Category: Lance Armstrong Watch

Poll results: Let Armstrong race in Australia's Tour Down Under

Free Lance Armstrong! That's the message from a majority of readers who responded to a poll: “Should the UCI waive its rules to allow Armstrong to race at the Tour Down Under?”

An overwhelming 69% chose “Yes — Let him ride;” while 23% picked “No — Stick to the rules.” Of the 26 who took the poll (thank you), 2 responded that they really didn't care one way or the other.

At issue is whether the UCI should enforce its rule that cyclists coming out of retirement give a 6-month notice to cycling's governing body before they start racing and make themselves available for drug-testing during  that time ….

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Poll: Should UCI allow Armstrong to race in Australia?

How do you stand on the issue of whether Lance Armstrong should be allowed to race in the Tour Down Under? Answer the poll in the top right column.

Armstrong confirms that he missed the six-month deadline to notify anti-doping testers of his plans to kick-off his return to pro cycling at the 6-stage Australian bike race that begins Jan. 20.

The UCI rules state that any retired or inactive cyclist needs to be enrolled in an anti-doping program for at least six months before he can begin racing. Armstrong says he notified the US Anti-Doping Agency on Aug. 1. That makes him eligible on Feb. 1.

Should UCI stick to its guns and enforce the rule? Or should it waive those days that Armstrong missed and grant an exception? ….

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Lance Armstrong will ride Trek bicycles for his return

As if there was ever a question, Trek will supply Lance Armstrong with the bicycles he'll race in his return to pro cycling in 2009.

But his components will be SRAM, instead of long-time sponsor Shimano.


The popularlity of the Madone line of road bikes that Armstrong rode to many of the Tour de France victories ebbed when Armstrong retired in 2005. So Wisconsin-based Trek gussied up its Madone lineup ….

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Eligibility question arises for Armstrong to race in Australia; love letter from France

Now that all the hoopla about Lance Armstrong's return to pro cycling is over, it's time for a new round of drama regarding whether he'll be eligible to ride in the Race Down Under.

The Australian bicycle race rolls out from Jan. 20-25, but UCI rules require that cyclists coming out of retirement be available for unannounced testing for six months prior to returning to competition.

Armstrong re-enrolled with the US Anti-Doping Agency on August 1, making him eligible to race on Feb. 1. He notes that his agent notified the UCI in mid-July …

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Armstrong adds Tour of California to 2009 campaign

Lance Armstrong added the 2009 Amgen Tour of California to his dance ticket on Thursday, including the week-long race among his itinerary of Tour Down Under, Tour de France and Leadville 100.

Armstrong made the announcement at his appearance at Interbike International Bike Expo in Las Vegas. He had initially omitted any mention of the Tour of California when talking about his plans at the Clinton Global Initiative on Wednesday.

According to reports, 3-time Tour de France champion Greg Lemond was on hand at the Armstrong's presentation in Las Vegas and asked pointed questions to Armstrong and Don Catlin, an anti-doping expert who will test and monitor Armstrong for an online biological profile. …

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Will Tour de France bike race let Armstrong go for No. 8?

While Lance Armstrong wants to mount the challenge to win an 8th Tour de France, he told a press conference on Wednesday that he can't be sure he'll be invited.

The Amaury Sports Organization, owners of the Tour de France, chose not to invite Team Astana to compete in 2008 because of past doping transgressions. That's the team that Armstrong is joining.

“It's their event. They can invite who they want to. If I were to be not invited, there's not much I can do.”

Asked to respond to rumours that he was in negotiations to buy the Tour de France from ASO …

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Armstrong offers olive branch to Contador

It was assumed that Lance Armstrong would return to Team Astana because his long-time associate, Johan Bruyneel, is directeur sportif of that Khazakhstan-based team.

Armstrong confirmed those reports at Wednesday's press conference. He said after interviewing a few other teams, the decision to go with Team Astana became clear:

“I really trust Johan on every little deal of the program. I cannot imagine racing against him.”

Bruyneel engineered all seven of Armstrong's Tour de France wins from 1999 to 2005 on both the Postal Service and Discovery Channel pro cycling  teams.

Bruyneel also has managed the three Grand Tour victories of Alberto Contador (above right), considered the leader of Team Astana. …

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Lance Armstrong to join Astana; resumes career at Tour Down Under

An older, less brash and more self-effacing Lance Armstrong announced Wednesday that he'll embark on his pro cycling comeback at the week-long Tour Down Under in Australia in January.

That's one of three cycling events that he confirmed he'll race in 2009. The others are the Tour de France and the Leadville 100, although he wouldn't rule out any others.

Armstrong said that he'll race with Team Astana, led by his longtime friend Johan Bruyneel.

Earlier this month, the 7-time Tour de France champion confirmed rumors that he'd launch a comeback in 2009 and use it as a platform to call attention to a global cancer initiative. He explained that he'll choose countries where his presence would draw attention to certain nations' cancer initiatives. Italy is one of the possibilities.

“By racing the bicycle over the world, beginning in Australia, it's the best way to promote this initiative. This is a campaign to spread the word, raise awareness and eventually save lives. …

“I cannot guarantee a Tour (of France) victory, but the Livestrong message will touch all aspects of our society.”

Armstrong talked about the cancer initiative in an address at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting in New York. He addressed the conference as founder and chairman of the board of the Lance Armstrong Foundation and announced the foundation's intention to expand to a global scale ….

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Lance Armstrong interested in Tour Down Under bike race;
Trek already lines up tour package option

Lance Armstrong's first pro cycling race in 2009 could be Australia's Tour Down Under, known as the first stop on the world cycling calendar.

Race director Mike Turtur told the Sydney Morning Herald that Armstrong has told officials he'd like to compete in the six-day stage bicycle race across South Australia that rolls out Jan. 20 – 25, just four months away.

Perhaps we'll know more about Armstrong's schedule next Wednesday when he's expected to announce more details about his intentions.

Official tour operator

Interestingly, the Tour Down Under recently accredited a US tour operator for the first time to offer vacation packages to the race — Trek Travel. …

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Armstrong team wins race; doubts raised about previous study

Just as Lance Armstrong and his two teammates were winning the 12 Hours of Snowmass mountain bike race in Colorado, a human performance expert admitted he made mistakes in calculating the bicycle racer's muscle efficiency.

It may serve to reignite the whole “did-he or didn't-he” dope controversy, even though the researcher says the mistake doesn't changed the study's results.

Armstrong announced last week that he'll attempt his 8th Tour de France championship in 2009 in a campaign that will include a comprehensive anti-doping program that he says will leave no doubt that he's been cycling clean …

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