Oregon Bicycle Calendar — July

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Updating to 2023

Northwest Tandem Rally— See Washington, May Four days of road riding on tandem bicycles. Moves around the Pacific NW every year. Numerous supported and independent rides.

Tour des Chutes — July 9, 2022 A fund-raiser for the St. Charles Cancer Center Survivorship Programs and LiveStrong with five mileage options; 7, 25, 50, 70 and 100 miles. Starts in Bend; caps at 1,500 riders..

Best of the West — A ride along the rugged coastline of southern Oregon. A 436-mile loop route from Winston with overnights in Brandon, Gold Beach, Crescent City, CA, Lake Selmac, and Wolf Creek Presented by Bicycle Rides Northwest. Dates: July 8-15, 2023

Gorge Pedal – 2022 dates to be announced Features two routes and full lunch celebration post ride. Family Ride is from Cascade Locks to Bonneville Power, clocking in at 11 miles and 250 feet of climbing. Metric Century ride is from Cascade Locks to Women’s Forum and the back through Cascade Locks, continues to the new section Wyeth Lindsey Creek Trail of the Historic Columbia River Highway with a total of over 4000 ft. of climbing. Great Food and Fun Information Sites included especially for introducing your kids to the Gorge. Summertime lunch at end of rides. Music, art, on the Mighty Columbia River.

Oregon Ride to Defeat ALS – July 16, 2022 Bicyclists can chose 25-, 50, or 100-mile options for this fund-raiser charity ride that starts in Mt. Angel, south of Portland. Benefits efforts to fight Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Intro to Road Touring — A self-contained, four-day tour of the Oregon Coast to learn the basics of road touring. Presented by Adventure Cycling Association. Dates: July 16-21, 2023

Oregon CF Cycle for Life – July 23, 2022 The fully supported charity bike ride features distance options of 35 or 65 miles through Willamette Valley’s wine country. Starts and ends at Lady Hill Winery, located in St. Paul, OR, across from Historic Champoeg State Park. Benefits the efforts to cure Cystic Fibrosis. .

Up & Down — 2022 dates to be announced The bike ride offers two options beginning at Emigrant Lake near Ashland in southeastern Oregon. The 49-mile route follows the Cascade Siskiyou Scenic Bikeway with 4,900 feet of elevation gain. A 96-mile route has 7.800 feet of climbing. Benefits the Bear Creek Greenway in 2018.

High Cascades 100 —  July 16, 2022 A 100-mile endurance mountain bike race that starts in Bend.

Bike MS Oregon Willamette Valley —  July 6-7, 2022  Tours Willamette Valley farms and vineyards. Starts and ends in Monmouth. Benefits the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Oregon Bicycle RideJuly 18-25, 2022 See June 2022 Seven days of cycling with options for 470 to 500 miles. The 2022 WallaWow bike tour visits Washington and Oregon. Starting and ending in Walla Walla, WA, it features overnights in Elgin, Joseph, Field Springs State Park, WA, and Pomeroy WA. Multiple days in some locations.

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  1. Up and down ride 7/21/18, Ashland OR has a 96 mile option this year, our third year.

  2. How do I add out annual bicycle event to your page?

    Tour deFronds is an annual bicycle event that takes place every year the third Saturday in June. It is a fully supported bicycle ride that allows cyclist to enjoy a day to take in the beautiful scenery and the gorgeous Siskiyou National Forest. We welcome all participants both new and former.

    The tour provides a choice of scenic rides on low-traffic roads. There are five asphalt rides and one asphalt/gravel ride.

    We also provide a Continental breakfast and plenty of tasty snack foods and liquids during the ride and a delicious post ride meal.

    You can register early at http://www.active.com or at http://www.tourdefronds.com

    Registration fee ~ $40.00 ~ $70.00

    • Carey Hilbert on May 24, 2022 at 11:41 am
    • Reply

    I am confused on the dates for Oregon Bike Ride. This page says: Oregon Bicycle Ride — July 18-25, 2022 Seven days of cycling with options for 470 to 500 miles. The 2022 WallaWow bike tour visits Washington and Oregon. Starting and ending in Walla Walla, WA, it features overnights in Elgin, Joseph, Field Springs State Park, WA, and Pomeroy WA. Multiple days in some locations.

    When I click on the link the date says June 18–25, 2022..Which is correct????

    1. Looks like I published the wrong date and have fixed the error. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I hope it didn’t mess up your bicycle touring plans this summer.

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