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Update: May 5, 2011 — If you haven't signed up yet for the Seattle to Portland (STP) Bicycle Classic, it's too late. Almost.
The Cascade Bicycle Club reported that the ride sold out as of March 22. That's the earliest ever that the 10,000 openings have disappeared.
There are a couple of ways, however, to score registrations as the July 9-10 event draws near.
Auction and refunds
Cascade is making 10 registrations available at auction on eBay….
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One of a series of bicycle rides held across the country to support the Wounded Warriors Project rolled out from the South Lawn of the White House on Wednesday.
President Obama honored participants in the Soldier's Ride in his remarks, thanking them for their service to the United States.
Thirteen such awareness and fund-raising bicycle rides are scheduled this year. (See schedule below.) The bicycle rides are open to everyone, allowing the public the opportunity to ride alongside men and women who have been wounded in service to our country.
The Soldier's Ride was started in 2004 by Long Island bartender Chris Carney, who had never served in the military …
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A bill that encourages cities to embrace “Complete Streets” policies is slated to be signed into law on Thursday by Washington state Gov. Christine Gregoire.
House Bill 1071 calls on the Department of Transportation to issue grants to local jurisdictions that use design standards on arterial street retrofits that provide safe access to bicyclists and pedestrians.
Congratulations to Reps. Jim Moeller, Joe Fitzgibbon and David Frockt, who sponsored the bill, as well as the Bicycle Alliance of Washington, Cascade Bicycle Club and other advocacy groups …
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The 21 new members of the Bicycle Friendly Communities club — and 10 that received promotions — are proof that cities are never too small, or too big, to be included.
The latest list released by the League of American Bicyclists includes new silver-level communities as different as East Coast seaport Boston, Mass. (pop. 617,600) and western tourist destination Sisters, Ore. (pop. 1,875).
Among those successfully renewing their designations are New York City (8.1 million) and Carmel, Ind. (79,000).
Since launching the program, the League of American Bicyclists designated 179 Bicycle Friendly Communities ….
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You'll probably be hearing a lot about the U.S. Bicycle Route System during May, National Bike Month.
The Adventure Cycling Association is launching a grassroots effort to raise $30,000 this month toward funding the 50,000-mile bicycle network to link cities, suburbs, parks and other destinations that traveling cyclists might want to visit.
The bicycle route system project has been gaining momentum since 2008 when AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) approved the grid of bicycle route corridors and the concept of continuity of bicycle routes across state lines.
Thirty states are currently at various stages in working to create bicycle routes through their states ….
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Unless you live in a cave, or a compound in Abbottabad, you probably already know that May is National Bike Month.
Last week I posted an article about Bike Month events in Washington state and how to find events in locales across the US.
When you're not bicycling to work, using your bike to run errands, or out pedaling just for the hell of it, here are a few books I've heard about recently that you might enjoy on your hours off the bike. ….
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Every so often, the National Geographic Traveler magazine looks at thousands of guided tours offered around the world and comes up with the 50 best.
They've done it again in the May/June 2011 issue. Among the guided tours by foot, cruise ship, raft, sailboat, jeep, horseback, motorcycle and motor coach are five tours that use bicycles for exploration.
I was kind of slack-jawed dumbfounded that there weren't more, and that no guided bicycle tours got the nod in North America, not even among the two dozen supported bike tours …
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Maybe I shouldn't go out on a limb here, but sources tell me that meteorological and cosmic forces are coming together for a good weekend for bicycling in the Pacific Northwest.
In other words, temperatures in the 50s and 60s with no precipitation.
You can certainly head out on your own, or you can visit some organized bike rides this weekend. I checked out the April and May bike ride calendars to see what's happening and found three coming up this weekend and more in the future.
Unfortunately, procrastinators will learn that registration for Tour de Lopez 2011 on Saturday has closed ….
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My son and I are heading to the midwest for Biking Across Kansas in June, so I thought it would be a good idea to review some precautions to keep in mind while bicycling through Tornado Alley.
This has been a bad month for tornadoes, even before the deadly swarm that passed through Alabama this week.
More than 700 twisters have been reported this April — nearly three times the previous highest number for the month. Experts at the Storm Prediction Center attribute the increase and their severity to the collision of warmer than normal moist air in the Gulf of Mexico and a colder than normal jet stream that has swept further south.
Obviously, the likelihood that any single location will be hit is remote. Still I'd like to know how to be safe if one of those funnel clouds is bearing down …..
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Do you remember when Bike to Work Day was the big focus to encourage people to commute on their bicycles for just one day a year?
Those Bike to Work Days still exist, but now they're the core for Bike to Work Week events and an entire Bike Month celebration — which is coming up in May.
Many commuters are forming teams in their cities — such as those in the Seattle area [Washington state details below] — to compete for bike commuting prizes in May. If interested, you'll want to sign up before May 1 to log as many miles for the month that you can. ….
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