When I read about a Washington legislator’s response to the proposed tax on bicycle sales, I honestly thought it was someone’s elementary attempt at sarcasm.
Wrong again.
State Rep. Ed Orcutt, a Republican representing Kalama down in Cowlitz County, says bicycle riding is not an environmentally friendly activity. He wrote to a constituent:
That sunny afternoon yesterday reminded me that loads of bicycling fun is coming up in the Seattle area. It’s only February, but the local bike clubs already are offering a full plate of early season activities.
The Cascade Bicycle Club registration for this year’s rides is an ongoing process and opened up to the general public on Tuesday (members get an early-bird opportunities). Here’s your link to register.
Among the rides open for registration is the STP (Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic) which is 80% booked already. That means …
It’s pretty obvious that the LAPD motorcycle cop in this video either doesn’t know the traffic laws regarding bicycles, or simply chooses not to refer to them.
The cop is filmed on a Venice bicycle path giving a speeding ticket to a bicyclist who minutes earlier had complained that the policeman’s motorcycle was blocking the path. The bicyclist is identified by NBCLosAngeles.com as Peter Jackson, 34, of Venice.
Jackson argues with the policeman, who tells him on camera: “The reason why I’m going to write you for unsafe speed is because you are arguing with me….”
Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/01/22/just-what-are-the-laws-for-bicycles-in-your-state/
The John Wayne Pioneer rail-trail that rolls through the Iron Horse State Park has to be one of my favorite bicycling destinations. It’s close enough for overnight bicycle camping, but I also get a feeling that I can get-away-from-it-all up here.
I’m including it in a book that I’ve been asked to write about the …
If you’re a member in good-standing with the Cascade Bicycle Club, then you can jump into online registration this morning (Tuesday) beginning at 10 a.m.
Simply log into Cascade Bicycle Club rides for 2013 and check your preferences for the upcoming rides. If you haven’t signed in previously, you’ll need an account.
Registration for the general public opens at 10 a.m. Feb. 5.
Unlike last year’s inauguration of the World Bicycle Relief Red-Bell 100, there don’t appear to be any new rides scheduled for 2013 that require prior registration (the Seattle Brews Cruise has a later registration date). And all the old favorites ….
The only explanation for this is a slow news day, or perhaps an editor looking for some quirky tale from the Pacific Northwest.
In any case, ABC News followed by Huffington Post this week did short pieces on that 50-some year old bicycle lodged in a tree on Vashon Island in the Puget Sound.
Precipitation in Seattle is falling about 30% ahead of average for 2012, and much of that has been over the last month or so. While that hasn’t keep me from running errands on my bike, it certainly has kept me from enjoying bike rides as I normally do.
So when the sun blasted through some thinning high clouds on Friday, I packed up and headed to a place where I could enjoy the views.
My destination was King County’s Tolt MacDonald Park, which sits at the edge of Carnation on the confluence of the Tolt and Snoqualmie rivers. A privately owned forest sits at the top of a steep climb behind the park, but the owners allow mountain bike …
This review originally appeared in the Nov/Dec 2024 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine. Click here to learn more. After years of producing high-end carbon bike components, ENVE finally decided to […] The post The Mother Lode: A Long-term Review of the ENVE MOG appeared first on Adventure Cycling Association.
You don’t have to plan your bikepacking trip months in advance, but it certainly doesn’t hurt — especially if you want to tackle a long ride overseas. Here’s a general […] The post The Complete Bikepacking Trip-Planning Checklist appeared first on Adventure Cycling Association.
Lighthouses jutting out of cliffs. Fresh Atlantic lobster. Colossal forests of spruce and fir. Maine conjures a lot of romantic images, and if you love vast timberland and quiet small […] The post The Ultimate Bike Travel Guide to Maine’s USBRS 1 appeared first on Adventure Cycling Association.
In this month’s spotlight, we’re excited to connect with Tina Beecham — Shero of her local San Antonio, Texas chapter of Black Girls Do Bike. In addition to regular rides throughout… The post Club Leader Spotlight: Tina Beecham appeared first on League of American Bicyclists.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The League of American Bicyclists is proud to recognize 39 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Businesses (BFBs) and four Honorable Mentions in its latest award round. This… The post Investing in Biking Pays Off: 39 Bicycle Friendly Businesses Recognized by the League of American Bicyclists appeared first on League of American Bicyclists.
In our first year of hosting workshops to certify League Cycling Advocates (LCAs) in Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, we’ve seen incredible engagement and enthusiasm from emerging and seasoned bike advocates… The post League Cycling Advocate (LCA) Spotlight Roundup appeared first on League of American Bicyclists.
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