Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Donated bikes fashioned into machines

A bicycle doesn't have to roll in order to be useful. In Guatemala, bicycles are turned into human-powered machines to improve the economy and standard of living.

Asociación Maya Pedal converts donated bicycles into machinery for farms and small businesses. Many of those bikes come from groups in the US and Canada that collect beater bikes. One may be yours. …

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Cyclists can make their own SUV commercials

This is a lot of fun. Chevrolet has set up a video editing website where you can build your own commercial for the new Chevy Tahoe SUV using actual ad footage and inserting your own text.

It's a contest, and I suppose the winner's commercial is shown on TV. There's no chance that mine is eligible, though. The C.I.C.L.E. bicycling website had the idea to “subvert” the commercial challenge, adding a message that might not support the ideal SUV lifestyle.

Here's mine, along the theme of SUV vs. bicycle. …

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Are all bike helmets equal?

The Consumer Product Safety Commission says the brain bucket you wear for bicycling may not be suitable for in-line skating or skateboarding.

Helmets are built to protect folks' noggins from the types of impacts that occur in different activities. A bicycle helmet won't do the job in a skiing or motorcycle accident, for instance. …

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Bicycling his way to fitness

Sometime soon, the blogger at My Big Fat Geek Cycling bLog is going to have to change the name of his website…. maybe to just My Geek Cycling bLog.

For the past 18 months, he has used his bicycle to slowly and surely pedal himself back into shape. He's a poster boy for cycling to a healthy lifestyle. …

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Bicycle racing barely mentioned in Sports Emmy awards

Wasn't Lance Armstrong's seventh straight Tour de France bike race championship a big deal last summer? I remember lots of non-bicyclists following it on TV and in the newspaper, and OLN scoring its highest ratings ever during the event.
In spite of that, competitive cycling was mostly ignored for nominations in the Sports Emmy Awards. The 27th annual awards event for TV sports is scheduled May 1. …

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Avoiding $350 bike repair with a 2nd opinion and can of WD-40

I often joke about being able to fix anything with a roll of duct tape, a tube of Crazy Glu or a can of WD-40. But I didn't even think of those when my right STI shifter on my bicycle stopped working.

My LeMond Tourmalet bicycle is six years old, and I always thought one of its coolest features were the STI shifters — brakes and gear shifters all in one. Apparently riding in these wet, cold Northwest winters took its toll on these Shimano components, because a couple of weeks ago the right one stopped shifting. …

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Bicycles, nymphs and wines

 I'm not sure about the connection between drinking wine and bicycling, but some marketers of vino apparently want to create one.

Cycles Gladiator from Hahn Estates in California is the newest label sporting a bicycle — and a red-haired nymph. Oh la la!

It joins Red Bicyclette, a French wine that I was surprised to learn comes from none other than mass wine producer E & J Gallo in Modesto, California. …

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Justice prevails! Ohio U to pay for “pipe bomb” bike it dismantled

Remember earlier this month when Ohio University campus police went all “homeland security” on a bicycle that displayed the sticker “This Bike is a Pipe Bomb”?

College officials in Athens say they'll reimburse the owner for the bike that was first sprayed with high pressure hoses then ripped apart by hydraulic cutters known as the jaws of life. The owner, grad student Patrick Hanlin, could get between $800 and $1,000 to replace the Cannondale T700, a touring bicycle. …

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Stolen bicycle returns from 30-year journey

The stories this bicycle could tell.

Some 30 years after the Schwinn delivery bicycle was stolen from its rightful owner in Portland, Kentucky, it's back in the family home again. The bike belonged to John Eaton, known locally as “The Bicycle Man,” and was as well-known around town as Eaton. …

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Cheney likes to bike, too

President Bush's exploits aboard his Trek mountain bicycle are legend. But until this minute I didn't know that VP Dick Cheney was a bike enthusiast as well.

Make that a stationary bike enthusiast. According to the New York Times, Cheney's aides have been seen loading and unloading an exercise bicycle from Air Force II on his visits around the country. …

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