Category: Bike trails

New Sumner bike trail helps close the gap between Interurban (South) and Foothills Trails

A paved bicycle trail that the city of Sumner built along the scenic White River has gone a long way toward connecting two great rail-trails — the Interurban (South) Trail in King County and the Foothills Trail in Pierce County.

The last section of the Sumner Link Trail completed this spring closed a gap in …

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New path for bicycling on Olympic Discovery Trail

So what does 5 miles of freshly paved rail-trail look like? Head out to the Olympic Peninsula with your bicycle and take a look.

The newest section of the constantly expanding Olympic Discovery Trail that’s open to the public runs between Camp Creek Trailhead on Cooper Ranch Road and a forest service road that crosses …

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More off-road trail routes completed for Spokane’s Centennial Trail

Slowly but surely, the Centennial Trail through Spokane is closing its gaps as it celebrates its 25-year anniversary.

Built along off-road paths and on-road shoulders between 1989 and 1991, the trail rolls for more than 37 miles along the Spokane River between the Idaho border, through the old world’s fair site downtown, and out to the rocky …

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Cycle track opens to connect rail-trails in eastern King County

King County has completed installing a cycle track to connect the gap between two eastside Seattle rail-trails — the Issaquah-Preston Trail and Preston-Snoqualmie Trail.

The cycle track, which is the first I can recall in unincorporated King County, runs for 0.7 mile along south side of SE High Point  Way. It’s a two directional cycle …

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Happy 100th to the Snoqualmie Tunnel

When I went overnight bike-camping on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail last week, I paid particular attention to the inscription above the west portal of the 2.3-mile long Snoqualmie Tunnel.

“Snoqualmie Tunnel — 1912 – 1914”

Looks like there’s a centennial anniversary coming up.

The unlit tunnel is at the high point of the rail-trail that runs …

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Support for American Discovery Trail sought in Congress

Would you like to see a trail that bicyclists can use to ride from coast to coast? One already exists. It’s called the American Discovery Trail.

Stretching for 6,800 miles across 15 states, most of the route is on non-motorized trails across public or private land with permission. Where a trail ends, the route-makers use …

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More than 800 miles added to U.S. Bicycle Route System

A network of signed bicycle routes designed to criss-cross the US has grown to 6,790 miles with the certification of new routes in Washington state, Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois and the District of Columbia.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials certified the 816 miles of roadway for the U.S. Bicycle Route System at its meeting earlier this …

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Delays on Sammamish River Trail in June

Two projects on the Sammamish River Trail will either cause delays or detours for bicyclists traveling between Redmond and Bothell on the 10.9-mile paved trail.

Next week

Beginning Monday, bicyclists will be asked to dismount and walk their rides around a paving project on the Sammamish River Trail.

A one-mile stretch of the trail in …

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15 awesome bike trails — Washington state to Washington DC

Many recreational cyclists are drawn to bike trails for the obvious reason — no traffic.

But bicycle trails can be much more than an alternative to riding your bicycle in the street. Some head off into the wilds where cyclists can find solace from everyday worries. Converted rail-trails often link up small towns in remote areas.

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National Trails Day is Saturday; how about a bike ride

National Trails Day is Saturday, and it’s a good time to remember that trails aren’t just for hiking. They’re for bicycling, too.

Here’s a rundown of some Seattle area possibilities this weekend:

King County

King County (WA), for instance, has 180 miles of regional trails with paved or packed gravel surfaces that are suitable for bicycling. …

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