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A Sacramento resident walked into the Sacramento police headquarters this morning with Lance Armstrong's stolen time trial bicycle, solving a case that police had been working on since Sunday.
Although a police spokesman said he would not go into the details about how the person acquired the bicycle, “he is not a suspect at this time.”
The bicycle “appears to be in good condition with the wheels and the frame, however the mechanics for the team will have to review it … to see if there are any flaws or damage to it.” …
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There's a Florida band named “This Bike is a Pipe Bomb.” If you want to keep life simple, do not attach their bumper stickers to your bicycle. Otherwise your ride could be considered a terrorist threat.
That happened Monday in Memphis where an airport terminal was shut down when such a bicycle was spotted near a passenger ramp.
A pilot saw the bike with the sticker and notified police, who evacuated the terminal. Bomb-sniffing dogs were called in, but did not detect any explosives.
Airport police took the bike owner into custody …
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The legislatures in six states — Colorado, Iowa, Maryland, Rhode Island, Texas and Washington — are considering bills in 2009 that require motorists leave at least 3 feet of clearance when passing a person riding a bicycle.
Twelve states presently require the 3-foot margin. They are Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and Wisconsin. (Connecticut and New Hampshire enacted laws last year; South Carolina enacted “safe operating distance”.)
A lawmaker, Jamie Pedersen, who represents Seattle submitted the bill in Washington state, entitled House Bill 1491. Pedersen commutes to work by bicycle when he's not in the state capitol in Olympia …
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Congratulations to Taylor Phinney on winning gold in the 4km individual pursuit and the 1km in cycling's Track World Cup in Copenhagen.
On Friday, Phinney set a 4:15.223-minute mark in the qualifying round that broke by 4 seconds a 13-year-old US track cycling record; his winning time in the gold medal round was 4:19.119 to beat Ireland's David O'Loughlin.
On Saturday, he won the 1km track event, setting another US record in a qualifying rounds.
The 18-year-old from Colorado is the son of two cycling gold medal winners …
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When David Rowe offered to stop by on his virtual book tour to promote “The Ride of Your Life,” I jumped at the chance to interview him.
It's not often that I get the opportunity to talk bicycling with someone as knowledgeable and expressive as David. Based here in the Pacific Northwest, he's been riding a bicycle for 30 years. Although he doesn't race, he regularly participates in bike rides that are longer than 100 miles.
His ebook is a guide to preparing yourself mentally for the challenge of taking on long-distance cycling. We touched on some of those issues in this interview, like riding through pain, balancing bicycling with your job and family, and how to prepare for a long-distance independent bicycle tour ….
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Richard Masoner over at Cyclelicious was kind enough to contact me this morning to ask if I had a “fantasy bicycle shop.”
Funny, but this is something I've actually thought about. My shop would be located in a small- to medium-sized town in the midwest and cater to touring bicyclists. We'd live next door and …
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Now is when the rubber meets the road to get funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects in the Obama economic stimulus plan.
Although the Senate passed a version of the package earlier Tuesday, it doesn't include the same funding for Transportation Enhancements (such as bicycle facilities) as is included in the House version.
Both the League of American Bicyclists and the Rails to Trails Conservancy are issuing action alerts to urge members to contact their congressmen to ensure those “enhancements” make it into the conference bill that will be hashed out in upcoming meetings …
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It sounds like the Velib self-service bike program is so popular in Paris that people are just loving those bikes to death.
Of the 20,000 bicycles set out when the program launched less than two years ago, 7,800 have disappeared and 11,600 have been damaged and vandalized.
A TimesOnline story says some of the damage is outright malacious. Other damage is the result of wild stunts that users perform.
In the YouTube video above, the bikes are definitely pushed to their limits, although the filmmaker assures us, “No Velib used in this video was maltreated …
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While reading that sharrow road markings were making their way to some bicycle routes in Arkansas, I was surprised to learn that they're not yet a federally sanctioned marking for roads.
Sharrows are shared lane markings designed to remind motorists that bicyclists have the right to use the roads and will be present. Many bicycling advocates prefer them to bicycles lanes.
First used in Europe about 20-30 years ago, they're becoming more common in many US cities.
The markings, however, are just now under official review for the US Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Because they're not yet officially included in the manual …
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Bicycle advocacy attorney Bob Mionske is bringing an end to his long-running “Legally Speaking” column that has appeared in print and online at VeloNews for many years.
A former bicycle racer and now a bicycling rights attorney in Portland, Mionske's columns regularly reported on legal and judicial shortcomings that created a second-class stature for cyclists versus motorists in the eyes of the law.
In his last column at VeloNews, Mionske looked at the high and low points of bicycle law and how the future looks for bicyclists. I'll touch on the points here, but it's worth your time to check them out in depth at his last Legally Speaking column:
More cyclists on the road — Bicycling is soaring in popularity. Not only are more weekend warriors getting out for rides …
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