cycle bike-sharing program — could threaten personal freedoms.
Maes's comments were made at a campaign rally last week:
“This is all very well-disguised, but it will be exposed … This is bigger than it looks like on the surface, and it could threaten our personal freedoms…. These aren't just warm and fuzzy ideas …
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Colorado took the wrapper off its plans on Wednesday to host a week-long bicycle race next year entitled the Quizno's Pro Challenge.
Named for its sponsorship by the sandwich shop chain, the bike race is scheduled Aug. 22-28, 2011. It steps into the void left by the demise of the Tour of Missouri, which was unable to land a title sponsor during its short 3-year history.
Making the announcement were Lance Armstrong and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter. Armstrong now makes his home in the Aspen area and has been lobbying Ritter for more than a year to host a bike race that would be a descendant of the famed Coors Classic ….
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Cyclist on a fund-raising mission
at Seattle Livestrong Challenge
Whether Floyd Landis's accusations are true or not, this federal investigation of Lance Armstrong is going to get plenty ugly before it's resolved.
As that ugliness may tarnish Armstrong's image, what will be the effect on his crusade to fight cancer and help survivors — the Lance Armstrong Foundation? Devastating, says one expert.
The feds are looking for proof of the Landis claims that Armstrong and his teammates doped during his amazing string of 7 Tour de France victories.
Through all this, I've been wondering about the effect on Armstrong's biggest legacy outside the record books — his establishment of the LiveStrong Foundation. …..
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It's been a while since I've written about my monthly bicycling mileage totals, but July represents a good all-around biking month for me.
My monthly “tale of the tape” was a common topic of this blog back in 2008 when I was shooting for a 4,000-mile year; I finally achieved it by plowing my bike through the snow on the last day of the year.
With no goal in mind for 2009, I bicycled 2,496 miles. So far in 2010, I've covered 2,046 miles on either my road bike or mountain bike.
I don't have a hard and fast goal set for 2010, except for one objective: Stay ahead of Barry ….
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At least one of the 1,000 cyclists who rode in the Seattle Century on Saturday is all smiles after crossing Lake Washington on the I-90 bridge bike trail.
This was the last leg of the ride for the cyclists who headed from Seattle and into the eastside hills to the spectacular Snoqualmie Falls. The ride ended at Magnuson Park with …
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Hundreds of cyclists dressed up in their favorite costumes and rode their bikes in the Tour de Fat bike parade around Seattle's Fremont neighborhood on Saturday.
The parade is the opening event in the day-long bike festival presented for the past three years here by New Belgium Brewery, for Fort Collins, Colorado.
After returning to the home base at Gas …
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A RAGBRAI cyclist died after falling from his bicycle and two others suffered injuries from collisions with motor vehicles in the latter half of the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.
A 68-year-old RAGBRAI veteran died Friday from injuries he suffered when he clipped the tire of another bicycle and fell.
The man, Stephen Briggs of Waverly, Iowa, …
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London launched its bike-sharing program on Friday, joining other forward-looking cities seeking to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality by making bicycles readily available.
The London system, dubbed Barclay's Cycle Hire for its sponsorship by the financial services chain, has distributed 6,000 bicycles to 400 docking stations.
That's a smaller start than the Velib system in Paris, which launched with 10,000 bicycles 3 years ago and has grown to 25,000 bicycles. But it's larger than two roll-outs in the US this summer — Minneapolis's Nice Ride Minnesota with 700 bicycles at 65 kiosks and Denver B-cycle with 500 bicycles at 50 docking stations….
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For the Seattle bicycling community, the arrival of Tour de Fat is something like the circus coming to town.
The festival at Gas Works Park on Saturday is just one of the bicycling events in the Seattle area this weekend. Others include the return of the Seattle Century and a bike collection drive in West Seattle for the Village Bicycle Project.
This is at least the sixth visit to Seattle by Tour de Fat, a celebration of the bicycle put on by New Belgium Brewery, the makers of Fat Tire beer.
As always, the festival starts with a parade of decorated bicycles around the Fremont neighborhood …..
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Cyclists in the Winston-Salem area of North Carolina are coming to grips with the latest tragedy on local roads:
Two bicyclists riding single file along the white line were struck from behind by a Jeep Friday morning on a rural road south of the city. One cyclist, Donald Sunday, 62, of Winston-Salem, died at the scene. The other, Barry Leonard, 49, suffered a broken pelvis and rib.
News stories about the tragedy were accompanied by sinkening rants from motorists with a superior right to the roads….
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