Category: Lance Armstrong Watch

Talk the talk about Floyd Landis

I would have to go back to 1989, when I watched the taped broadcast of Greg Lemond's final-day victory over Laurent Fignon, to recall a more exciting stage of the Tour de France.

It seemed that even Floyd Landis had accepted defeat after his disasterous Stage 16 collapse. What happened Thursday wasn't a miracle, it was pure guts. Here's a sample of what's been said and written in the past 24 hours about Landis: …

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Lance Armstrong visiting Discovery teammates at the Tour

Seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong visited his former teammates in Gap before the start of Tuesday's first day in the Alps.

There's nothing like a visit from the champ to inspire the troops. Long-time Discovery teammate George Hincapie went right out Tuesday morning and joined a breakaway 23 miles into the race …

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Lance Armstrong hosts ESPYs Sunday night

I suppose if you don't want to watch OLN's umpteenth rebroadcast of the Stage 14 of the Tour de France on Sunday night, there's always ESPN's ESPY Awards with guest host Lance Armstrong.

I'm sure I won't be spoiling anything if I tell you Armstrong wins Best Male Athlete of the Year. The event happened Wednesday night and plenty of reporters filed stories. …

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Floyd Landis — What is hip?

The news reports that Tour de France cyclist Floyd Landis had a deteriorated hip joint that would require hip replacement surgery intially drew a reaction of shock and awe.

Now comes the question: If it's been a problem for a year or more, why mention it now? Discovery manager Johan Bruyneel says if you're a favorite, you hide your weaknesses, not publicize them. …

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Dates announced for Armstrong's RAGBRAI ride

Lance Armstrong is keeping RAGBRAI in his schedule, although he's only riding “all or part” of one day — July 27.

On his arrival day, July 26, he'll speak at a celebration in the town square of Newton, the host city for RAGBRAI that night. The Des Moines Register says up to 30,000 people are expected.

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Chronic hip pain for Floyd Landis

A troubling secret about Floyd Landis' health is coming out just the day after he climbed into 2nd place overall in the 2006 Tour de France.

The highest placed American cyclist in the Tour, and a favorite to win the race, suffers from a degenerative bone disease that gives him chronic pain and will require hip replacement surgery a few weeks after the Tour. He adopted his unusual time trial position on the bike to reduce the pain. …

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LA Times examines Lance Armstrong doping allegations

It looks like the Los Angeles Times is another one of the media outlets that received private arbitration testimony given by Betsy and Frank Andreu in the Lance Armstrong vs. SCA Promotions lawsuit.

Instead of pulling a couple of quotes and running with it two weeks ago, the Times story in today's editions examined all the doping charges that arose in the arbitration hearing. It's the most complete report I've seen on the issue. It settles nothing, however. …

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Lance to France for the Tour de …

Here's a bigger shock than the Stage 7 results on Saturday: Lance Armstrong says he's showing up to support the sport of cycling and his Discovery teammates for the final week of the Tour de France.

Didn't he say at one time that he never wanted to step foot in France again, or words to that effect? …

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Lance Armstrong the golfer?

Now that Lance Armstrong's name is often prefaced by “retired cyclist,” what is his main recreational pursuit? Choose one.

Several months ago the Texan, who was a triathlete before he focused on the bike, disclosed he would run in this fall's New York City Marathon. Then he showed up driving the pace car for the …

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Forget Tour de France, Armstrong to ride RAGBRAI

Lance Armstrong won't be cycling shoulder-to-shoulder with members of the Tour de France peloton in July; he'll be crunched in a mass of more than 8,000 RAGBRAI cyclists.

The retired Tour de France champion has confirmed he'll ride in one or more days of the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa that runs July 23-29. …

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