Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Why did I wait to replace my bike components?

No, this isn't a photo of the latest drivetrain system on display at the Interbike International Bike Show. It's simply a picture of some badly needed new components for my worn out LeMond Tourmalet.

A slipping chain and a near-ballbusting experience — in addition to a tell-tale grinding from the bottom bracket — convinced me it was time to make the replacements after my bike tour of the Olympic Peninsula last month. …

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Pterosail — the sailing trike

I think we were on a bicycle tour to Montreal when my friend Bruce had the idea of attaching sails to our bikes to make them go faster. Always the practical one, I chalked it up as another of his hare-brained schemes, like his vacuum-cleaner shoes.

All I can say now is Bruce was ahead of his time.

A retired attorney has developed a sail system that attaches to a trike and propels it along the highway. The rig is called the Pterosail …

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Bicycle Film Festival in San Francisco

The last North American appearance of the 2006 Bicycle Film Festival rolls through San Francisco this Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 28-30.
Featured is the documentary B.I.K.E., about New York City's Black Label Bicycle Club. There also are films about the history of BMX racing, the life and death of Tour de France cyclist Tom Simpson, and a 500-mile bike tour across Europe to join protests against the World Bank …

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Miami cyclist dangles from bridge, examines priorities

Out for a Sunday bike ride, Andrew Heitner had pasued on a Miami drawbridge when it unexpectedly started to open.

Heitner grabbed the railing and started yelling for help. As the span reached it full upright position, Heitner had a decision to make — his body or his bike. He told a Miami TV station:

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North Carolina's “Bicycle Man” has to pack up and move

A long-simmering dispute between Moses Mathis, who has given away thousands of bikes to kids, and the Fayetteville-Cumberland County Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Committee has boiled over.

The King committee has sold a warehouse that Mathis leased for $1 to an Atlanta-based company that builds affordable housing for college students. Mathis has 90 days to vacate. …

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Bicycle ambulances in developing countries

Bike police have been around for awhile; now fire departments are using bicycles to get their emergency medical technicians into crowded events.

The next innovation for the bicycle is its use as an ambulance.  Non-governmental organizations in developing countries are building trailers for bikes that can carry patients to medical clinics. …

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Why don't bikes tip over?

After all these years and thousands of miles in the saddle, I can now give an authoritative answer to the question: What keeps a moving bicycle from falling over?

It's all about physics. That's what Deborah Byrd and Joel Block tell us from the Earth & Sky radio show heard over many National Public Radio stations.

They explain that spinning bicycle wheels have a “special property” called angular momentum. Physics demands that angular momentum be maintained unless its acted upon by an exterior force. …

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“Keep Idaho green; don't drag your bike on the road”

A bicycle scorched 250 acres of grassland along an Idaho highway on Friday.

The six grass fires along a two-mile stretch of Highway 52 near Payette were ignited by a bicycle that had come loose from an RV. It apparently was dragged along the pavement, showering sparks into the dry brush at the side of …

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Record rides for human-powered vehicles

The next time you're driving down the freeway, set your cruise control at 54 mph. Glance out the side window at the scenery zipping by. Now imagine doing this under your own power.

Amazing? Now imagine yourself doing this under your own power for an hour. That's what Fred Markham did on an outdoor track in the Arizona desert the day before July Fourth.

Now slow down to 26 mph on a residential street. That's still pretty fast for self propulsion. Could you do that for 24 hours? Greg Kolodziejzyk did, on July 20. …

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Brokeback's Jake Gyllenhaal may star in Armstrong movie

Remember all the talk last year regarding the biographical movie about Lance Armstrong? The celebrity and movie blogs are now saying Armstrong's new pal, Jake Gyllenhaal, is interested in playing the lead role in that Armstrong movie.

Gyllenhaal, who starred in Brokeback Mountain, has been cycling with Armstrong in southern California and met him to Paris to see the end of the Tour de France last weekend. …

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