Category: Lance Armstrong Watch

Greg LeMond: Why he testified against Lance Armstrong

Three-time Tour de France champion Greg LeMond told French newspaper L'Equipe on Sunday why he testified against Lance Armstrong in a recent arbitration hearing.

“I was forced to testify, because Lance had threatened me. … He threatened my wife, my business, my life. His biggest threat consisted of saying he would find 10 people to testify that I took EPO. Of course, he didn't find a single one.” Armstrong says the charge is ridiculous.

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Lance Armstrong and doping: more allegations

This is the story that will never die: Did he or didn't he?

The French newspaper Le Monde has reported that Lance Armstrong told doctors treating him for cancer in 1996 that he had taken the blood-boosting agent EPO and other drugs — this before he won his first Tour de France victory in 1999. The sources — former friend, teammate and OLN cycling commentator Frankie Andreu and his wife, Betsy.

An attorney for Armstrong immediately rejected the allegation, citing an affidavit from one of Armstrong's doctors. The seven-time Tour de France champion also rejected the report, calling it absurd. …

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Armstrong wants anti-doping chief Dick Pound punished

Lance Armstrong is not letting the controversy over last year's doping allegations die quietly.

In response to a report that concluded the World Anti-Doping Agency acted irresponsibly in the mishandling of urine samples from the 1999 Tour de France, Armstrong is seeking discipinary action against WADA chief Dick Pound. (Updated June 22) …

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Lance Armstrong cleared in 1999 doping probe; WADA chief objects

An independent investigator says Lance Armstrong should be cleared of any suspicions in the blood doping allegations raised by L'Equipe magazine last fall.

At the same time, the Dutch independent investigator said the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the French testing laboratory acted improperly and unethically in the way it handled the specimens. …

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Gentlemen: Straddle your bikes! Lance Armstrong at Indianapolis 500

This publicity photo strikes me as one of the most bizzare I've seen in a while. In light of the Giro d'Italia, it's maybe something that could have been composed by filmmaker Frederico Fellini.

To publicize Lance Armstrong driving the pace car Sunday for the Indianapolis 500, Armstrong posed next to the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 he'll drive. Behind him, 33 Indy race car drivers stood astride their Trek bicycles. …

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Armstrong says ex-girlfriend's cancer a shock

“They caught it really early, that was a great thing, and the course of radiation went well. It's just odd timing – break-ups are never easy, and then something like that three weeks later was tough. In many ways it was as hard as my diagnosis, it was hard to deal with.” …

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Lance Armstrong honored by fast food eaters, college

Lance Armstrong has been named “The Greatest Natural Athlete of All Time.”

The 7-time Tour de France winner and multiple Sports Illustrated “Sportsman of the Year” received his latest accolade from a group who should really know — Arby's customers. …

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Lance Armstrong, Nike, iPod and a shoe that talks

Remember Don Adams as Agent 86 and his shoe phone? “Would you believe” that Nike and Apple have formed a partnership to create a shoe that talks?

Retired cyclist Lance Armstrong was on hand in New York City recently to present the Nike+ running shoe. …

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Bicycle quote: Make up your mind — Jan Ullrich or Ivan Basso?

“At the moment I would say it has to be (Ivan) Basso. However it is tough to say what could happen in the coming six weeks. … I originally picked (Jan) Ullrich to win the Tour de France but he seems to be behind again. If he's only five kilograms overweight that's pretty good for him but I don't understand him, he has so much to gain. I don't know if he loves the bike or not but he could be the biggest sporting star in Germany.” …

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Lance Armstrong back to where he started — running

Lance Armstrong says he has a void to fill after retiring from cycling, so he's entering the New York City Marathon on Nov. 5. He'll be following in the footsteps of his former wife.

Armstrong, who competed as a triathlete as a teen-ager, told the Associated Press that he was considering the Chicago Marathon, but the 26-mile foot race in New York City fit his schedule better.

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