Category: Lance Armstrong Watch

Hincapie told feds about Armstrong doping: 60 Minutes;
Update: Armstrong attorney responds

Cyclist George Hincapie is among three former US Postal Service team members who told federal investigators that Lance Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs, “60 Minutes” is reporting in a story to air Sunday.

Hincapie, currently racing in the Amgen Tour of California, was a teammate of Armstrong on all seven of his Tour de France championships.

A CBSNews story on Friday said that Hincapie told investigators that he and Armstrong supplied each other with EPO and discussed using testosterone to prepare for bike races. CBSNews does not reveal the source of the information….

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Tyler Hamilton saw Lance Armstrong use EPO: '60 Minutes'

Former Lance Armstrong teammate Tyler Hamilton tells “60 Minutes” in a show to air Sunday that he saw the 7-time Tour de France winner use performance-enhancing drugs.

“I saw it (EPO) in his refrigerator. I saw him inject it, more than one time. … Like we all did…. Like I did, many many times.”

Armstrong, who has steadfastly denied ever doping during his career, responded on Twitter:

“20+ year career. 500 drug controls worldwide, in and out of competition. Never a failed test. I rest my case.” ….

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Lance Armstrong retires from cycling for the last time

There will be no grand tour of last bicycle races for Lance Armstrong, who announced his retirement — dubbed Retirement 2.0 — from the sport effective immediately.

The 39-year-old raced in January at the Tour Down Under in Australia, which he previously said would be his last international race. The announcement brings to an end any possibility that he might compete in the upcoming Amgen Tour of California or Quizno's Pro Challenge in Colorado.

Armstrong returned to pro cycling in 2009 after announcing Retirement 1.0 in 2005. He's retiring now to spend more time with his family and work to fight cancer with his Livestrong Foundation. ….

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Armstrong raises money for flood victims

Lance Armstrong followed up his swan song in the international pro cycling arena with a fund-raising Twitter ride in the state of Queensland, Australia.

Armstrong's final appearance as a cyclist in an international bike race ended with a 67th place in the Tour Down Under. The 39-year-old finished 6:42 minutes behind winner Cameron Meyer, 23, of Australia.

The next day, …

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Sports Illustrated examines doping allegations against Armstrong

Sports Illustrated has delivered the latest grist to be chewed on regarding allegations that Lance Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs during his career.

Available in the current issue, “The Case Against Lance Armstrong” also is posted online at the Sports Illustrated website. Reporters Selena Roberts and David Epstein went back as far as 1993 to uncover tests that sources say reveal suspicious activity.

Armstrong has steadfastly denied doping during his career. But he is the subject of a federal probe launched about the same time that Floyd Landis admitted to a career of doping and implicated Armstrong as well. …

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Documents reveal Postal Service deal with cycling team

The U.S. Postal Service supplied slightly more than 60% of the annual budget of the pro cycling team led by Lance Armstrong from 2001 to 2004.

The $32 million sum — including $6.1 million in 2001; $7.61 million in 2002; $8.23 million in 2003; and $8.66 million in 2004, plus a total of $400,000 for a junior program — was revealed in documents released to under a freedom of information request. …

Meanwhile, the AP received studies commissioned by the US Postal Service that valued its sponsorship of the team during those years was at least triple the amount it invested …

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Quote: Armstrong the cycling revolutionary

“We revolutionised the way people train, the way they build morale in the team, the way they preview the courses, the way they race, the way they sell the sport, the way they tell that story around the world.

''I leave knowing that I did my best, and I don't need somebody to give me a plaque or give me a statue, it has been very good to me.''

— Lance Armstrong speaking at a press conference …

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Armstrong pulls out of early triathlon; still racing Tour Down Under

A reported sore knee will keep Lance Armstrong from competing in his “comeback” triathlon in New Zealand on Jan. 29, but he still plans to compete in Australia's Tour Down Under the preceding week.

The 2011 Blue Lake Multisport Festival was expected to be Armstrong's first test at a triathlon, a new career for the 7-time Tour de France winner …

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Updated: Lance Armstrong had a golden touch in 2009

We already know that Lance Armstrong's return to the 2009 Tour de France helped boost the viewership on the Versus cable network — as 41% more people watched the race last year than in 2008.

Now Bloomberg reports that he also helped fatten the wallet of the Amaury Sport Organization, owner of Le Tour and other cycling events around the world.

 [Update: Dec. 23, 2010 — That assertion has been questioned by John Wilcockson of VeloNews, who reports that Amaury revenues climbed in 2009 due to the return of the Dakar Rally, a motor sports race. In summary, Wilcockson found that Amaury's revenues dropped in 2008 when the Africa-based Dakar Rally was cancelled due to terrorist threats. When it returned the following year, revenues returned to normal.] ….

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Lance Armstrong investigation goes international

Federal prosecutors investigating whether Lance Armstrong used performance enhancing drugs as a member of the US Postal Service team are in France collecting evidence, according to reports.

Sources told the Gazzetta dello Sport newspaper that US investigators met with French, Spanish and Italian police representatives at Interpol headquarters in Lyon.

The move to Europe comes about a week after RadioShack teammate Yaroslav Popovych was questioned by a grand jury …..

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