Category: Bike trails

Bike path deal upsets Army-Navy Country Club members

Opposition to public bicycle paths can come from unusual sources in unexpected places.

For instance, the prospect of a public bike path running alongside a corner of the members-only Army-Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia, has some of its members up in arms.

Fourteen of the active and retired military commissioned officers at the club are suing the club's board of directors for letting such a proposal go through.

A Navy captain said:

“Once the word gets out to the younger generation there is a secluded place to come and visit and have some fun, you can bet they're going to be there. … Gangs. Rivals. Hazards to pedestrians coming in and out. …

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Bike camping at Iron Horse State Park

Here's my campsite at Alice Creek on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail, a rail-trail that stretches from near North Bend all the way to the Columbia River.

It seemed like one of the first sunny, dry days in a while, and I was lucky to be able to take advantage of it.

From where I live, this is a little too far for one of those sub-24 hour bike camping trips. It's about 50 miles and quite a bit of climbing for me to get there.

As you can see in the photo below, I don't travel light. That Yakima trailer carries …

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Hall of Fame lists top 15 rail-trails in the US

For the past three years, the Rails to Trails Conservancy has been culling through hundreds of bicycling and hiking pathways to create the Rail-Trails Hall of Fame.

It's not an easy task. There are currently 1,631 abandoned railroad rights-of-way that have been converted into bicycling and hiking trails in the U.S. They account for 19,578 miles of paved or gravel pathways.

So far, they've chosen 15 rail-trails. The Rails to Trails Conservancy wants to wrap up the Top 25 on the Honor Roll in time for its 25th anniversary, which is next June. Be looking for almost monthly announcements …

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Sammamish River Trail in Redmond closed for repairs

A section of the Sammamish River Trail in Redmond will be closed until Friday, May 14, while work crews repair a 200-foot section.

Access by bicycle riders and walkers will be shut down between Northeast Marymoor Way (the western access to the park) and Leary Way.

King County suggests that bicyclists find alternate access to the section of trail north of Leary Way as there's no detour through the work area…..

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West Virginian is still wheeling along at 90

The need to be moving must be in the blood of retired long-haul trucker Al Weidtz.

Long after leaving the truck business, 90-year-old Weidtz puts in a lot of hours in the saddle of his hybrid bicycle.

In good weather it's not uncommon for him to ride 100 miles a week on the 13 miles of the Wheeling Heritage Trails network near his home, a fact notable enough to earn coverge in the local newspaper. He also rides in bike tours with family and friends.

Next month, Weidtz will participate in the 4th annual Wheeling Heritage Trail Bike Tour. The May 30 event is a fund-raiser to close the gap between the Wheeling trails and bike trails in Brooke County to the north ….

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Elderly walker dies after stepping in front of bicyclist

An elderly woman has died after she was struck this past weekend by a passing bicyclist on the Cedar River Trail in Renton.

News sources report that the 83-year-old woman was walking on the path about 4:45 p.m. Sunday about a 1/4-mile from the Interstate 405 overpass when she stepped out in front of the bicyclist, 57, who was passing her on the left.

Both were knocked to the ground and lost consciousness. The cyclist came to and was treated for minor injuries by EMTs; the woman was rushed to the hospital where she died Monday morning …

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Making a pitch for bicycling to baseball games in Minneapolis

Starting with today's home opener, Minnesota Twins fans can combine their love of baseball with their devotion to the bicycle.

Monday is the debut of the Twins' new Target Field, and one of its advantages over the old Metrodome is that a bicycle path — the Cedar Lake Trail — heads right to the new ballpark from the western suburbs.

To further welcome cyclists, the new stadium has space for 300 bicycles in racks behind the third base wall on the northwest side of the ballpark.

Opened in 1995, the Cedar Lake Trail rolls from the west ..

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Katy bike trail protected as Missouri saves old railroad bridge

An 80-year-old railroad bridge that served as a missing link on the 225-mile Katy Trail across Missouri will be preserved for use by future pedestrians and bicycle travelers.

The bridge over the Missouri River at Boonville has been at the center of a debate for some 5 years. The owner of the 400-foot-long steel lift span, the Union Pacific, wanted to dismantle it and use it to build a bridge for trains crossing the Osage River.

Trail supporters — such as Save the Katy Bridge coalition, BikeMoFed, and the Rail to Trail Conservancy — said dismantling the bridge would not only remove an historic structure as part of the Katy Trail, but also threaten the “railbanked” status of the trail because of the broken segment.

Last Friday, however, Gov. Jay Nixon announced the state had brokered a deal for Union Pacific to give the bridge to the city of Boonville in return for Missouri allocating $23 million in federal stimulus funds to go toward building the new bridge over the Osage River …

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Rocking the rail-trail bike path into the Cascades

Earlier this week, I pedaled my Rockhopper up the John Wayne Pioneer Trail east of North Bend in search of snow.

It's been warmer than normal in the Seattle area so far this winter, and I had to ride 12 to 13 miles up to Carter Creek Camp before I found any white stuff. I didn't have time to explore any further, so I don't know the conditions closer to the now-closed Snoqualmie Tunnel.

Along the way I came across this fallen boulder partially blocking the trail. It looked like a fairly recent fall. I rode my bike up this way in the autumn and don't remember it, and there's some fresh gouge marks in the trail where it looked like it hit.

Seeing this boulder on the trail, got me to thinking about how work crews for the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway company — aka The Milwaukee Road — made this route …..

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Mudslide blocks Burke-Gilman Trail

(Update: Jan. 21 — Trail cleared and reopened on Wednesday) A fallen tree blocks the Burke-Gilman Trail just north of Seattle. Cyclists were directed onto a sidestreet to detour the mudslide that brought the tree down.

Neighbors say this tree in Lake Forest came down about 5:30 Friday morning. The trail was also blocked further south. The area has undergone some precip just about everyday the past two weeks.

This narrow section of the Burke Gilman …

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