Category: Main Page

Cross-country bike tour to raise awareness for homeless

Jerry Nelson is hitting the road again.

Two years ago I wrote how the 50-something Navy and Vietnam veteran was riding his bicycle cross-country to find some peace of mind and talk to veterans groups about services offered by the Veterans Administration.

Now, Nelson plans to set off from his home in Asheville, North Carolina, on March 19 on a new quest — to raise funds for the homeless and homeless veterans and to raise solutions about the problems of homelessness.

A photographer by trade, Nelson writes at his website:

“Everyone is already aware of the homeless problem in this country. It's on the news, in the paper and, if your city is anywhere near typical, you see homeless every morning on your way to work or maybe each evening on your way home…or both.

“Every state, county and municipal government has a plan to reduce homelessness within its political area of responsibility. Folks just need to be made aware …..

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Dam2Dam among charity bike rides canceled in 2010

Right on the heels of the record-breaking Chilly Hilly presented Sunday by the Cascade Bicycle Club, I stumbled across news that a couple of charity rides in Central Washington have been canceled in 2010.

The biggest shock came from the Mike Utley Foundation, which was canceling its popular Dam2Dam bike tour in Wenatachee because of economic stresses.

On a somewhat better note, Group Health Wine Country Trek and Group Health Yakima Ridges bicycle tours in the Yakima area have been discontinued after 8 years because the events fulfilled their funding targets for a community skateboard park ….

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Bicycle promise an early indicator of bad marriage?

We all know South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford as the guy who told his staff he was hiking the Appalachian Trail when instead he was paying a visit to his Argentinian mistress.

Now his wife, Jenny Sanford, has published a book, “Staying True,” that tells her life with the governor.

There's one odd episode involving a bike. Here it is as reported by a columnist for the Winter Haven (FL) News-Chief:

“On Jenny's first birthday after marriage, Mark made her a homemade card and drew half of a bicycle. She was perplexed;

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Winners of 2010 North American Handmade Bicycle Show;
NAHBS headed to Austin in 2011

The adoring crowds of bicycling enthusiasts at the North American Handmade Bicycle Show in Richmond are spent.

The lust-fest of amazing bicycles ended Sunday, leaving everyone to contemplate word that the 2011 NAHBS will be held in Austin, Texas.

Before leaving, however, the 131 exhibitors and those left at the convention center learned the winners of the 2010 NAHBS awards.

Best of Show went to Ellis Cycles, owned by Dave Wages, left. His outfit is located in Waterford, Wisconsin.

The winning bike was built for a customer in San Francisco. Wages described it as “shiny but understated” with a “classic look.”

The NAHBS blog has all the other winners and details. They are:

President's Choice — Cherubim. The Japan-based family-owned business is run by Shin-Ichi Konno …

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Record-breaking 2010 Chilly Hilly bike ride

More pics on jump

There comes a point on some organized bicycle rides when I wonder what I'm doing there.

That point came very early on the 2010 Chilly Hilly ride on Sunday as I stood in line with several thousand other cyclists and wondered if I was ever going to make the ferry to Bainbridge Island for the start of the ride.

But I came to understand what I was doing there — to enjoy the camaraderie of 6,000 fellow cyclists — later on down the road.

The promise of partly sunny skies had organizers expecting record numbers for the 37th annual bike ride sponsored by the Cascade Bicycle Club. The 33-mile tour marking the end of winter is a rite of passage for bicyclists in the Seattle area, and more tend to take those rites when the temperature is in the 50s.

In fact, Sunday was such a great day that Cascade reported 6,028 riders participated this year, an all-time record for the ride.

In spite of arriving early, we missed the first first ferry ….

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Bike tour across Europe and Asia called on creativity

Just finished the story of Douglas Whitehead's bicycle travels across Europe and Asia in the UK Telegraph.

“The Bicycle Diaries: One man, one bike, 6,000 miles” is a good yarn by a 40-year-old Englishman who cut all ties to a normal life and takes off for 9 months across the unfamiliar territory of 19 countries.

After reading his wild and woolly tale, I'd say that training for such an adventure involves more than just trying to build up a good base of miles on the bike. You also need to practice:

Sleeping under bridges or in abandoned buildings;

Choosing ad hoc riding partners carefully;….

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2010 North American Handmade Bicycle Show in Richmond VA

The sixth annual installment of the North American Handmade Bicycle Show opens in Richmond, Virginia, on Friday and runs through Sunday.

The showcase for those wonderfully crafted hand-built bicycles will feature 131 exhibitors at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

Show times 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. The convention center is at 403 N. Third Street, Richmond, VA .

Show owner Don Walker has found success in keeping the show on the road; last year it was Indianapolis and the year before that, Portland. It enables more local bike builders to enjoy the show and new handmade bicycle enthusiasts to see it.

Indianapolis saw 115 exhibitors last year and 6,428 attendees, down about 1,000 from Portland in 2008. …

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LA police chief to cyclists: 'We need to do a better job for you'

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck made news yesterday when he vowed his department would do a better job to protect bike riders, “our most vulnerable commuters.”

Sadly, that kind of statement by a police chief would make news just about anywhere. Bicyclists commonly feel that they're treated as second-class citizens on the road by other drivers, police and the entire criminal justice system.

The chief made his remarks to bicyclists who showed up at a Los Angeles Transportation Committee meeting after a protest bike ride called by the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition.

The cyclists were protesting a Jan. 6 anti-bicycling outrage:

Bicyclist Ed Magos was struck from behind on a downtown street while he was bicycling to work. The driver of the Porsche got out, looked at Magos lying injured in the street, got back in her car …

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Chilly Hilly bike ride forecast: partly cloudy, not real chilly


This Sunday's Chilly Hilly marks the traditional launch of the recreational bike ride season in the Pacific Northwest.

Presented by the Cascade Bicycle Club, the 33-mile bike loop around Bainbridge Island isn't that long compared to most organized bike rides.

It becomes more of a challenge, however, when you factor in the 2,875 feet of elevation gain over a dozen steep climbs, the possibility of cold and wet weather and the fact that this is the first time some riders have had their bicycles out of the garage in several months.

This Sunday's weather on Bainbridge Island certainly aims to damage Chilly Hilly's reputation as an ordeal to be survived ….

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Winners in Adventure Cycling photo contest announced

We can become obsessed with mountains and the gravitational challenges they represent, especially when our bicycles are loaded with the necessities for long-distance touring.

Mountains also can provide some of the most memorable and unsullied scenery on our bicycle travels.

So it's no surprise that mountains, hilltops or long downhill runs accounted for the themes of the winner and most of the top runners-up in the 1st annual Adventure Cycling Association photo contest.

The winning photo, above, of a cyclist in red bicycling through the mountains of Tenerife on the Canary Islands was taken by Dutch photographer and cyclist Marco Meijerink …..

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