Category: Northwest Cycling

The bare truth about naked bicycling in Seattle

A short-lived attempt to ban nudity in public parks in Seattle raised the issue of the legality of public nudity here.

The city has a tradition of painted bicyclists taking to the streets for the Summer Solstice Parade in the Fremont neighborhood, right, and for World Naked Bike Rides.

Those traditions are safe.

The city doesn't have a law regulating nudity, and Washington state law says that public nudity is not illegal unless it is an affront to someone else or causes alarm …

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Portland reports huge increase in bicycling

Many media outlets reported anecdotes over the summer about how the soaring price of gasoline was putting more people on their bicycles to commute and run errands.

It's good to finally get some meat on that story.

The city of Portland reports a 28% increase in overall bicycle use for 2008; the biggest increase ever recorded. In fact, bicycling in Portland has increased threefold since 2001. ….

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Help Kirkland, Bellevue and Renton review bicycle plans

About a year ago the Seattle city council endorsed a 10-year Bicycle Master Plan. Now three of its neighbors on the east side of Lake Washington are in the midst of reviewing bicycle plans for their communities.

Kirkland and Renton are looking for comments on their plans for active transportation at meetings Wednesday night. Bellevue will be reviewing a comprehensive plan, which will have an effect on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

The Cascade Bicycle Club is asking for citizen cyclists to show up at the those meetings to review the plans and “help them get it right.”

These cities appear to be making a good faith effort to provide upgrades for the bicycling on city streets. You can check out their efforts online and offer your suggestions at their meetings ….

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“Rally for Ed” bike ride to support Ed Farrar is Sunday

Pro cyclist Tyler Farrar will lead a community bike ride around Wenatchee, Washington, on Sunday in support of his father, Dr. Ed Farrar, left.

Dr. Farrar is hospitalized with a spinal injury after being struck head-on by a car the morning of Oct. 22 while riding his bicycle to work. He's still listed in serious condition.

An orthopedic surgeon and cycling enthusiast, Dr. Farrar helped form Wenatchee Valley Velo and encourage many people to get into cycling as a form of rehabilitation and exercise. People in the community came up with the “Rally for Ed” to show their support …

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Peeling back the history of my sub-hour mountain bike route;
October ride stats

There are hectic days when the weather is nice, but I just can't get out for a long bike ride. That's when I jump on my mountain bike to ride some trails and finish up with a stop at a local grocery to pick up something for dinner — all in under an hour.

Part of the bicycle route is on an unassuming dirt path that veers into a second-growth forest behind some homes in neighboring Newcastle.

I never thought much about this dirt trail that dead-ends at a stairway high above May Creek until recently. That's when I found out that this is no ordinary dirt trail.

Merely 1.7 miles long, the May Creek Trail is the abandoned route of a narrow-gauge railroad of the 1800s that connected the lucrative old coalfields of old Newcastle to docks in Seattle. …

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Halloween bicycle trip to Jimi Hendrix memorial

One of Seattle's most famous native sons is Jimi Hendrix, but I didn't know until yesterday that he was buried right down the road in Renton.

As the steady drizzle made it dark and gloomy here this Halloween — there was almost a purple haze in the air — I thought it would be an interesting experience to take a bicycle ride down there.

There's nothing scary or spooky about the Jimi Hendrix Memorial, but it did make it onto a list of six locations that are considered Haunted Renton on a map created by EarthShod.

The Jimi Hendrix Memorial is located at the Greenwood Memorial Park on busy 3rd Street in Renton.

The memorial is among the largest edifices at the cemetery and easy to find …

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Man stages bicycle accident in Seattle

A man took his bicycle onto the University Bridge in Seattle about 3 a.m. Saturday, then laid down beside it, as if he were injured. When a motorist stopped to help him, the man jumped up and punched and kicked the woman.

Police answering the call witnessed the attack and arrested the man. The woman was treated at a local hospital for the assault.

This is terrible on several levels. In addition to the woman being injured in the assault, I wonder if passersby will think twice before coming to the aid of bicyclists who have been left to die by hit-and-run motorists …

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Riding blind on a downhill bike course

Imagine racing your mountain bike on a downhill course. Now imagine being legally blind.

Now you're imagining Bobby McMullen's life.

“The Way Bobby Sees It” (check out the trailer at left) is McMullen's story and is one of three feature films that will be presented at the Olympia Bicycle Film Festival later this month …

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Bicycling upstream with the migrating salmon

What could be so interesting to hold the attention of these two guys I spotted from the bike bridge to the Cedar River Trail in Renton?

They're employees of the Seattle Public Utilities checking on the salmon weir placed across the river to capture migrating salmon for the fish hatchery.

With sunny, cool weekend weather in the forecast, it might be a good time to bike over to the Cedar River Bike Trail and follow the migration of sockeye salmon upstream to Landsburg . There's a map below to direct you. …

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Counting bicycle commuters in Washington state

Volunteers are needed to count bicyclists and pedestrians at certain intersections in town and cities across the state of Washington next week.

The state Department of Transportation is taking the tally to set benchmarks to track progress toward the state's goal of encouraging people to get out of their cars.

The DOT and the Cascade Bicycle Club are looking for volunteers to count people bicycling and walking on paths, bike lanes, sidewalks and other facilities on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 and 2 (that's Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday).

Volunteers can go to the DOT website at or contact the Cascade Bicycle Club at or calling 206-957-0689. …

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