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So what's all this yelling going on over at one corner of the cavernous seaplane hangar that houses the 2007 Seattle International Bicycle Expo?
Two guys are competing in a virtual track sprint (Goldsprints) and an emcee is urging a small crowd to cheer them on.
Elsewhere, a former pro cyclist is talking about the Tour de France to a standing-room-only gathering. In between more than 150 exhibitors are displaying and talking up whatever bicycle related stuff they're offering and bargain-hunters are searching clothing racks and boxes for shorts, jerseys, socks, helmets, you name it. Man, it's noisy in here …
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The place to learn some inside scoop about the Tour de France on Saturday was inside the noisy former seaplane hangar that hosted the 2007 Group Health Seattle International Bicycle Expo.
Cycling commentator and former pro Frankie Andreu (left) — himself a veteran on nine Tour pelotons — said the 2006 Tour de France was one of the “most amazing” he'd ever seen, because he never knew what was going to happen next.
That uncertainty continues to this day, as Andreu says he can't guess what the future holds for Tour winner Floyd Landis, who prepares to answer doping charges at an administrative hearing in May.
Andreu noted that Landis and his defense team have pointed to “a lot of inaccuracies” at the French lab that analyzed the urine samples that led to the doping accusations. But, “we've only heard from one side,” he said. He wants to wait to hear from the other side — the anti-doping agency and its witnesses — before he decides about the case. …
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The 2,058-mile Underground Railroad Bicycle Route is finished and ready for action.
Actually, the route has been there since before the Civil War, when escaped slaves from the Deep South followed the Tombigbee to the Ohio River and beyond to freedom in Canada.
It's just now that the Adventure Cycling Association has completed more than three years of research and planning to chart that route along bike friendly, low-traffic roads from Mobile, Alabama, to Owen Sound, Ontario.
The recent completion of the last three sections of the five-section route has caused a minor buzz in the press, and at least one community along the route is preparing to welcome touring bicyclists with open arms (i.e. free camping in parks)….
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I've seen a couple of odd designs for folding bicycles lately at Bicycle Design, left, and Cyclelicious, right, leading me to wonder who would buy and ride one of these bikes.
Then I saw this item that the Santa Cruz transportation system is offering up to $250 rebates to commuters using folding bikes.
Now there's transit system with its head screwed on straight — using folding bikes as part of an integrated approach to increasing bus ridership and decreasing traffic and air pollution. …
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The Group Health Seattle International Bicycle Expo returns to Magnuson Park this Saturday and Sunday with some 150 exhibitors and more good speakers than I can remember in recent years.
Rain is in the forecast this weekend, so heading on over to the old Magnuson Park showsite won't be a bad idea. You can even ride your bike over there, as there's plenty of bike parking right outside. The show runs 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Who's showing up this year? Speakers at the main stage this year incude former pro cyclist and OLN commentator Frankie Andreu, bicycle touring authors Willie Weir and Joe (Metal Cowboy) Kurmaskie, and the Bob Mionske, the lawyer who writes Legally Speaking at VeloNews. …
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One day soon, bicyclists in Livonia will be able to ride on the public streets, even though sidewalks and bike paths might be nearby.
Apparently the Michigan city, located just east of Detroit, has had a law on the books since the early 1980s that made it a misdemeanor to ride a bike on the roadway if there were trails or sidewalks adjacent.
Bicycling advocates in Michigan decided it's long past time to get rid of that bad law and bring the city up-to-date. …
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Pan-American bicycle tourist Dominic Gill could put a classified ad in newspapers throughout the Americas:
Wanted: Tandem pilot seeks stoker. Full or part-time. Must be willing to travel.
Gill is an Englishman in the midst of a 20,000-mile journey from Alaska to the tip of South America on a tandem. Cycling the length of North and South America in search of company, Gill says, “What better way to get to know the locals than offering them a seat on your bike.” …
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It took a New Jersey jury about 15 minutes to decide that an 11-year-old girl on rollerblades was not at fault for causing a doctor to crash his bicycle.
You may have heard of the ridiculous lawsuit filed by Dr. Alexander Dlugi, who sued his neighbor because she turned into his path after he rang his bicycle bell and yelled “Watch Out” as he cycled past.
Dlugi, who suffered a broken collarbone, claimed his practice lost money because of his injuries and he sued. His attorney said: “It may seem like an odd thing. But people are responsible for their actions.”
That may be the case, but the seven-person jury didn't agree that the girl — now 15 — was responsible for the accident. …
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Here's good news for us in the Pacific Northwest. The North American Handmade Bicycle Show is heading to Portland in 2008.
The show, which just wrapped up its three-day stand San Jose on Sunday, is a celebration of the best frame designers and builders in the world. Most of the 70 handmade frame makers came from the US and Canada this year.
The 2008 show, scheduled for March 7-10 at the Oregon Convention Center, will be another relocation for the annual event, conceived by Don Walker, a framebuilder himself. It was held in Houston in 2005, then moved to the Bay Area for the past two years …
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Back at the end of 2006, I made the bold assertion that I would double last year's mileage and ride my bicycle at least 4,000 miles in 2007.
So far, I'm way off pace. Here are some of my lame excuses for this month:
First my high schooler was sick for three days at the beginning of February, then I came down with that energy-sapping virus for a few days myself …
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