Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Cars-R-Coffins opens coffee shop for cyclists

You've probably seen the Cars-R-Coffins logo — a black coffin on four wheels with the license plate 666.

It's on T-shirts, socks, jerseys, water bottles … you name it. It's the brainchild of Hurl Everstone, 38, a bicycle advocate in Minneapolis who published a newsletter by that name.

Earlier this month, Cars R Coffins got into the business of  peddling coffee to cyclists. …

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Stow your bike up in the trees

I've seen some pretty unique inventions for the bicycle come from across the pond. First there was the three-way Danish bicycle, then the sideways bicycle from Ireland.

Now a Swiss inventor has built a Bike Tree that stows bicycles out of the reach of passersby and under cover of an umbrella-like affair.

Installed in Geneva, the Bike Trees lift the …

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Kona assembles first BikeTown Africa bike

Remember the BikeTown Africa project announced late last year?

Bicycling magazine had decided to take its “BikeTown” project to Botswana in cooperation with Bristol-Myers Squibb to help medical personnel deliver HIV-AIDS treatment to people in cities and rural villages.

Kona Bicycles, located up the road in Ferndale, Washington, got the deal to make the bikes and has been blogging its …

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Blind cyclist finishes solo bike race in South Africa

Blind cyclist Hein Wagner entered the records books this past weekend by bicycling solo in a 24-mile race in South Africa.

Wagner averaged 14 mph — up to 24 mph in the downhills — in the Construction du Cap Ninety Niner. He followed a friend who had a noise device attached to his bicycle, and two other cyclists followed to …

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New bike path at Santa Barbara necessary, but costly

What's a bike path cost these days? The so-called Broida Expressway at UC-Santa Barbara cost $583 per foot.

The 900-foot, 12-foot-wide, bicycle path was completed at a cost of $525,000 recently to link the east and west sides of the campus, according to the UC Santa Barbara student newspaper, the Daily Nexus.

The cost was covered by a $3 per student …

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Rocket bike

I've seen this picture on a couple of different bicycling websites, but thought it was a fake image doctored with a little dash of PhotoShop.

C'mon. Who would strap a rocket engine to a bicycle? If you can believe and Popular Mechanics, a rocket designer named Tim Pickens would. Pickens, who created this rocket bike that can accelerate …

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Black Label bike club documentary

Bicycle jousting. Flaming bicycle tires. Tall bicycle welding. Civil disobedience.

And that's just the trailer for the documentary “B.I.K.E.”, one of the films at this year's Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

The Slamdance festival, in its 12th year, takes place at the same time as Robert Redford's popular Sundance film festival, but features first-time filmmakers working on a shoestring budget….

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Quote: Cycling and coffee (I)

“Bikes and coffee always go together. When you travel on bike rides, there are three things you immediately find in any town: 1) a coffee shop 2) a Laundromat and 3) a bar. Coffee companies sponsor pro bike-racing teams. Culturally, coffee and bikes are very similar.”

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Near fatal cycling accident for UT's Vince Young as a child

University of Texas quarterback Vince Young showed how to bob and weave to avoid some big tackles in the Rose Bowl this year.

Maybe he learned the importance of keeping an eye on traffic when, at age 6, he slammed his bicycle into the side of a van in an accident that almost ended his life.

News8Austin reports that Young spent …

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The quest for 80 mph on a bicycle

Take one lightweight recumbent bicycle. Put a high-performance cyclist in the seat. Encase both in a bullet-shaped carbon fiber shell. Pedal like crazy!

What you have is a human-powered vehicle that just might be capable of hitting speeds of 80 mph. …

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