Category: Northwest Cycling
If these kids are lacking in Vitamin D, it isn't from spending too many summer days sitting in front of a TV or computer.
This was part of a youth group I passed chugging uphill on the John Wayne Pioneeer Trail in Iron Horse State Park this week as I was riding near the Twin Falls trail crossing.
I was happy to see this many kids out for a summer camp bike ride. They certainly knew the rules of the road as they all moved over single file when they saw me heading down the trail. ….
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The weatherman said there was a 90 percent chance of rain, but I wanted to take this overnight bike trip up John Wayne Pioneer Trail this week anyway.
When I first heard the forecast, I was ready to bail out. I had planned this trip two weeks ago when the weather was hot and sunny. I visualized riding up there in my shirtsleeves and enjoying a cool mountain night laying out on a picnic table, looking at stars.
A bike trip under gloomy skies with a high probability of rain wasn't what I had in mind. I soon realized this might be my last chance to take a long ride up into the Cascades this summer. Anyway, how often do things go the way we visualize them? ….
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Bicycle commuters and others interested in non-motorized public transportation got a chance on Tuesday to kick the tires and go for test rides on three bike share systems that may one day be a common sight on Seattle streets.
King County is sponsoring the presentation, which will be repeated in Redmond on Wednesday, to get some feedback about what people like and don't like about the bike share programs and how they could be employed here.
Participating in the all-day display on Westlake Avenue were Bcycle, Bixi and The Bike Share Group (above), which is based in Ballard ….
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With my daughter in a day camp in Seattle this week, I've had the opportunity to do some bicycle day-tripping around the area.
On Wednesday, as I headed north on the old Interurban right-of-way toward Shoreline and Edmonds, I stumbled across a series of signs posted along the bike trail like a picturesque Burma Shave advertisement.
They're not trailside billboards, however. They're FlipBooks, a bit of trailside artwork created by local artist Jennifer Dixon.
Just like a flipbook that you hold in your hand, the images change slightly as you progress along the trail so there's a sensation of movement as you pass ….
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What's happening bike-wise in Seattle this weekend? Just the Dead Baby Downhill, Tour de Fat and Bike Polo Championships.
Recreational bicycle rides also are on tap in the Snoqualmie Valley to the east and in the Tenino and Yelm area to the south.
The Dead Baby Downhill race and party on Friday starts at the Comet Tavern, 922 E. Pike in Seattle and heads downhill from there.
The finish line is not disclosed, but I've read that it's someplace in the Georgetown neighborhood. That's where the post-race party kicks off with live bands, sideshow rodeo, Helltrack BMX and tall bike jousting ….
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When I headed down the driveway on my bicycle this afternoon, I was looking to cool off. While I was successful, I found many other people trying to beat the heat in ways other than bicycling.
With temperatures getting into the 90s this weekend, I found cool breezes and shady byways on my bicycle ride.
If you're looking for a good bike ride on Sunday, the most excellent 16th annual Tour de Kitsap is just a cool ferry ride away from Seattle. You can register at the Silver Beach Hotel from 7 to 10:30 a.m., or at the ferry terminal in Bremerton. See the flyer (.doc) for more information.
You can go for a bike ride on your own …
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[Update: Tuesday, July 28 – A service to celebrate the life of Jose Hernando will be held beginning at 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 31, at the Graham Visitor's Center at the Arboretum in Seattle. Please show up at 6 p.m. Check on CaringBridge for directions and other details.
Also, Gang of Peanuts blog writes about Hernando.]
Bicyclist Jose Hernando died Friday from injuries he suffered in a collision with a van last week on Lake Washington Boulevard near Seward Park.
Hernando, 44, was a member of Team Cucina Fresca and raced in the master men's division. A ceremony at 5 p.m. on Saturday at Seward Park will honor his passing. He leaves behind his wife, Chanel, and two children.
According to reports, the collision happened about 6:30 p.m. July 19. Hernando was on a training ride heading south on Lake Washington Boulevard when he collided with a northbound Chevy van that was turning left onto South Orcas Street. ….
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The 30th anniversary of the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic might be remembered as the best of rides and the worst of rides.
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Those finishing the 200-mile course in one day on Saturday will note the warm sunny weather with friendly breezes into Portland.
The two-day riders will no doubt recall being greeted with cold wet weather as they started out Sunday morning for a blustery ride that was punctuated by thunder.
OK, that doesn't make it a “worst” ride, but it's probably not the kind of ride most people were thinking of when they signed up.
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The Cascade Bicycle Club knows when and where to find potential converts to bicycle commuting.
Their latest project will be encouraging commuters to beat the Interstate 90 bridge repair backups by using their bicycles.
The Washington Department of Transportation began working on the I-90 bridge across Lake Washington on Sunday, a job that will continue until about July 20. “Unprecedented levels” of traffic congestion are anticipated.
Although the westbound mainline bridge will be closed around the clock, the bike/pedestrian path will remain open because two temporary bridges have been installed.
The Seattle-based bicycle club, among the largest and most active in the nation, is launching its “Bridging with Bikes” program to encourage commuters to use their bicycles instead of cars. ….
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Some 2,000 cyclists left the Seattle Center on Sunday for the LiveStrong Challenge ride through Seattle and the eastside cities of Mercer Island, Bellevue, Redmond, Newcastle and Renton.
Together with the runners, the group raised nearly $900,000 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. The most money — $143,963 — was raised by blogger Elden Nelson's team — Team Fat Cyclist: Fighting for Susan.
The cyclists faced a grueling day. Although a partial cloud cover promised to keep temperatures lower, there were plenty of climbs the cyclists had to deal with.
Participants were even greeted by The Devil, above, on the first major climb of the day. Later on, the cyclists faced the toughest climb through the Monteaux neighborhood that connected to Lakemont Boulevard on Cougar Mountain …
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