Category: Northwest Cycling

Hundreds of cyclists dressed up in their favorite costumes and rode their bikes in the Tour de Fat bike parade around Seattle's Fremont neighborhood on Saturday.
The parade is the opening event in the day-long bike festival presented for the past three years here by New Belgium Brewery, for Fort Collins, Colorado.
After returning to the home base at Gas …
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For the Seattle bicycling community, the arrival of Tour de Fat is something like the circus coming to town.
The festival at Gas Works Park on Saturday is just one of the bicycling events in the Seattle area this weekend. Others include the return of the Seattle Century and a bike collection drive in West Seattle for the Village Bicycle Project.
This is at least the sixth visit to Seattle by Tour de Fat, a celebration of the bicycle put on by New Belgium Brewery, the makers of Fat Tire beer.
As always, the festival starts with a parade of decorated bicycles around the Fremont neighborhood …..
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Some 10,000 bicyclists took to the streets in Seattle on Saturday morning for the 31st annual Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic.
The popularity of this one- or two-day bike ride along 200 miles of scenic roads to Portland is growing every year. Although ridership has been capped at 10,000 for several years, registrations sold out in mid April. That's 2 1/2 months earlier than in 2009.
As you can see from these photos, the ride is not reserved for standard two-wheeled bicycles. There are recumbent bikes and trikes, handcycles, cargo bikes ….
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The 10,000 cyclists making the 200-mile ride from Seattle to Portland this weekend will face light clouds changing to sunny weather the whole way. Look for highs in the mid 70s on Saturday, rising to the low 80s in Portland on Sunday.
At the risk of jinxing the ride for everyone, I'll tell you there's no chance for precipitation in the forecast. You can leave that rain gear at home.
This weekend marks the 31st anniversary of the STP Bicycle Classic, the Cascade Bicycle Club's premier presentation of the year. Popularity of the ride is so high that it sold out in April this year, earlier than ever.
Cascade has made a last-minute route change on the approach to Portland this year. Instead of taking the St. John's Bridge, cyclists will be routed over the Steel Bridge. …
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If you like riding your bicycle along scenic S.E. May Valley Road between Newcastle and Issaquah, Washington, then I've got horrible news for you.
The road will be blocked to bicycles and motor vehicles through the end of August at a small bridge that the county is replacing just east of the intersection with State Route 900.
Bicyclists will either have to head north over the pass between Squak and Cougar mountains, or south to East 4th Street in the Renton Highlands. Both routes have higher traffic volumes and a lot more hills than the pleasant ride past the farms and horse ranches along May Creek.
To be honest, I probably ride this route at least 25 times a year and I never really noticed the bridge just east of State Route 900. Built in 1950, it's a short culvert-like affair over a portion of the creek that is so overgrown…
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More than 900 members of the LiveStrong army took to the streets in Seattle and the hilly Eastside on Sunday to raise money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.
It was the second year in a row that the charity bike ride visited Seattle to raise funds.
Many participants wore the LiveStrong, Mellow Johnny or Fat Cyclist jerseys and seemed reluctant to cover them up with rain gear as a steady drizzle fell on the course.
All the bicycle riders started at the Seattle Center near the Space Needle on Sunday morning and took off on rides of 10, 45, 70 or 100 miles ….
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For a bike snob, that Eben Weiss is certainly one popular guy.
About 130 fans of his BikeSnobNYC blog showed up at University Book Store in Seattle on Saturday afternoon to hear him speak and to get autographs of his recently released book.
Weiss is making a tour of the western states to promote the book “Bike Snob, Systematically & Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling.”
It's a good thing that Weiss bikes regularly, because he needs his stamina. He had just flown in, with his bike, from San Jose where he participated in an event called “Bike Party” that lasted far into the night ….
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Scores of painted bicyclists made the ultimate sacrifice for their art on Saturday when they bared their skin for the brush and spray-can at the Fremont Solstice Parade.
Although the parade celebrates the coming of summer, the temperatures hovered in the upper 50s and a windy drizzle swept off the Puget Sound.
In such conditions, even two coats of body paint won't keep a person warm.
More than a hundred cyclists participated in the parade this year, in spite of the chilly weather. The painted cyclists have been a fixture at the parade hosted by the Fremont Arts Council …..
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Update: June 17, 2010 — The days of waiting until the last minute to sign up for Cascade Bicycle Club events — such as the 2010 Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic — are over.
STP sold out in April, 3 months before the July 17-18 bike ride. The club caps registrations at 10,000.
The Cascade blog reports it will reopen a brief late registration beginning at 9 a.m. June 22. Because of the interest in riding and the number of registrations available, Cascade expects the late registrations will sell out within minutes. Repeat, minutes.
Here are the instructions offered by Cascade for the best opportunity to acquire one of these last-chance registrations ….
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Naked bicycle riders, bike snob devotees and the Livestrong Army converge on Seattle this weekend for bike parades, book signings and a massive anti-cancer charity bike ride.
Partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the low 60s or 70s Temperatures in the low 60s with a high chance of precipitation will greet bicyclists this weekend. The warmish forecast must be appreciated by the Painted Cyclists at the Fremont Solstice Parade on Saturday.
The cyclists covered in paint — and little else — are a long-standing highlight of the parade sponsored by the Fremont Arts Council. Although most people attending the parade expect to see cyclists enjoying a ride without clothing, organizers caution the cyclists to show a little discretion …
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