Category: Bike Touring

Metal Cowboy finishes cross-country bicycle trip with sons

Having two sons, ages 5 and 7, doesn't stop cyclist Joe Kurmaskie from pedaling his bicycle cross-country; he just takes his sons along.

Known as the Metal Cowboy, the author finished a 4,000-mile unsupported bike tour through 17 states from Portland to Washington DC last summer towing his two sons, Quinn and Enzo. Why? He writes in the December issue …

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Father and son's excellent cross-country bike tour

One of the congratulatory emails I received on the anniversary of Biking Bis last week came from Doug in Cincinnati.

At the end of his short message, I followed a link to, where I learned he and his 15-year-old son had ridden their bicycles 3,400 miles cross country from Oregon to Washington DC last summer …

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Bicycle quote: Never give up!

“We had just realized how easy it was to just fly home and how all we had to do was get on a plane or a bus to get on with the trip, so it was really miserable riding. A lot of times, we were just wrestling [with] whether it was still worth it; whether or not we were still having fun and whether or not it was worth it to achieve our goal.” …

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Bicycle touring with a lot of dough or on the cheap

Bicycle touring vacations are going to become more commonplace as the Baby Boomer generation begins to retire.

The Los Angeles Times travel section reports that bicycle touring companies are becoming a growing segment in the travel industry, and many of those companies are online, although …

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Don't bicycle alone on America's loneliest highway

If you like bicycling the wide open spaces, but don't want to risk running out food and water in the desert, One Awesome Tour Bike Ride Across Nevada (OATBRAN) sounds like a good bet.

When I lived in California, I used to pass over Nevada at 30,000 feet heading back East. As I'd gaze out the window, I always wondered …

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New bicycle touring club in Seattle

Looking for a bike ride? Check out the new cycling group in town, the Seattle Bicycle Touring Club.

Even with more than a dozen cycling clubs already in the Seattle area, there's always room for one more.

About six months old and 100 members strong, the Seattle Bicycle Club sponsors at least one ride opportunity a week for beginning, social and intermediate …

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Another cross-country trip for AP reporter

A couple of summers ago, Associated Press Calvin Woodward rode the campaign trail, covering hopefuls for the Democratic presidential nomination.

This past summer he took the TransAmerica Trail, riding his bicycle some 2,000 miles cross-country from Washington DC to Newport Beach, California.

What did he find? Adventure. People with dreams. The solitude of back-country roads. He writes:

One astonishing thing …

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Top bicycle rant of 2005

I prefer my bike trails with as little traffic as possible, like in this picture of the Cedar River Trail east of Renton.

More often as not, though, I find myself on bike paths more like the crowded Burke-Gilman Trail in Seattle with fast cyclists, slow cyclists, people with dogs, groups walking three abreast, rollerbladers… not to mention the occasional cop in the …

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Bicycle quote: Post Christmas ride

“There is no bad weather, just bad clothing. …

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Japanese cyclist gets a roof over his head

When Jun Nakagawa pedaled his bicycle into Lake Isabella region on California, he had no idea someone was watching him.

Darrell Humphrey says he saw the 28-year-old Japanese bicycle tourist pedaling up a canyon road, and when he and his wife spotted him at a campground they asked if he'd like to get out of the weather for a couple …

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