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Imagine racing your mountain bike on a downhill course. Now imagine being legally blind.
Now you're imagining Bobby McMullen's life.
“The Way Bobby Sees It” (check out the trailer at left) is McMullen's story and is one of three feature films that will be presented at the Olympia Bicycle Film Festival later this month …
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Whenever I'm out bicycle riding, I always keep an eye open for passing bicycle travelers who might need some directions or some company. It's how I return the favor to the countless people who have helped me over the years.
I met up with Mark on Friday as I was enjoying an early fall bike ride on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail in the Cascades. Although he wasn't on a bike, I knew he had an interesting story to tell.
Mark and his two companions, Festus, the mule, and Mister Doodles, the horse, had been on the road since June 2 when they left Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He was traveling to see an old friend in Ferndale, so he was nearing the end of his journey. …
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Here's a bicycle for group rides in extremely cramped spaces. It's called the Circular Bike, and it's really just for fun.
Inventor Robert Wechsler used parts from 30-odd discarded bikes to make the merry-go-round that can reach speeds of 15 mph. He says that inevitably, someone always gets sick.
His creation essentially connects nine bicycles in a 12-foot diameter ring. There was some welding involved, but sections are bolted together so it can be dismantled …
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Supporters and users of the popular Minuteman Bikeway in Massachusetts celebrated its induction into the Rail-to-Trails Conservancy's Hall of Fame with a rolling celebration by bicycle last weekend.
The 11-mile bike path connects Bedford, Lexington, Arlington and Cambridge, an area many of us remember from our history books for its part in the opening salvos of the American Revolution.
The nationwide trails advocacy group has chosen seven trails for its Hall of Fame so far and plans to name a total of 25 to coincide with its 25th year anniversary in December 2011. The seven are …
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What could be so interesting to hold the attention of these two guys I spotted from the bike bridge to the Cedar River Trail in Renton?
They're employees of the Seattle Public Utilities checking on the salmon weir placed across the river to capture migrating salmon for the fish hatchery.
With sunny, cool weekend weather in the forecast, it might be a good time to bike over to the Cedar River Bike Trail and follow the migration of sockeye salmon upstream to Landsburg . There's a map below to direct you. …
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Hey, Senators McCain and Obama! If you want to learn the mood of the electorate as we roll toward the presidential election, you should check out Tim Foley's blog,
Tim is definitely the hardest working political journalist out there doing “mood-of-the-country” coverage. He conducts and posts daily voter interviews for his blog, then climbs on his bike and rides 50 to 100 miles to his next interview.
The master's candidate at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism is on a 50-day bike tour from New York City to New Orleans. He departed on Sept. 14 and plans to roll into the Big Easy shortly before the election ….
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The overriding question most bicycle commuters had when they heard about passage of the Bicycle Commuter Act on Friday was — “Where do I sign up?”
The League of American Bicyclists has been researching the bill and how it might be implemented and came up with a Bicycle Commuter Act FAQ at the LAB website.
The bike act is a work in progress. As a Washington DC-based advocacy group for bicyclists, the League has the contacts to make sure the act's provisions are implemented by Jan. 1, 2009 ….
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Is a 3,000-mile cross-country bicycle tour a good way to start a marriage?
You can follow Joel and Michelle's blogs to find out.
The two make their home in Kansas City, where, among other things, they both race mountain bikes. They got hitched in September and headed out to Santa Cruz, California, to start their adventure about a week ago.
Early reports from the West to East bicycle travelers is that “self-supported touring is HARD work.” First they suffered through the heat of the San Joaquin Valley, then suffered the climb up and over the Sierra Nevada. They enjoyed their time in Yosemite Valley, however …
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There are a few mountain goats in any group of bicyclists. They're the ones who relish any and all climbs on bike rides.
There's a special event for these folks in the San Francisco Bay area. It's called the Mount Diablo Challenge and is simply a 10.8-mile ride that gains 3,240 feet with a 6.9% gradient the last 4 miles.
What's so amazing is that 888 bicyclists completed this torture on Sunday. Maybe they considered it bliss. They should all be proud of themselves, and they probably are.
The first to summit fastest time was set by Howard Love, 48, who arrived in 41:19 at a pace of 15.7 mph. [The first to the summit was Nate English, who left in an earlier wave.] That's about 4 minutes faster than last year's winner, Chris Phipps, 38, who finished this year in 47:09. ….
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I don't live in northwestern Pennsylvania, but if I did this attack ad by the Republican Party would be enough to get me to vote for Kathy Dahlkemper, a Democrat in the 3rd congressional district.
The ad says that Dahlkemper has some “wacky solutions” to deal with the energy crisis. Among them, walking places and riding bikes.
Sounds completely sane to me.
The commercial calls these “personal sacrifices.” I'd call these choices lifestyle improvements….
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