Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Mother of all bike lane blunders

When it comes to poor bike lane designs and obstructions, some of the worst can be seen at the Warrington (UK) Cycle Campaign website.

Pete Owens has been collecting photos of truly bizarre bike lane attractions from around the UK since 2001. This image of a phone booth erected in a bicycle path is just one of dozens chosen as a winner in his “Cycle Facility of the Month” contest. …

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Scenes from the bicycle subculture

A few weeks ago I wrote about a short piece about the film B.I.K.E. (Black Label bike club documentary), an entry at the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah.

A writer over at Dirt Rag has seen the film, and offers this review — B.I.K.E. Movie Review. The film will be shown at the 6th Annual Bicycle Film Festival, which may be coming to a theater near you this summer. 

It sounds like it's as much about the filmmaker as it is about New York's chapter of the Black Label Bicycle Club, the group of “tall bike” riders that the film is purportedly about. …

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Bob Roll launches biking blog

Bob “Tour DAY France” Roll is one of the newest members of the blogosphere.

The slightly twisted cycling commentator for Outdoor Life Network since 2000 is a former bike racer and author. Known as Bobke (Boob-ka), his new website comprises links to columns he's written for OLN, a Q and A, as well as his blog, entitled The Blog-ke. …

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Cycling cross-country to promote a book about brain-injury recovery

What do you do if you're 60 and suffer a brain aneurysm that renders you without the ability to read or write?

If you're Megan Timothy, left, you work hard for two years to recover your lost ability to communicate, write a book, sell it to a publisher and climb on a touring bicycle to make a cross-country book promotion tour.

“Because I've always been an adventurer, I'm going on this little adventure to prove myself whole again.” …

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Contest for do-it-yourselfers; any bike projects out there?

Take a look at the Instructables website and you quickly realize that American ingenuity is not dead — it's hard at work in the garage or basement.

The collaborative website offers step-by-step directions on how to make anything, including dozens of posts on making bicycles and biking accessories, as well as making stuff from old bicycle parts. …

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Googling for cool mountain biking paths

I love looking at aerial views and maps, searching for the roads and seeing where they lead. And ever since I was bitten by the mountain biking bug, I've been checking around for places that might offer some good off-road cycling.

This aerial view came to me yesterday while I was looking at some new online maps. Looks like a cool canyon with access via dirt roads or dry stream beds. Kind of like the Grand Canyon. I suspect it's a pristine environment without a lot of tourists. That's because it's on Mars. …

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Bicycle quote: 1 dead and 8 serious injuries in bike tour

“Thanks to cyclists being cautious and conscientious, the accident rate was lower than expected. Even with the rain we had 121 incidents. The average is between 120 and 160. …

“These injuries, from falling, are par for the course and nothing unexpected.” …

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Warning to bike owners: Don't use this punk rock band sticker

The Ohio University campus police are still doing a “heckuva job.” I just thought Barney Fife would have retired since I attended the college in southeastern Ohio 30 years ago.

A campus policeman noticed the sticker for a punk rock band “This Bike is a Pipe Bomb” on a bicycle chained up outside a restaurant Thursday morning.

Before the morning was over, streets …

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Have you exchanged atoms with your bicycle lately?

The book “The Third Policeman” is described as a dark comedy at the Dalkey Archive Press. But what's funny is that this 1940 book about a man and his bicycle is selling better than ever before.
The Guardian Unlimited says the surreal novel “features the interchanging of atoms between a man and his beloved bicycle…”
Nothing surreal here. I've exchanged atoms between my ankle and crank before, and I have a scar on my shin as proof of an atom interchange with my toeclips. I even have a painful childhood memory …

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Full report on Bush's bike crash in Scotland last summer

Those dogged Scottish journalists finally have dug up the official police reports on President Bush's collision with a constable while he was enjoying a bike ride last summer. Apparently Bush lost control of his bike while waving.

The Scotsman reports that a contingent of Scottish constables were dispatched to control traffic at an intersection while Bush went for a ride …

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