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Alabama's new state motto (with apologies to Orsen Wells who delivered this punch line for Paul Masson):
“We will serve no wine before it's time naked nymphs on bicycles are removed from the label.”
The Cycles Gladiator brand of wine has been banned from shelves in Alabama by the Alabama Beverage Commission because the label is deemed pornographic.
The art is nothing new. The label is a replica of a Parisian bicycle poster dating back to 1895 and shows a nude woman flying through the heavens with a bicycle. Naked, yes. Pornographic, no …
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Remember how the prospect of federal stimulus funding posed such good possibilities for installing more bicycle lanes and creating more bike and pedestrian trails when it was approved in February?
Well, a group named Smart Growth America has analyzed the requests from states for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding and found that only 2.8 percent ($605.4 million) will go toward non-motorized projects.
An even lesser amount 0.9 percent (or $189.4 million) will go toward public transportation projects. The report is summarized at the Smart Growth America blog:
“While some states proved excellent at investing wisely and making progress, most states failed to fulfill pressing transportation needs. ….
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When I headed down the driveway on my bicycle this afternoon, I was looking to cool off. While I was successful, I found many other people trying to beat the heat in ways other than bicycling.
With temperatures getting into the 90s this weekend, I found cool breezes and shady byways on my bicycle ride.
If you're looking for a good bike ride on Sunday, the most excellent 16th annual Tour de Kitsap is just a cool ferry ride away from Seattle. You can register at the Silver Beach Hotel from 7 to 10:30 a.m., or at the ferry terminal in Bremerton. See the flyer (.doc) for more information.
You can go for a bike ride on your own …
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[Update: Tuesday, July 28 – A service to celebrate the life of Jose Hernando will be held beginning at 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 31, at the Graham Visitor's Center at the Arboretum in Seattle. Please show up at 6 p.m. Check on CaringBridge for directions and other details.
Also, Gang of Peanuts blog writes about Hernando.]
Bicyclist Jose Hernando died Friday from injuries he suffered in a collision with a van last week on Lake Washington Boulevard near Seward Park.
Hernando, 44, was a member of Team Cucina Fresca and raced in the master men's division. A ceremony at 5 p.m. on Saturday at Seward Park will honor his passing. He leaves behind his wife, Chanel, and two children.
According to reports, the collision happened about 6:30 p.m. July 19. Hernando was on a training ride heading south on Lake Washington Boulevard when he collided with a northbound Chevy van that was turning left onto South Orcas Street. ….
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As if the streets are dangerous enough, some nitbrain in Seattle apparently has decided it's great sport to shoot blowgun darts at bicyclists.
Two people riding their bicycles in the Seattle neighborhood of Ballard reported to police that they were hit by 4-inch darts fired from a blowgun on Monday.
Police are investigating the separate attacks against a 29-year-old man and a 39-year-woman as aggravated assaults.
One victim, Avram Dolen, told the Seattle Times …..
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Remember Al Emma? He's the 69-year-old bicyclist from Pennsylvania I wrote about last spring who had one more organized century to ride until he'd completed one in every state.
Well, Emma just emailed me to say simply that he'd completed the One Helena Hundred this past weekend in Montana.
That gives him at least one organized century in all 50 states. While that's an amazing feat, consider that he's done them all since 2002.
Meanwhile, in a similar vein, Phil Nagle of Tipp City, Ohio, just set off Monday to ride his bicycle to every state in the lower 48 in 48 days. He's doing it to raise money for cancer research ….
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After denying a permit to a charity bicycle ride, commissioners in a Denver metro area county say they'll ask the state legislature to grant counties the power to ban bicycles from county roads of their choice.
The Bicycle Colorado advocacy group says this must not be allowed to happen.
“If such legislation were to pass, county roads anywhere in the state could be closed to bicyclists, including critical cycling routes like Deer Creek Canyon in Jefferson County, Swan Mountain Road in Summit County, Horsetooth Reservoir in Larimer County, and many, many more.”
I'm not familiar with these roads, but it sounds like a big mistake to give counties the right to ban bicycles from certain roads. Bicyclists have paid the taxes, along with other citizens, to build and maintain those county roads, and they have a perfect right to use those roads ….
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It's not uncommon to find wide varieties of sports supplements and high-tech training gadgets hawked at major bicycling events.
But a journalist for the Des Moines Register stumbled across a truly unique device for sale at an expo booth in Council Bluffs for the kickoff of RAGBRAI over the weekend.
Called FUDS — short for female urination devices, the product allows women to answer the call of nature just as men do, by standing up.
The funnel-shaped, silicon devices are sold by GoGirl, whose slogan is “Don't take life sitting down.” …..
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Bicyclists in the 37th annual RAGBRAI rolled out of Council Bluffs on Sunday morning to begin their 442-mile trip across the state.
Participants didn't have to go far to dip their wheels in the Missouri River to begin their trek. Crews pumped a spray of river water onto the deck of the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge so cyclists could just roll through it.
The grand-daddy of all across-state bicycle rides, getting its start in 1973, this one boasts 10,000 registered bicyclists and many more (as many as 5,000) who are just along for the ride ….
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Who is the leader of Team Astana? Without a doubt, it's Spain's Alberto Contador.
The 2007 Tour de France champion accelerated out of the chase group on the final climb of Stage 15 on Sunday to take the yellow jersey and quash any discussion about whether he or Lance Armstrong leads the team.
Armstrong was in front of the leader's group at the base of the Category 1 climb to Verbier, but could only watch as first Contador, then the Schleck brothers, Carlos Sastre, Bradley Wiggins, and others rode away. Armstrong finished in 9th place on the stage.
After eight days in the yellow jersey, Rinaldo Nocentini gave up the overall lead to Contador who now leads by 1:37 over No. 2 Armstrong…….
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