Category: Bike Touring

Bicycle quote: Bike tourists' take on the “Show Me” state

“Usually after a few days of cycling in a state, we'd get an overall sense of the place. But in Missouri we said, 'Huh?' right up to the border.” …

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Cyclist hooks up with partners on cross-country bicycle tour

Floridian Jim Musante had planned to take a solo cross-country tour on his bicycle back in September.

Just a couple of days after leaving San Diego, however, he hooked with two University of Washington students — Matt Kopicky and Seth Berling — and they decided to make the trip together.

Wise choice.

They were following the same bike route across …

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Adventure Cycling Association awards trail angels, others

Whether they admit it or not, cyclists have a lot in common with Blanche DuBois, the Southern belle in the play, “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

That's because cyclists — especially those hanging it all out on long bicycle tours — have always “depended on the kindness of strangers.”

Several years ago, the Adventure Cycling Association began recognizing these “strangers” so …

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Colorado patrol back pedals on bicycle-event limits

The chief of the State Patrol in Colorado is postponing for 12 months a ruling that would have limited bicycle events in the state to 2,500 riders.

After the Bicycle Colorado advocacy group released details of the ruling earlier this week, Chief Mark Trostel came under pressure from cyclists, organizers of bicycle tours and politicians to review his ruling.

At least …

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Five LiveStrong rides planned for 2006

Lance Armstrong may have retired from cycling, but his foundation is working harder than ever — five LiveStrong rides are in the planning stages for 2006.

New cities being talked about for next year include Denver, someplace in the Northeast, possibly Hartford, and a location in Southern California, possibly in Southern California.

The Lance Armstrong Foundation held two rides in …

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Face-to-face on Colorado bike event limits

Three Colorado state legislators will sit down with State Police head Mark Trostel to discuss his order limiting the size of organized bicycle events at 2,500 riders, VeloNews reports.

Not surprisingly, all three legislators are cyclists.

The bike rider cap would kill the 7,000-strong Elephant Rock Bicycle Festival and might prevent some fund-raising rides, such as the Lance Armstrong Foundation's …

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Cyclist dies in Great Victorian bike ride

Tragedy struck the 5,000-strong Great Victorian Bike Ride when a gust of wind forced a cyclist into a passing vehicle.

Deborah Gray, 53, of Mt. Moriac had ridden the charity bike ride for 12 years. The Herald-Sun said Gray died from injuries received in the freak accident on Murray Valley Highway near Echuca.

Harry Barber, general manager of the ride, …

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My 10 biggest goofs on a bike

The Cyclelicious blogger recently wrote about trying to rip off a piece of dangling handlebar tape while riding in a peloton.
I was dumbfounded that someone else had done something that stupid on a bike. It also gave me a great deal of comfort. Misery loves company.
Here's the dumbest things I've done on a bicycle. I'm sure many of you will find …

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Colorado limits bike ride numbers

(UPDATED: Nov. 30)The high sheriffs at the Colorado State Patrol have decreed that organized bike rides will be limited to 2,500 riders.

The Rocky Mountain News reported that State Patrol Chief Mark Trostel is setting the limit for safety. “As our resources are finite in comparison to the levels of those who wish to participate in an event, we cannot safely control …

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Cycling up those hills

So you like to climb the hills on your bike? There are days when I do, too.

Of course, I don't  have a choice. My neighborhood sits at about the 300-foot elevation mark above the lakeside bicycle route that brings me home.

Here are some folks in Pittsburgh, Austin, and Seattle who seek out the big hills. …

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