Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Can't get away from this Lance-ness

This might be old news to many, but it was a surprise to me because I'm so behind in my movie watching. I picked up “You, Me and Dupree” the other day and who makes a cameo appearance but Lance Armstrong.

The movie came out earlier this year, but I don't remember hearing about it. It's for rent on the two-day shelf, so it must be a recent DVD release.

Essentially, the movie is about Dupree (Owen Wilson) who moves in with his just married friend, Matt Dillon, and his wife, Kate Hudson …

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'Tis the season to give away bicycles

A bicycle is just about the best gift any kid can get at Christmas. Groups across the country are busy sponsoring bicycle drives and giveaways this season. Here's a representative sample of some programs:


The Butte County Sheriff's office is giving away about 50 new and used bicycles to children who were identified by the local Salvation Army. This is the seventh year …

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The hard truth about bicycle saddles and women cyclists

Women who bicycle frequently can suffer decreased genital sensation, according to a study by the Yale University School of Medicine.

But unlike men, who can suffer erectile dysfunction from an improperly fitted bike saddle, the women in the study suffered “no negative effects on sexual function and quality of life,” said lead researcher Dr. Marsha Guess.

Maybe I'm getting way out of my expertise here, but wouldn't decreased genital sensation impact the quality of life?

Researchers studied 48 women …

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Mounted paramedic patrols in Vancouver

These two bicycle paramedics were among those keeping an eye on the health and safety of more than 230,000 people who attended the Rogers Santa Claus Parade in Vancouver, British Columbia, last weekend.

The British Columbia Ambulance Service was one of the first emergency medical service in North America to send paramedics on bicycles to big events. These guys said they can get through the crowds to someone in need much faster than an ambulance. …

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Good deal on bike at auto auction

This might look like an old beater left outside too long, but it's actually a classic bicycle sold at auction in England recently.

It's a Sun Gents Bicycle, built in about 1920. It came with Reynolds tubing and the original paint, period tire pump, chain guard, La Grande saddle, tool pannier, stirrup front and rear brakes and a Lucas Silver King headlamp. …

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10 good and bad things about winter cycling

Lately, I've had some opportunities to ponder the pros and cons of cycling in winter weather.

1. The good — Finally get a chance to pile on all those layers of polypro, fleece, windbreaker, gloves, booties, balaclava….

2. The bad — Ten minutes down the road I'm sweating like a pig, making myself cold. …

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Cranksgiving bike races on the table

Cranksgiving is a bike race, scavenger hunt and Thanksgiving food drive all wrapped up into one.

Essentially, the cyclists get a list of 10 grocery items that must be purchased at 10 different locations. The first one back wins, and all the food is distributed to charity.

Some Cranksgiving events also have raffles, etc. There are no entry fees, but organizers say the racers should expect to pay $10 to $20 on food.

The event is held in several cities across the US. Locations and information about a few of this year's events:

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Cycling movie coming to a theater near you

While we wait for the Lance Armstrong movie to begin shooting, the amazing story of Graeme Obree — “The Flying Scotsman” — comes to the screen.

Obree twice broke bicycling's world hour record, once in July 1993 and again in April 1994. But why do these achievements rate a movie? He battled more than wind resistance and pain to set the world records.

His success is all the more incredible because he always raced as an amateur, without major sponsorships. He also constantly tussled with authorities at the Union Cycliste Internationale who rejected his aerodynamic riding positions and equipment, once informing him of rule changes …

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Bicycle guru Sheldon Brown's health

If you've ever Googled for something related to bicycles or bike maintenance, you've probably landed at

Under the banner of Harris Cyclery, Sheldon has posted hundreds of articles relating to different brands of bikes, their components, and how to fix those components. He also posts on some other interests, which include arts, books, jazz and his family.

Lately, he's also been writing posts about his health, which sadly is deteriorating. The bicycle guru can no longer ride a bicycle and began riding a recumbent trike in September. …

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Finally! How to recycle those unsightly campaign signs

Even though the 2006 mid-term elections are on the books, it's not too late to begin some big-time political mudslinging.

Kent Peterson at Kent's Bike Blog has found that those campaign signs make very durable bike fenders. Many signs, at least here in the rainy northwest, are made of coroplast, a corrogated plastic material.

Wait a couple of days to see which rude candidates haven't cleaned up their mess and go out and grab a couple of their signs. …

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