Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Bicycling doctor's lawsuit gets short deliberation

It took a New Jersey jury about 15 minutes to decide that an 11-year-old girl on rollerblades was not at fault for causing a doctor to crash his bicycle.

You may have heard of the ridiculous lawsuit filed by Dr. Alexander Dlugi, who sued his neighbor because she turned into his path after he rang his bicycle bell and yelled “Watch Out” as he cycled past.

Dlugi, who suffered a broken collarbone, claimed his practice lost money because of his injuries and he sued. His attorney said: “It may seem like an odd thing. But people are responsible for their actions.”

That may be the case, but the seven-person jury didn't agree that the girl — now 15 — was responsible for the accident. …

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Confessions of a bike rider: February mileage

Back at the end of 2006, I made the bold assertion that I would double last year's mileage and ride my bicycle at least 4,000 miles in 2007.

So far, I'm way off pace. Here are some of my lame excuses for this month:

First my high schooler was sick for three days at the beginning of February, then I came down with that energy-sapping virus for a few days myself …

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FBI seeks bicyclist in series of bank robberies

Butch Cassidy. John Dillinger. Ma Barker. And now, the Bicycle Bank Robber.

The FBI has put out an all points bulletin for a man wanted in connection with at least seven bank robberies across the central and southern states. After handing the bank teller a note demanding money, he makes his getaway on a mountain bike.

He's described as being in his mid-50s, between 5-11 and 6-1, and weighing about 180 pounds. (Wow. That description could match yours truly. I'm going to stop riding my bike to the bank until they catch this guy.) …

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Beijing Bicycle; another bike theft, another movie

To the disappointment of some family members, I returned to the “old bike movie” genre recently and rented “Beijing Bicycle.”

The story centers around a stolen bicycle, just like “The Bicycle Thieves,” but this is hardly a Chinese pirated version of the Italian classic.

Granted, central character Guei desparately needs his bicycle for his job as a messenger, but the real complications don't arise until he actually relocates it. Imagine, finding a stolen bicycle in Beijing. …

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Already off pace for bicycling in 2007, but learning a lesson

At the beginning of the year I made the bold prediction that I would sweep aside 2006's dismal bicycling mileage and double my output to 4,000 miles.

Not much for the 8,000-plus mileage crowd, but good enough for a cyclist who has only hit 4,000 miles (the last time in 2003) a few times since completing a cross-country bike tour in 1984.

Doing the math, I'd have to click off an average 333.33 miles per month to hit the mark. That must be more difficult than it sounds, as I only bicycled 206.5 miles in January. Looking back at the bicycling logs I've saved since 1991 …

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Mountain bicycling pioneer presumed slain

The person reputed to be the first mountain bike enthusiast in the US has been missing for seven months and is believed to be a victim of murder.

John Finley Scott, 73, is considered one of the earliest mountain bike pioneers by the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame, located in Crested Butte, Colorado.

All the way back in 1953, Scott used a Schwinn World diamond frame, balloon tires, flat handlebars, derailleur and cantilever brakes to build his “Woodsie Bike.” That was 20 years before …

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Bicycling at The 2007 Bloggies

Something from the insider shop-talk department:  Two bicycling blogs have been nominated for this year's seventh annual Weblog Awards.

Up in Alaska has been chosen in the Best Sports Blog category. Jill mentioned it in her ride post on Thursday, then let the matter drop.

Fat Cyclist has been nominated in the Best Kept Secret category for the best underrepresented weblogs. Fatty's gone to the opposite extreme and is begging people to vote for his blog. A flashing advertisement on his site shouts, “I need validation.” …

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A couple of high profile jobs in bicycle sector

We're not talking entry level bike mechanics here, although that job is demanding enough. A Washington state bicycle advocacy group and the nation's leading bicycle racing publication are looking for new bosses.

VeloNews is looking for an editor-in-chief. The position oversees the biweekly bike racing magazine and website. The editor is in charge of pretty much everything and everybody on the news side of the publication. The successful candidate must be deadline and detail-oriented.

The position is based in Boulder and some travel to worldwide cycling events is anticipated. …

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Why my valve stems keep busting loose

Maybe you have your own bicycling frustrations. Breaking off valve stems has been mine.

The first time occurred after I patched a flat during Cycle Across Maryland, pumped up the tire, and the innertube started leaking at its connection with the valve stem. It happened twice on that trip.

I chalked it up to “bad innertubes,” but this has continued to plague me year after year, regardless of brand. Ever since I became a firm believer in Mr. Tuffies and graduated up to Armadillo-style tires …

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Where to find free (not new) bicycle stuff

Last week I wrote about some of the advantages of shelling out the extra money to buy a custom bicycle instead of a model off the shelf.

Here's the opposite idea: buy nothing new. Instead of plopping down money for a spanking new bike, search around and get one that someone is giving away. You might not get the exact selection you're after with your unique specifications, but the price is right — $00.00.

Over the new year, a story circulated about a group of folks in San Francisco who started a “buy nothing new” movement, called The Compact. Except for food, toiletries and other health and safety items, the group pledged to stick to finding free or used items.

There are a few websites that deal in free stuff, and of course there's Craigslist …

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