Category: Lance Armstrong Watch
The authors of a French book that alleged 2 years ago that Lance Armstrong relied on banned substances during his cycling career have come out with a brand new tome about the same old subject.
As usual, the 7-time Tour de France bike race winner vehemently dismisses the accusations:
“This latest attack will be no different than the first – a sensationalized attempt to cash in on my name and sully my reputation by people who have demonstrated a consistent failure to adhere to the most basic journalistic standards or ethics.”
“L.A. Officiel” by Pierre Ballester and David Walsh focuses on recently disclosed testimony leaked from closed hearings regarding a lawsuit between Armstrong and the SCA Promotions in 2005. …
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No standard 16-week marathon training program for 7-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong as he prepares for the Nov. 5 New York Marathon.
Armstrong is simply running when he can find the time, although he's trying to run every day.
That's a little hard to believe from the cyclist who was so diligent that he used to weigh his food intake when he was training for the Tour de France, but that's what he told the reporter for his hometown newspaper…
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… on your torso, on your shades, in your portfolio, etc….
The branding of Lance Armstrong is heading into your home. The kitchen to be exact.
Housewares manufacturer Chantal, in cooperation with the Lance Armstrong Foundation, is introducing a line of products in yellow stamped with the LiveStrong emblem. The Chantal products include tea kettles, tea pots, coffee and latte mugs, large and small serving plates, and more. …
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Could amateur cyclist AJ Smith be the next Lance Armstrong?
Could amateur cyclist AJ Smith be the next Lance Armstrong?
Who knows, but the bicycle racer from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, did win the “Race to Replace” contest Saturday at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway sponsored by the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team. …
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“And the more you get out there and talk about it, I have to talk about it. The best is just to let the process play out and get out of the media. … I would have encouraged him just to lay low. …
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If you happen to be in Indianapolis with your bicycle on Saturday, you might want to head down to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to ride with Lance Armstrong in the “Race to Replace.”
“Race to Replace” was initially coined as the slogan to find a Discovery Channel teammate able to lead the team at the 2006 Tour de France after Lance Armstrong's retirement from the sport.
This “Race to Replace” being ridden at the home of the Indy 500 is the public relations and cancer fund-raising event …
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This is one of the best snapshots I've seen from Lance Armstrong's visit to RAGBRAI last week.
It's posted over at 2 Wheel Commute, and the blogger has quite a story to go with the picture.
I don't want to repeat it all here, but let's just say it involves four Bloody Marys. Nice …
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There's a certain sound that accompanies Lance Armstrong on his ride on a couple of stages of RAGBRAI. It's a roar.
As 7-time Tour de France winner Armstrong rides his bicycle in the Wednesday and Thursday stages of the RAGBRAI bike ride across Iowa, bystanders and other riders cheer. …
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Remember all the talk last year regarding the biographical movie about Lance Armstrong? The celebrity and movie blogs are now saying Armstrong's new pal, Jake Gyllenhaal, is interested in playing the lead role in that Armstrong movie.
Gyllenhaal, who starred in Brokeback Mountain, has been cycling with Armstrong in southern California and met him to Paris to see the end of the Tour de France last weekend. …
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Committed to riding the Thursday stage of RAGBRAI, Lance Armstrong showed up early on Wednesday for some pedaling between Waukee and Newton.
A 7-time Tour de France winner, cancer survivor and all-round celebrity, Armstrong's appearance is likely to cause a ruckus wherever he goes, but no more than at a bicycling event that draws nearly 10,000 cyclists. …
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