Category: Photos

Annie Londonderry, world bike traveler

A drawing of Annie Kopchovsky on her Sterling men's bicycle. Used with permission of Peter Zheutlin.


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BMC Racing jersey

BMC Racing is a Pro Continental team in the US that received a UCI wild card, entitling it to compete in ProTour level races around the world.

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Team Slipstream Chipotle jersey

The argyle-styled jersey for Team Slipstream, home of David Zabriskie.

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High Road Sports jersey

New jersey and new country for High Road Sports. Formerly T-Mobile, the team has moved its HQ to San Luis Obispo. It's mostly black jersey is now mostly white.

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Monon Trail

Iron truss bridge for the Monon Trail in the vicinity of Indianapolis. Picture from

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Washington Pass

Bike riders on Highway 20, aka the North Cascade Scenic Highway.

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Trek bike recall

Trek recalls 49,000 girl's bicycles due to frame breakage. Model MT220. More details at US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

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Bikes parked at Amtrak station

Bike racks are installed all over Davis. This old Southern Pacific railroad station in Davis now houses the Amtrak offices. Amtrak makes regular stops here for commuters.

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Bikes on UC-Davis campus

Cruisers, hybrids, mountain bikes and the occasional road bike are parked at racks around the UC-Davis campus, where cars are mostly banned.

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Streets scene on campus

Bicyclist checks phone messages while going to or from classes at UC-Davis. The city and university each have bicycle coordinators to advocate bicycle use.

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