Category: Northwest Cycling

Using your bike to beat Seattle's commute from hell

If you expect to hit heavy traffic because of this month's roadwork on I-5 just south of the I-90 interchange for the rest of the month, you should really consider using your bicycle.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is doing all the hard work, except the actual pedaling, to help bike commuters find the easiest routes to and from work and the latest information on successful and safe city riding.

The Cascade Bicycle Club's “Survive I-5” website has links to eight route maps on that are appropriate for cyclists making their way into downtown….

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Woman killed by black bear while mountain biking in BC

An autopsy has confirmed that a 31-year-old Calgary woman was killed by a black bear while on a mountain biking trip at the Panorama Mountain Resort in eastern British Columbia.

The body of Robin Kochorek was found about a half kilometer off one of the resort's marked trails last Sunday. A small brown-nosed black bear was guarding the woman's body.

It's easy for forget how powerful, dangerous, and unpredictable these bears can be…

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Cyclists win round in Lake Forest Park bike trail controversy

Lake Forest Park, a town just north of Seattle, has been informed that it can't block needed improvements to the popular Burke-Gilman bike trail.

The Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board, siding with the Cascade Bicycle Club, ruled this week that the bike trail is “an essential regional public facility” and Lake Forest Park can't pass a law that would block improvements on it.

This is great news for the more than 1,000 cyclists who use the trail that runs from the Ballard Locks on Puget Sound to the Sammamish Trail in Redmond, some 27 miles away. The county plans to widen the trail to 18 feet, from its present 10 feet, to make it safer for cyclists and pedestrians …

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Bellevue (WA) I-90 bike path closed for 10 days

These are the types of signs I hate to see when I'm out bicycling. How long is the detour? How many hills? How much gravel?

The Washington State Department of Transportation closed the bike trail beneath I-90 near Bellevue Way on Monday morning for about the next 10 days.

What it means for bike commuters between the Eastside and Seattle is that they'll have about an extra mile commute until the path is opened again…

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Hit-and-run motorist arrested after striking STP cyclist

A 24-year-old Seattle cyclist was listed in fair condition at Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center in Portland Sunday night after he was struck by an SUV on Route 30 on the second leg of his Seattle-to-Portland bike ride.

Witnesses told police that the SUV veered out of its lane, struck Gerald (Gerry) Marvin from behind about 9:20 a.m., stopped briefly, then drove away. The force of the collision caused Marvin to knock over two other cyclists, who were taken to the hospital for observation. (The two were later identified as Michael J. Ball, 47, of Gresham, and Mark W. Tribble, 33, of Seattle.)

A St. Helens police officer stopped Daniel B. Whittlinger, 40, of Portland …

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2007 Seattle to Portland – STP – is on the road

It's not often that I'm a spectator to thousands of bicyclists pedaling past, but I bicycled over to the first leg of the Seattle to Portland bike ride this morning to soak up the ambience.

This is the 28th running of the STP, organized by the Cascade Bicycle Club. It's a 202-miler from Seattle to Portland that can be ridden in one or two days.

The mostly flat route — there are just two or three good climbs — makes it possible for a wide cross-section of recreational cyclists. Cascade cut off registrations at 9,000 this year. Some of the statistics….

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June biking stats: keeping my nose to the bike trail

One of the Seattle area's great summer treats are wild blackberries, which take over abandoned lots, roadsides and bike path rights of way.

They're tasty come late August and September, but think kudzu with thorns the rest of the growing season. A shoot can grow 30 feet in a year, and blackberry plants alongside bike paths can send prickly obstacles through fences.

That's how I ran afoul of a thorny shoot on a gloomy evening, looking down to check my gears and glancing up just in time to get raked across my nose by a blackberry branch. Boy, did that hurt. I hate it when that happens. …

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New Pacific NW bike ride: High Pass Challenge

Are you looking for the end-of-season challenge to test your bicycling fitness? If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you might consider the High Pass Challenge presented by the Cascade Bicycle Club.

Offered by the Seattle-based bicycle club for the first time in 2007, the Challenge is a 120-mile, one-day bike ride that features 7,500 feet of elevation gain.

Cyclists will begin in Packwood, Washington, between 7 and 8 a.m. on Sept. 23, and climb Independence Pass, pedal past Spirit Lake and arrive at the Windy Ridge Viewpoint of the Mount St. Helens blast zone in the national monument. …

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How far can you ride your bicycle in 24 hours?

Forget about the dishes in the sink. Forget about mowing the lawn and posting your blog. Forget about sleep. If you had 24 hours, how far could you ride your bicycle?

More than 400 bicyclists met at the National 24-Hour Challenge last weekend near Grand Rapids, Michigan, to seek the answer to that question. It was the 24th meeting for the event.

Seattle resident Craig Ragsdale, 29, learned he could set the course record by covering 502.6 miles. Just as amazing, 67-year-old Dave Thomsen of Austin, Minnesota, bicycled 403.9 miles. …

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Country cycling and no rain at Cascade's Flying Wheels bike ride

The forecast of scattered showers never materialized on Saturday for the Cascade Bicycle Club's Flying Wheels bicycle ride in eastern King County.

Some 3,150 bicycling enthusiasts showed up for the ride, which features hilly routes of 100 and 65 miles, and easier routes of 50 and 25 miles.

The ride that begins and ends at Redmond's Marymoor Park Velodrome is promoted as a warm-up ride for July's Seattle-to-Portland 200-mile bike tour. …

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