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If you're looking for something to do on the last Saturday night (Aug. 26) of the month, roll on down to Seattle's Bike-In at Magnuson Park. Presented by the Cascade Bicycle Club and the Northwest Film Forum, the free event features bicycle-themed films on a big outdoor screen, live music and biking demos.
We're not talking “Breaking Away” or “Pee-wee's Big Adventure” here
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Bike police have been around for awhile; now fire departments are using bicycles to get their emergency medical technicians into crowded events.
The next innovation for the bicycle is its use as an ambulance. Non-governmental organizations in developing countries are building trailers for bikes that can carry patients to medical clinics. …
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It's all over for the bicycle racing team sponsored by Phonak.
Owner Andy Rihs is disbanding the team after Phonak earlier decided to pull its sponsorship at the end of the year and iShares decided not to pick up the ball, as earlier agreed.
Rihs, unable to find a sponsor, said the doping scandal surrounding former team member Floyd Landis led to his decision. “For this reason, today I see myself forced to do something I have never done in my whole life as a businessman: I have given up!” …
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After all these years and thousands of miles in the saddle, I can now give an authoritative answer to the question: What keeps a moving bicycle from falling over?
It's all about physics. That's what Deborah Byrd and Joel Block tell us from the Earth & Sky radio show heard over many National Public Radio stations.
They explain that spinning bicycle wheels have a “special property” called angular momentum. Physics demands that angular momentum be maintained unless its acted upon by an exterior force. …
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The Eugene, Oregon, company that makes those distinctive kiddie trailers — as well as bicycles and other cycling equipment — is no longer a worker-owned cooperative.
Burley Design Cooperative is now Burley Design Inc., a privately held corporation. The change is a “last ditch attempt to save Burley,” according to a letter from the board of directors …
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Could amateur cyclist AJ Smith be the next Lance Armstrong?
Could amateur cyclist AJ Smith be the next Lance Armstrong?
Who knows, but the bicycle racer from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, did win the “Race to Replace” contest Saturday at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway sponsored by the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team. …
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“And the more you get out there and talk about it, I have to talk about it. The best is just to let the process play out and get out of the media. … I would have encouraged him just to lay low. …
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Bill Cook's cross-country bicycle adventure ended in Washington, D.C., this week.
The 70-year-old retired journalist's 3,248-mile recumbent bike tour ended 49 days after it started in Seattle, where he left with a supported tour organized by the Adventure Cycling Association. …
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A Tacoma, Washington, couple's ride of a lifetime ended on a rural road in north-central Wisconsin earlier this week when Bob Burton, 55, was struck by a car as he rode his touring bike.
His wife, Anita, who had ridden ahead a little while before the collision, said:
“It was an instant thing. We had a beautiful road. Two feet (of shoulder) and then the white line. The person who hit him did not see him.” …
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City officials in Toronto are investigating whether their distinctive post-and-ring bicycle stands have a flaw that enables thieves to steal bike locked to them.
The city has installed some 16,000 of the bike stands since 1985, making them a common landmark of the Toronto streetscape.
But bike thieves may have found a way to break the ring and remove the bike, lock intact.
Toronto's transportation services division issued a press release on Friday seeking information from cyclists who believe their bikes might have been ripped off because of defective post-and-ring. …
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