Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

85 straight hours on a stationary bicycle

Chalk up 85 straight hours of bicycling on a stationary cycle for 49-year-old Aurora, Illinois, resident George Hood.

As he broke the previous Guinness World Record of 82 hours Saturday evening, he passed the equivalent of 1,000 miles.

Hood was riding the solo endurance event to raise $25,000 for the Illinois COPS (Concerns of Police Officers), a group dedicated to raising money for survivors of police killed in the line of duty. You might remember two policemen on bikes died in a COPS fund-raising bike ride in neighboring Indiana last year. …

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Quote: Setting a stationary bicycling record

“I have a high threshold for pain.”

That's George Hood of Chicago explaining how he can ride a stationary bike hour after hour in his attempt to achieve a place in the Guinness Book of World Records by bicycling for 83 consecutive hours — nearly 3 1/2 days.

Hood must also have a high threshold for boredom. …

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CES: Bicycle as decoration or function?

I'd say this is definitely a bicycle used as a decoration.

Motorola CEO Ed Zander rode this yellow comfort bike onto the stage for his keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on Monday.

Was it left over from Interbike in September? Maybe. The boss of the $35 billion electronics giant (2005) wanted to make the point that digital content is portable, even in countries that rely mostly on bicycle transportation.

(Update: Motorola plans to sell a bicycle-mounted cellphone charger that will broaden its cellphone markets to developing countries.)…

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Another year in the saddle

Today marks the second-year anniversary for the Biking Bis blog.

This thing got started when I filed a short piece about my birthday bike ride. The website was called Bikin' Bis then; I changed the name because most of my hits came from google searches for “bikini.”

I quickly figured out that people probably didn't want to read about my bike rides, so I thought about other themes for a bicycling blog. I finally hit on the idea of focusing on general bicycling news in the blog, so that readers taking a break during a recreational ride could say …

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The Bicycle Thief

What would you do if you were out of money, you had a family to support, your job required a bicycle, and someone steals it your first day at work?

How far would you go to get it back?

That's what Vittorio de Sici sets out to answer in The Bicycle Thief, filmed in Rome in 1948.

Our “hero”, Lamberto, searches all over Rome for his bike — following leads into missions and brothels — until he puts aside his conscience …

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Happy New Year!!!

Here's to everyone having a safe and enjoyable year on two wheels …

— Biking Bis

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Bicycle calendars for 2007

You may have already scored your 2007 bicycle racing calendar published by cycling photographer Graham Watson, but there are some other cool bicycle calendars available for 2007.

One that quickly captured my attention is the CyclePassion calendar, featuring cyclists interacting with their bikes. Take for instance this picture for March (the calendar appears to be next to her right knee cap) of a cyclist washing down her Bianchi.

The CyclePassion calendar project was shot by photographer Daniel Geiger, himself a cyclist. Some of the pictures were shot on location …

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Tag, I'm it. Five things you probably don't know about me

Howard at the HRlaughed blog tagged me to tell five things you probably don't know about me. I fear the consequences of ignoring such a request, but I'm having a little trouble picking which obscure facts to tell. Everything seems obscure.

Here are the first five that come to mind (chronologically):

1. I grew up in a suburb of Cincinnati in a house where my dad smoked constantly …

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Getting through the windstorm of '06

This blog hasn't been updated for a few days because Mother Nature opened up a big can of whoop-ass on western Washington last week. She kicked my butt; and I'm one of the lucky ones.

A major windstorm struck Thursday night. Among the thousands of trees that fell was one trunk of a beautiful big leaf maple that was a home for birds and squirrels and provided welcome shade for my family in the summertime.

That's the view from my office window. The tree toppled across three back yards and crushed two fences. It missed two houses by 10 feet or less. When it gets sawed up and removed, its two standing brothers are going with it. They may be rotten too, and I can't risk endangering our neighbors.

I haven't had much time to deal with that tree, though. Until 5 p.m. Monday, my wife and I have been trying to keep the kids warm and occupied. …

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When a jelly bean becomes a sports nutritional supplement

Here's another weapon for your arsenal in posting a fast result in a time trial or finishing that last hill on your century bicycle ride.

The jelly bean.

The Jelly Belly Co. is in the endurance sports business now with its Sport Beans product. Basically, we're talking your standard jelly beans here packed with carbohydrates …

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