Cross country bicycle tours

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In 1976 a group of intrepid bike travelers took off from Yorktown, Virginia, to ride some 4,200 miles to Astoria, Oregon.

The bike ride celebrated the nation’s 200th birthday, and the route was dubbed the Bikecentennial Route. That bike tour stirred the wanderlust of every bicyclist who heard about it.

Today, there are dozens of routes that criss-cross the US and hundreds of groups will be riding them this year.

2017 Non-profit and fund-raising tours

Big Ride Across America — A fund-raising bike tour for the American Lung Association, the 3,300-mile supported bike ride rolls out from Seattle to Washington DC. Mostly camping with some overnights at college dorms. Northern Tier route. Registering 30-40 riders. 

Bike4Friendship — This cross-country ride that raises funds for The Friendship Circle, a national Jewish organization that provides social support for children with special needs and their families. You can ride the entire 3,279 miles, or just a segment. Dates: July 2 – Aug. 13, 2017

Bike & Build — Ten teams, comprised mostly of college students, raise money and work on affordable housing as they take different routes across country. The bicyclists ride about 75 miles a day and share chores on the supported rides. See the Bike & Build Facebook page for updates regarding registration. (Registration opens in the fall) Dates: May – August 2017, depending on route.

Bike the US for MS — Four cross-country bike tours are scheduled in 2017 — Northern Tier, Pacific Coast, TransAm, and Southern Tier. Race Across America (RAAM) participants can also raise money for National MS Society. Self-contained bike travelers can also raise money, and there’s a UK bicycling event. Check the website for details (openings still available in January 2017)

Fuller Center Bike Adventure — A cross-country bike ride from San Francisco to Savannah. Also segment rides along the way. Raises money for Fuller Center for Housing, a nonprofit ecumenical Christian Housing ministry dedicated to creating adequate housing for all people in need. Dates: June 2 to Aug. 6, 2017.

The Ability Experience (formerly Journey of Hope) — This is a service bike tour for the Pi Kappa Phi college fraternity to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. Teams leave from San Francisco, Los Angeles or Seattle headed to Washington DC. Dates: June 3 – August 12, 2017.

Adventure Cycling Association’s Epic Tours

Follow links for dates and details

Southern Tier I (van supported)

Southern Tier II (van supported)

Route 66 – Mother Road Westward (self contained)

Route 66 – Mother Road Eastward (van supported)

Underground Railroad – North to Niagara (van supported)

TransAm Westward (self-contained)

TransAm Westward (van supported)

Northern Tier (self-contained)

TransAm Westward (self contained)

Great Parks North (self contained)

Southern Tier (self contained)

Route 66 – Epic Westward (self contained)

Pacific Coast (van supported)

Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults (cross-country)

4K for Cancer is a cross-country fund-raising drive for the Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults. The 4,000-mile bike routes leave from the East Coast for destinations in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and San Diego. Participants are chosen on a first-come basis after interviews. Dates: June 2 – Aug. 12, 2017

Other long-distance tours operators:

America by Bicycle — This tour outfitter offers four cross-country tours in 2017 heading both east/west and north/south. The list includes Fast American South, Across America North, Ride the East, Ride the West, Great Mississippi Ride, Cross Country Challenge. The first ride departs in April. See the website for details.

Coast 2 Coast – This southern tier cross-country ride is offered by Bubba’s Pampered Pedalers. Rolls out from St. Augustine, FL, to San Diego. Fully supported, including camping gear and setting up and taking down tents. Dates: March 3 – April 24, 2017.

Cycle America — Bicyclists can choose to ride this company’s Coast-to-Coast 2014 route all at once, or split it up into any of 9 different cross-state bike tours. Check website for dates.

Portland to Portland Cross Country — One of Trek’s luxury bicycle tours, this one covers 3,700 miles at the rate of about 100 miles a day from Oregon to Maine. See dates on website.

Women Tours — This women’s only bike tour group offers southern tier and Atlantic Coast bike tours, as well as shorter multi-day tours. Dates:  2017 Southern Tier –  March 9 to May 7, 2017; 2017 Pacific Coast – Sept. 15 to Oct. 21, 2017.

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  1. We’re doing a San Diego to St. Augustine (Southern Tier) ride for six weeks beginning August 26! Babes Blocking Traffic is a ride to spread awareness about child trafficking and to raise money for Compassionate Journeys to build a home for rescued child slaves in Ghana, West Africa. We’d love to have company along the way! Visit us at!

    • Donna Braswell on October 1, 2015 at 8:38 am
    • Reply

    Is there a route for a ride across Idaho? Meaning specifically, is there a set route people take, course record, etc?

  2. Bikes tour in Yorktown, Virginia is so nice because I saw your video awesome. could you help me for episode-2 touring video.

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