Category: Photos2

Critical mass Atlanta

Flickr photo by likenooneswatching

Critical mass ride in Atlanta.

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Critical mass ride in Austin

Flickr photo by faster panda kill kill

Taking a break at 2 a.m. in September 2005.

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Old-Fashioned bicycle basket

Available online at Basketville.

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Michael Killian aboard Terrible Two

Another one of Killian's “sideways” bikes. More at his website.

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Michael Killian aboard Sideways bike

More Michael Killian bicycles at his website.

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Camp stove

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Michelle Mazzei

Menlo Park Elementary School teacher Michelle Mazzei, who died in collision with automobile on Oct. 2.

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C and O Canal flat bicycle tire rescue

Photo by Feuillu at Flickr

Working on a flat along C&O Canal towpath in Maryland.

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Cycling on C and O Canal

Photo by Feuillu at Flickr

A pair of cyclists, one loaded, one not, pedaling along C&O Canal towpath in Maryland.

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Trail for biking from Pittsburgh to Washington DC

The Allegheny Trail Alliance is a coalition of seven rails to trails organizations building the Great Allegheny Passage, a 150 mile biking and hiking trail connecting Cumberland and Pittsburgh. The connection between the Passage and the C & O Canal Towpath is expected to be finished in 2006, allowing cyclists to ride from near Pittsburgh to Washington, DC, on …

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